gewen, even i think it is more complicated. We lost an important feature. In the past you invoice to partners, and set the fiscal address (right ?) And you had a Tree structure of partners con consolidate some thing (this structure didn't make anything in the past, but data was there) Now, We lost several Fiscal Addresses for a partner. And The tree Structure. What happen with our 100% of customers that use this feature for: Make Reports?. Make Electronic Invoices?. I think the new approach, take off several IMPORTANT data estructures issues than will make impossible all our migration process. AND, we lost a lot of functionalities, that are ready managed in older versions, What i can see is that Fabien is pushing to just one way, looks like QuickBooks.! People of R&D did you almost made a Matrix if impact of this change? I am so so so afraid and Raphael was right, sorry! we have a serious issue here. I find 3 problems per hour even with Odony solution proposed. 2013/4/9 Guewen Baconnier @ Camptocamp