Hello Amit I can't reproduce on my test environment because accounts are not properly set up. So I'll take screenshots and black out where necessary. So first I created a voucher with no partner (supplier). (see screenshot 1) I then importet this voucher to the bank reconsiliation and got the descirbed error. (No screenshot available) Only after I added (on the bank statement screen) a partner to the line (see screenshot 2), I could process the bank satement successfully. I hope this helps clarify... Best David [image: Inline-Bild 1] [image: Inline-Bild 3] *Mit freundlichen Grüßen* David Arnold B.A. HSG Geschäftsführer DresMed UG (haftungsbeschränkt)* *Merowingerstr. 24a 82166 Gräfelfing T +41 77 415 2412 E