Hi, got a similar problem: OpenERp 5.0 on WinXP new install. Minimal Config + project related modules + hr related modules + product modules + account modules and a base uk CoA When going to Products > Configuration > Product Categories > New then: + on the client -> cannot save anything + on the web client -> crash with following error: ============================================================================================ Python 2.5.4: C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\python.exe Thu Feb 26 17:33:34 2009 A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred. C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\cherrypy-2.3.0-py2.5.egg\cherrypy\_cphttptools.py in _run(self=) 119 applyFilters('before_main') 120 if self.execute_main: 121 self.main() 122 break 123 except cherrypy.InternalRedirect, ir: self = , self.main = > C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\cherrypy-2.3.0-py2.5.egg\cherrypy\_cphttptools.py in main(self=, path='/form/edit') 262 self.object_path = '/' + '/'.join(object_path[1:]) 263 try: 264 body = page_handler(*virtual_path, **self.params) 265 except Exception, x: 266 if hasattr(x, "args"): body undefined, page_handler = , virtual_path = [], self = , self.params = {'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'model': u'product.category', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\tinyres.py in wrapper(*args=(), **kw={'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'model': u'product.category', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...}) 87 # User is logged in; allow access 88 clear_login_fields(kw) 89 return fn(*args, **kw) 90 else: 91 # User isn't logged in yet. fn = >, args = (), kw = {'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'model': u'product.category', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\ in edit(self=, model=u'product.category', id=u'False', ids=u'None', view_ids=u'[152, False]', view_mode=u"[u'tree', u'form']", source=None, domain=u'[]', context=u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", offset=u'0', limit=u'80', count=u'0', search_domain=u'None', *_decorator__varargs=(), **_decorator__kwargs={}) C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\controllers.py in expose(func=, *args=(, u'product.category'), **kw={'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...}) 358 output = database.run_with_transaction( 359 func._expose, func, accept, func._allow_json, 360 *args, **kw) 361 return output 362 func.exposed = True args = (, u'product.category'), kw = {'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\ in run_with_transaction(func=, *args=(, 'text/html', True, , u'product.category'), **kw={'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...}) C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\database.py in so_rwt(func=, *args=(, 'text/html', True, , u'product.category'), **kw={'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...}) 357 try: 358 try: 359 retval = func(*args, **kw) 360 commit_all() 361 return retval retval undefined, func = , args = (, 'text/html', True, , u'product.category'), kw = {'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\ in _expose(func=, accept='text/html', allow_json=True, *args=(, u'product.category'), **kw={'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...}) C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\controllers.py in (_func=, accept='text/html', allow_json=True, *args=(, u'product.category'), **kw={'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...}) 371 rulefunc = lambda _func, accept, allow_json, *args, **kw: 372 _execute_func(_func, template, format, content_type, 373 mapping, fragment, args, kw))) 374 375 if allow_json: mapping = None, fragment = False, args = (, u'product.category'), kw = {'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\controllers.py in _execute_func(func=, template='json', format=None, content_type=None, mapping=None, fragment=False, args=(, u'product.category'), kw={'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...}) 408 # this means big memory usage, and we don't want that in production 409 log.debug("Calling %s with *(%s), **(%s)", func, args, kw) 410 output = errorhandling.try_call(func, *args, **kw) 411 if isinstance(output, list): 412 return output output undefined, global errorhandling = , errorhandling.try_call = , func = , args = (, u'product.category'), kw = {'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\errorhandling.py in try_call(func=, self=, *args=(u'product.category',), **kw={'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...}) 75 from turbogears.database import restart_transaction 76 try: 77 return func(self, *args, **kw) 78 except Exception, e: 79 if isinstance(e, cherrypy.HTTPRedirect) or \ func = , self = , args = (u'product.category',), kw = {'context': u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", 'count': u'0', 'domain': u'[]', 'id': u'False', 'ids': u'None', 'limit': u'80', 'offset': u'0', 'search_domain': u'None', 'source': None, 'view_ids': u'[152, False]', ...} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\subcontrollers\form.py in edit(self=, model=u'product.category', id=u'False', ids=u'None', view_ids=u'[152, False]', view_mode=u"[u'tree', u'form']", source=None, domain=u'[]', context=u"{'_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_i...3], '_terp_target': u'current', 'active_id': 133}", offset=u'0', limit=u'80', count=u'0', search_domain=u'None') 293 params[params.source] = current 294 295 return self.create(params) 296 297 @expose() self = , self.create = , params = {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\tinyres.py in wrapper(*args=({'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]},), **kw={}) 87 # User is logged in; allow access 88 clear_login_fields(kw) 89 return fn(*args, **kw) 90 else: 91 # User isn't logged in yet. fn = >, args = ({'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]},), kw = {} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\ in create(self=, params={'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}, tg_errors=None, *_decorator__varargs=(), **_decorator__kwargs={}) C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\controllers.py in expose(func=, *args=(, {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}), **kw={'tg_errors': None}) 353 if hasattr(request, "in_transaction"): 354 output = func._expose(func, accept, func._allow_json, 355 *args, **kw) 356 else: 357 request.in_transaction = True args = (, {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}), kw = {'tg_errors': None} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\ in _expose(func=, accept='text/html', allow_json=False, *args=(, {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}), **kw={'tg_errors': None}) C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\controllers.py in (_func=, accept='text/html', allow_json=False, *args=(, {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}), **kw={'tg_errors': None}) 371 rulefunc = lambda _func, accept, allow_json, *args, **kw: 372 _execute_func(_func, template, format, content_type, 373 mapping, fragment, args, kw))) 374 375 if allow_json: mapping = None, fragment = False, args = (, {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}), kw = {'tg_errors': None} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\controllers.py in _execute_func(func=, template='openerp.subcontrollers.templates.form', format=None, content_type=None, mapping=None, fragment=False, args=(, {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}), kw={'tg_errors': None}) 408 # this means big memory usage, and we don't want that in production 409 log.debug("Calling %s with *(%s), **(%s)", func, args, kw) 410 output = errorhandling.try_call(func, *args, **kw) 411 if isinstance(output, list): 412 return output output undefined, global errorhandling = , errorhandling.try_call = , func = , args = (, {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}), kw = {'tg_errors': None} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\errorhandling.py in try_call(func=, self=, *args=({'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]},), **kw={}) 75 from turbogears.database import restart_transaction 76 try: 77 return func(self, *args, **kw) 78 except Exception, e: 79 if isinstance(e, cherrypy.HTTPRedirect) or \ func = , self = , args = ({'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]},), kw = {} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\subcontrollers\form.py in create(self=, params={'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}, tg_errors=None) 200 params.editable = True 201 202 form = self.create_form(params, tg_errors) 203 204 if not tg_errors: form undefined, self = , self.create_form = >, params = {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}, tg_errors = None C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\subcontrollers\form.py in create_form(self=, params={'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}, tg_errors=None) 190 params.view_type = params.view_type or params.view_mode[0] 191 192 return tw.form_view.ViewForm(params, name="view_form", action="/form/save") 193 194 @expose(template="openerp.subcontrollers.templates.form") global tw = , tw.form_view = , tw.form_view.ViewForm = , params = {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}, name undefined, action undefined C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\widgets\meta.py in widget_init(self=ViewForm(name='view_form', limit=None, offset=No...text=None, disabled_fields=set([]), convert=True), *args=({'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]},), **kw={'action': '/form/save', 'name': 'view_form'}) 143 validator_dict = None 144 # Execute the decorated __init__ method 145 func(self, *args, **kw) 146 try: 147 self.__initstack.pop() func = , self = ViewForm(name='view_form', limit=None, offset=No...text=None, disabled_fields=set([]), convert=True), args = ({'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]},), kw = {'action': '/form/save', 'name': 'view_form'} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\form_view.py in __init__(self=ViewForm(name='view_form', limit=None, offset=No...text=None, disabled_fields=set([]), convert=True), params={'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}, **kw={'action': '/form/save', 'name': 'view_form'}) 69 70 self.screen = Screen(prefix='', hastoolbar=True, editable=editable, readonly=readonly, 71 selectable=params.selectable or 2) 72 73 self.sidebar = Sidebar(self.screen.model, self.screen.toolbar, self.screen.id, selectable undefined, params = {'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}, params.selectable = None C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\widgets\meta.py in widget_init(self=Screen(name='', model=u'product.category', state..., 'active_id': 133}, limit=80, offset=0, count=0), *args=(), **kw={'editable': True, 'hastoolbar': True, 'prefix': '', 'readonly': False, 'selectable': 2}) 143 validator_dict = None 144 # Execute the decorated __init__ method 145 func(self, *args, **kw) 146 try: 147 self.__initstack.pop() func = , self = Screen(name='', model=u'product.category', state..., 'active_id': 133}, limit=80, offset=0, count=0), args = (), kw = {'editable': True, 'hastoolbar': True, 'prefix': '', 'readonly': False, 'selectable': 2} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\screen.py in __init__(self=Screen(name='', model=u'product.category', state..., 'active_id': 133}, limit=80, offset=0, count=0), params={'_terp_view_type': 'form', '_terp_offset': 0, '...active_id': 133}, '_terp_view_ids': [152, False]}, prefix='', name='', views_preloaded={}, hastoolbar=True, editable=True, readonly=False, selectable=2, nolinks=1) 125 126 if self.view_mode: 127 self.add_view_id(self.view_id, self.view_type) 128 129 def add_view_id(self, view_id, view_type): self = Screen(name='', model=u'product.category', state..., 'active_id': 133}, limit=80, offset=0, count=0), self.add_view_id = , self.view_id = 151, self.view_type = 'form' C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\screen.py in add_view_id(self=Screen(name='', model=u'product.category', state..., 'active_id': 133}, limit=80, offset=0, count=0), view_id=False, view_type='form') 139 view = cache.fields_view_get(self.model, view_id, view_type, ctx, self.hastoolbar) 140 141 self.add_view(view, view_type) 142 143 def add_view(self, view, view_type='form'): self = Screen(name='', model=u'product.category', state..., 'active_id': 133}, limit=80, offset=0, count=0), self.add_view = , view = {'arch': u'\n
', 'field_parent': False, 'fields': {'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, 'model': u'product.category', 'name': u'product.category.form', 'toolbar': {'action': [], 'print': [], 'relate': []}, 'type': u'form', 'view_id': 151}, view_type = 'form' C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\screen.py in add_view(self=Screen(name='', model=u'product.category', state..., 'active_id': 133}, limit=80, offset=0, count=0), view={'arch': u'\n
', 'field_parent': False, 'fields': {'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, 'model': u'product.category', 'name': u'product.category.form', 'toolbar': {'action': [], 'print': [], 'relate': []}, 'type': u'form', 'view_id': 151}, view_type='form') 154 editable=self.editable, 155 readonly=self.readonly, 156 nodefault=self.nodefault, nolinks=self.link) 157 158 if not self.ids: nodefault undefined, self = Screen(name='', model=u'product.category', state..., 'active_id': 133}, limit=80, offset=0, count=0), self.nodefault = False, nolinks undefined, self.link = 1 C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\turbogears-1.0.8-py2.5.egg\turbogears\widgets\meta.py in widget_init(self=Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), *args=(), **kw={'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'ids': [], 'model': u'product.category', 'nodefault': False, 'nolinks': 1, 'prefix': '', 'readonly': False, 'view': {'arch': u'\n
', 'field_parent': False, 'fields': {'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, 'model': u'product.category', 'name': u'product.category.form', 'toolbar': {'action': [], 'print': [], 'relate': []}, 'type': u'form', 'view_id': 151}}) 143 validator_dict = None 144 # Execute the decorated __init__ method 145 func(self, *args, **kw) 146 try: 147 self.__initstack.pop() func = , self = Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), args = (), kw = {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'ids': [], 'model': u'product.category', 'nodefault': False, 'nolinks': 1, 'prefix': '', 'readonly': False, 'view': {'arch': u'\n
', 'field_parent': False, 'fields': {'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, 'model': u'product.category', 'name': u'product.category.form', 'toolbar': {'action': [], 'print': [], 'relate': []}, 'type': u'form', 'view_id': 151}} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\form.py in __init__(self=Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), prefix='', model=u'product.category', view={'arch': u'\n
', 'field_parent': False, 'fields': {'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, 'model': u'product.category', 'name': u'product.category.form', 'toolbar': {'action': [], 'print': [], 'relate': []}, 'type': u'form', 'view_id': 151}, ids=[], domain=[], context={'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, editable=True, readonly=False, nodefault=False, nolinks=1) 760 761 self.view_fields = [] 762 self.frame = self.parse(prefix, dom, fields, values)[0] 763 self.concurrency_info = ConcurrencyInfo(self.model, [self.id]) 764 self = Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), self.frame = None, self.parse = , prefix = '', dom = , fields = {'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, values = {'property_account_expense_categ': 42, 'property_account_income_categ': 38, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': False, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': False, 'property_stock_journal': 1} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\form.py in parse(self=Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), prefix='', root=, fields={'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, values={'property_account_expense_categ': 42, 'property_account_income_categ': 38, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': False, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': False, 'property_stock_journal': 1}) 808 809 elif node.localName == 'form': 810 n = self.parse(prefix=prefix, root=node, fields=fields, values=values) 811 views += [Frame(attrs, n)] 812 n undefined, self = Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), self.parse = , prefix = '', root = , node = , fields = {'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, values = {'property_account_expense_categ': 42, 'property_account_income_categ': 38, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': False, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': False, 'property_stock_journal': 1} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\form.py in parse(self=Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), prefix='', root=, fields={'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, values={'property_account_expense_categ': 42, 'property_account_income_categ': 38, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': False, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': False, 'property_stock_journal': 1}) 822 823 elif node.localName=='group': 824 n = self.parse(prefix=prefix, root=node, fields=fields, values=values) 825 views += [Group(attrs, n)] 826 n undefined, self = Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), self.parse = , prefix = '', root = , node = , fields = {'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, values = {'property_account_expense_categ': 42, 'property_account_income_categ': 38, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': False, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': False, 'property_stock_journal': 1} C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\form.py in parse(self=Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), prefix='', root=, fields={'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, values={'property_account_expense_categ': 42, 'property_account_income_categ': 38, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': False, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': False, 'property_stock_journal': 1}) 852 self.view_fields.append(name) 853 854 field = self._make_field_widget(fields[name], values.get(name)) 855 views += [field] 856 field undefined, self = Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), self._make_field_widget = , fields = {'name': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'name', 'prefix': '', 'required': True, u'select': u'1', 'size': 64, 'state': None, ...}, 'parent_id': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'parent_id', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'product.category', 'select': True, 'state': None, ...}, 'property_account_expense_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value outgoing stock for the current product category', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Expense Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_account_income_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the input stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Input Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This account will be used to value the output stock', 'relation': u'account.account', 'string': u'Stock Output Account', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'property_stock_journal': {'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'help': u'This journal will be used for the accounting move generated by stock move', 'relation': u'account.journal', 'string': u'Stock journal', 'type': u'many2one', 'views': {}}, 'sequence': {'context': {'_terp_target': u'current', '_view_name': u'Products Categories', 'active_id': 133, 'active_ids': [133]}, 'editable': True, 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'sequence', 'prefix': '', 'state': None, 'string': u'Sequence', 'type': u'integer', 'value': None}}, name = u'property_account_income_categ', values = {'property_account_expense_categ': 42, 'property_account_income_categ': 38, 'property_stock_account_input_categ': False, 'property_stock_account_output_categ': False, 'property_stock_journal': 1}, values.get = C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\form.py in _make_field_widget(self=Form(name='', id=None, model=u'product.category'), attrs={'context': u'', 'domain': [], 'editable': True, 'help': u'This account will be used to value incoming stock for the current product category', 'link': 1, 'model': u'product.category', u'name': u'property_account_income_categ', 'prefix': '', 'relation': u'account.account', 'state': None, ...}, value=38) 905 906 if isinstance(field, TinyInputWidget): 907 field.set_value(value) 908 909 # update the record data field = M2O(name=u'property_account_income_categ', relat... field_class='m2o', css_classes=[], convert=True), field.set_value = , value = 38 C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\many2one.py in set_value(self=M2O(name=u'property_account_income_categ', relat... field_class='m2o', css_classes=[], convert=True), value=38) 81 else: 82 self.default = value 83 self.text = get_name(self.relation, self.default) 84 85 def update_params(self, d): self = M2O(name=u'property_account_income_categ', relat... field_class='m2o', css_classes=[], convert=True), self.text = None, global get_name = , self.relation = u'account.account', self.default = 38 C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne\Web\python25\lib\site-packages\openerp_web-5.0.0_3-py2.5.egg\openerp\widgets\many2one.py in get_name(model=u'account.account', id=38) 51 name = _("== Access Denied ==") 52 except Exception, e: 53 raise e 54 55 return name e = IndexError('list index out of range', ) : ('list index out of range', ) args = ('list index out of range', ) message = 'list index out of range' ============================================================================================ Help!