Fabien... For sure we will do that and give you feedback. But... Even if I would like to be mistaken, this is my point... We DO need an ERP, ok? An ERP main object always is Legal Entity. Everything in an ERP is related to Legal Entity, begining from Purchases, pickins, invoices, accounting, and... even Claims or Opportunities are related to a Partner/Company whatever you want to name it. You only need contacts or addresses for communications, nothing more and even, if you try setting a contact somewhere, this contact can change for several reasons inside a Company as I told before (Hired, hollidays, fired, died... ). Contact is not UNIQUE inside a company even a single contact could be related to different companies. Contacts can be changed one with other but legal entity never change. It's always the same. It's UNIQUE always even if you can set different hierarchies between them. So... when modeling an IT system if focus is not correct, everything will go wrong. On the other side, what you did is not another version but another ERP with a different focus different granularity, so on this case, i think it will be quite difficult trying to cover all possible impacts and hidden consecuences in a short time. That's my point and I say again: I wish I'm mistaken. Thank you again. Ana 2013/4/12 Fabien (Open ERP)