support links to purchase, buy books

Bug #314963 reported by Aaron Swartz
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Open Library

Bug Description

Many people write in saying they have their own sites where you can browse or buy a book but there's no way for them to add this information to the Open Library record. Please add two URL fields for this.

When this is working, please update:


Aaron Swartz (aaronsw)
Changed in openlibrary:
assignee: nobody → anandology
importance: Undecided → High
status: New → Confirmed
description: updated
Revision history for this message
Edward Betts (edwardbetts) wrote :

Does this need integration with book server?

Changed in openlibrary:
assignee: Anand Chitipothu (anandology) → nobody
Revision history for this message
George (george-archive) wrote :

Yes and no.

The idea here is that there will be two places that people can add connections from our records to buy/borrow/download etc.

1) Ad-Hoc links from Works to anywhere on the web, with a label that might read "Downloadable version of BookName" - you would add links like this from the Add/Edit Work screen: These links would be "unofficial"

2) Per edition, we'll also have a list of IDs to other sites, some of which we can link up to edition pages elsewhere. As this list grows, more and more options will become available, and some of these links might connect with pages where you can actually buy the book, or download it

3) Per edition, the "official" Read/Borrow/Buy chunk in the top right on a page like this - - would be "live" and feeding off BookServer info. So, when anyone hits any edition, we are able to give them a "real-time" representation of any feeds that we've aggregated via BookServer.

*****But***** Brewster directed me yesterday that BookServer integration is no longer a priority for the Upstream launch which we need to get online by the end of the year. So, for the Read/Borrow/Buy section on an edition page, we'll just stick with the current offerings we have, which are:

* Internet Archive, bookreader
* Google Books, partial/full view

* Worldcat
* (Potentially) LibraryThing's Local Book Search function
* BookMooch

* Amazon
* Abebooks
* Alibris
* Barnes and Noble
* Powells

* We should remove the "Browse" section and move those things up into "Read"

Revision history for this message
George (george-archive) wrote :

So, in the initial report, that sort of link could be added at the Work level, unless that org is sending out a BookServer feed that we can aggregate (next year).

Changed in openlibrary:
importance: High → Medium
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