Thank you very much for clarification BUT... I dont want to be rude but what are you relating to with "wont be fixed in trunk" -> you already released a fix??? --- 1.) About this Bug: Please add some clarification what "can't be fixed" and why this bug is marked as "wont fix" if there is already a fix released?!? This bug is basically just about the "Analytic Account" and the "Product Description" not correctly transfered to the generated Purchase Order and it seems that this has been already fixed?!? Isn't it? Why should this fix not be comitted to the stable 6.0 branch - because there are no changes in logic, fields or workflow?!? Please explain this a little more! --- 2.) About my "Workflow" Suggestion: The other thing is was talking about is changing the workflow a little bit. Instead of force generating the Purchase Orders autmatically at the confirmation of the Sales Order i would prefere a button wich creates Purchase Orders at any stage from the sales order! (With no special logic behind it!!! This just saves a lot of typing and unneeded work!!!) : !!! Sales Order and generated Purchase Orders dont have to have any relation to each other! So the generated Purchase Orders would not have to know anything about the original Sales Order wich created them exept that the Sales Order Number should be noted in the "Origin" field of the Purchase Order just like now!!! This is still the same behaviour like it is know because the now generated Purchase Order also knows nothing about the Sales Order! E.g.: I could cancel the Purchase Order at any time and it would not affect my Sales Order in any way: Just like it is know! This button for "Creating Purchase Orders from Sales Orders" would just save a lot of typing since i have to add the Product Description and the Analytic Account for my product lines only once! Now i have to do this twice because first i have to create the Sales Order and then create a Purchase Order with the exact same products, Product Descriptions and Analytic Accounts -> wich is a lot of work just because there is no such button. :( All the functionality is already there! Becaus there is already a transformation wich creates a Purchase Order from a Sales Order - In my opinion only the button is missing for doing it manually instead of the "forced" auto creation after conformation of the Sales Order -> Which in my point of view is useless any way because nothing in the system is checking if anything else is happening to this generated Purchase Order - so the user has to controll / monitor it in any case by him selve! - Wich is totally OK! (ERP should not / doesn't think for me! - It just should save me work and gives me overview!) So rip out the auto creation of the Purchase Order at Sales Order Confirmation (wich is not so clever any way because the generated Purchase Orders do not belong to the Sales Order in any way) and make a button for manual Purchase Order creation! -> So the user can decide when he needs the Purchase Order or create multible Purchase Orders at any time with no double, tripple, quad ;) tipping involved - Seems like the smart way doesn't it? All the other things can simply stay the same so no big deal or? Just remove auto creation and add button! Thanks again for your help and clarification!