The Right technical Solution were. Hide the contact_id, to be used as QuickBooks.... and all is ready, not change ALL the way to do things, The correct solution my friend is... Improve your work, not brake it because the world say another thing.... Be the best is not copy good and bad things, is copy good ones AND change the world.... Dont give me an example like this, when it is clearly braking A LOT of features that we already are using, This is like buy a New car without windows, because majority people close them in cold enviroments... Sorry men. Sorry... But IMHO this is one of the worst change i ever seen in this world. SAP use not 2 use something like 5 contacts.... Dont compare with QuickBooks Again please, i can list something like 1000 features with OpenERP 6.1 i can make than with This tools you mentioned i will neve be able to do. Sorry Again, Sorry, I am now at my 2:00 am in the morning almost crazy seeing ALL the work i have because you without consult us before decide sell us QUICK BOOKS..... LOrd.................. 2013/4/9 Fabien (Open ERP)