Ana, Thanks for taking the time to test the proposition. I put some explanations bellow. On 12/04/13 22:40, Ana Juaristi Olalde wrote: > OK... Testing as asked by Fabien in Runbot. > > Sale order: > Customer ACME Company Walt disney studios 444444444 Orlando, FL 33333 United States > Invoice Address John Doe for Acme Company (ACME Company) John Doe Home Address 3838383838 Myhome, FL 2222 United States > Delivery Address Agrolait 69 rue de Namur 1300 Wavre Belgium I checked your record on runbot. You did two mistakes as shown in the screenshot in attachment: - no need to write "John Doe for ACME" in the name as ACME is always linked to John Doe - you can not write the Home address in the field address of "John Doe, ACME". "John Doe, ACME"'s data must be the data of John Doe at ACME: