Grzegorz, can you send me your 'fixed' account_asset version? I have just been testing the account_asset module to see if it was valid for Spain, and found that it should display a big "work in progress!" poster :( The main ideas of the module seem right, but most options are not implemented or don't work propertly! (you seem to have fixed some of them). I'll send some info about how assets are managed on Spain to the OpenERP's Accounting Experts group. But, now, some answers: > 1. Do you know how "Depr. method type" [Direct, Indirect] should work? It is not implemented in code at all. I think I do: * Direct => Just as it currently is doing: The depreciation is computed against the asset account. The residual value of the asset is directly the value of its asset account. * Indirect => Just as needed on Spain: The depreciation is computed against an expenses account (the asset account remains untouched). The residual value of the asset is the value of its asset account minus the value of its depreciation account. > 2. Do you know how "Time method" [Delay, Ending period] should work? It is not implemented in code at all. Again I think I do: * With "Delay" method, the amortization should be done after the a given period of time, * With "Ending period" it should be done on the last day of the fiscal year For example you bought an asset on September with a yearly amortization and a life expectancy of 5 years: * Delay: On some countries you may amortize it on the same day of September of the next year (and September of the next years). Every year you would * Ending: On other countries (like Spain) you must amortize it on the 31th of December of the same year, and on every 31th of December after that date. > 3. Do you know how "Close method" button should work? It is not implemented in code. Maybe it was intended to mark the asset as 'no longer active/valid'. I mean, imagine that your asset is a car and you sell it: You no longer want to see it within your 'current' assets, nor you need to calculate it's depreciation. > 4. I want to add another method needed in PL named "Degressive". Will work similar to Progressive but period depreciations will be equal across each year (as 12 months). Should I add such functionality to this module or it should be a part of future separate PL localization module (localization project)? I prefer to add it to current module because: a). maybe some other country will use it, b). I and anyone else will be interested to improve this module in general (otherwise I would prefere to improve separate module only). That method is one of the used on Spain. So I think it should be implemented on the base. We currently have four methods (though I think only the first two are widely used): - "Método lineal o de cuotas fijas" => "Linear method or with fixed amounts" Similar to your degresive method (same quantity each year). Note: On Spain there are (very detailed) tables with the legal values to use on this method for each kind of asset (max amortization period, max quantity to amortize per period). - "Método del tanto fijo sobre una base amortizable decreciente" => "Method of the fixed percent over an decreasing amortizable quantity" => Same percent every year - "Método de los números dígitos" => "Method of the digit numbers" => You pay a diferent quantity based on the number of the year (for example if the asset has a life expectancy of six years you might amortize 6000, 5000, 4000... 1000 each of the years; or 1000, 2000, ..., 6000) - "Método de la cuota de amortización constante por unidad de productos elaborada" => "Method of the fixed amortization amount by unit of product made" => Used for machinery that makes goods (imagine that you need to change it every 10000 items), you calculate how many goods you expect to create with that machine over its full life, and each year you amortize an amount proportional to the goods created that year. > 5. I want add "Asset Category" selection in "Compute Assets" wizard. Otherwise it is no functionality for Asset category. Good idea. > 6. Do you think it should be a list of selected assets in "Compute Assets" BEFORE computing and posting with possibility to cancel whole action or cancel some assets from that calculation? I think we should show use a form with a many2many widget to let the user select the assets he wants to compute. It would then 'precalculate' the assets and show the user a preview of the calculated values for the assets (show the future value, residual value, amortization/depreciation quantity...); and only when the user has confirmed this screen, create the accounting entries and update the real asset values. > In current functionality one asset can have few depreciation methods. Why? Is it really needed? On Spain we can only have a single 'accounting amortization/depreciation method' like you would expect; but... we have a 'fiscal amortization/depreciation method' too! Maybe the original author was trying to implement something like this. You may now be thinking: 'fiscal amortization method... WTF!' The accounting amortization method is the one used on the company accounting to track the value of its assets. The fiscal amortization method is the one used to calculate the taxes you have to pay based on your yearly profit. I don't really understand this mess (I'm not accountant) but it seems that sometimes is more interesting to amortize sooner an asset on the fiscal side, to declare less benefits that fiscal year, and so you have to pay less taxes... but on the accounting side you may want to amortize it on a longer term (based on its real life expectancy) so you know the real value of the assets... Nasty, isn't it? So yes: On Spain we may need more than one amortization methods, cause the asset may have one value on the fiscal side and another value on the accounting side, but not all the amortization methods may create accounting entries!