Bad table of contents from MARC record

Bug #375522 reported by Edward Betts
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Open Library

Bug Description has this table of contents:

     al-juzʾ 1.
    al-juzʾ 1. -- al-juzʾ 2.
    al-juzʾ 1. -- al-juzʾ 2. -- al-juzʾ 3.
    al-juzʾ 1. -- al-juzʾ 2. -- al-juzʾ 3. -- al-juzʾ 4.
    al-juzʾ 1. -- al-juzʾ 2. -- al-juzʾ 3. -- al-juzʾ 4. -- al-juzʾ 5.
    al-juzʾ 1. -- al-juzʾ 2. -- al-juzʾ 3. -- al-juzʾ 4. -- al-juzʾ 5. -- al-juzʾ 6.
    al-juzʾ 1. -- al-juzʾ 2. -- al-juzʾ 3. -- al-juzʾ 4. -- al-juzʾ 5. -- al-juzʾ 6. -- [al-juzʾ 7].
    al-juzʾ 1.-- al-juzʾ 2.-- al-juzʾ 3.-- al-juzʾ 4.-- al-juzʾ 5.-- al-juzʾ 6.-- [al-juzʾ 7].-- iʻdād Riyāḍ ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Murād ; taqdīm Maḥmūd al-Arnāʾūṭ.

This is wrong. It is missing the 't' subfields, which contain the title from the source record:

This is a multi-volume work. I need to investigate.

Tags: marc
tags: added: marc
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