As you mentionned, this issue is very hard to debug. It took me a while to figure out what was happening, and that this bug was causing my troubles. It prevents devstack + contrail-installer from working out of the box: log files are present but not writeable, thus vnc_openstack will not fail to initialize, but logging will raise during exception handling in _resync_domains_projects_forever: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/stack/contrail/controller/src/config/vnc_openstack/vnc_openstack/", line 509, in _resync_domains_projects_forever retry = self._resync_all_projects() File "/opt/stack/contrail/controller/src/config/vnc_openstack/vnc_openstack/", line 427, in _resync_all_projects self._get_keystone_conn() File "/opt/stack/contrail/controller/src/config/vnc_openstack/vnc_openstack/", line 160, in _ksv2_get_conn insecure=self._insecure) File "/opt/stack/python-keystoneclient/keystoneclient/v2_0/", line 147, in __init__ self.authenticate() File "/opt/stack/python-keystoneclient/keystoneclient/", line 318, in inner return func(*args, **kwargs) File "/opt/stack/python-keystoneclient/keystoneclient/", line 425, in authenticate resp = self.get_raw_token_from_identity_service(**kwargs) File "/opt/stack/python-keystoneclient/keystoneclient/v2_0/", line 190, in get_raw_token_from_identity_service "%s" % e) AuthorizationFailure: Authorization Failed: Unable to establish connection to As a consequence self._ks will never be reset to None (self._ks = keystoneclient.openstack.common.apiclient.exceptions.AuthorizationFailure), and neutron api will stay stuck even if keystone becomes available.: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/stack/contrail/controller/src/config/vnc_openstack/vnc_openstack/", line 146, in plugin_create_network net_info = cfgdb.network_create(network['resource']) File "/opt/stack/contrail/controller/src/config/vnc_openstack/vnc_openstack/", line 2067, in network_create net_obj = self._network_neutron_to_vnc(network_q, CREATE) File "/opt/stack/contrail/controller/src/config/vnc_openstack/vnc_openstack/", line 1107, in _network_neutron_to_vnc project_obj = self._project_read(proj_id=project_id) File "/opt/stack/contrail/controller/src/config/vnc_openstack/vnc_openstack/", line 203, in _project_read proj_obj = self._vnc_lib.project_read(id=proj_id, fq_name=fq_name) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vnc_api/gen/", line 4990, in project_read content = self._request_server(rest.OP_GET, uri, query_params) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vnc_api/", line 366, in _request_server % (op, url, data, content)) NoIdError: Unknown id: Error: oper 2 url /project/9fc74e34-8b83-4484-b476-cde62cf447f9 body {'exclude_back_refs': True, 'exclude_children': True} response No project object found for id 9fc74e34-8b83-4484-b476-cde62cf447f9 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 862, in _handle return**args) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 1729, in wrapper rv = callback(*a, **ka) File "/opt/stack/contrail/controller/src/config/vnc_openstack/vnc_openstack/", line 221, in plugin_http_post_network return self.plugin_create_network(context, network) File "/opt/stack/contrail/controller/src/config/vnc_openstack/vnc_openstack/", line 150, in plugin_create_network raise e NoIdError: Unknown id: Error: oper 2 url /project/9fc74e34-8b83-4484-b476-cde62cf447f9 body {'exclude_back_refs': True, 'exclude_children': True} response No project object found for id 9fc74e34-8b83-4484-b476-cde62cf447f9 - - [2014-10-17 00:00:44] "POST /neutron/network HTTP/1.1" 500 156 0.016092 Since it is staging for a while and quite annoying, i may propose a fix for this bug. While digging around this bug, it looks like that log permission is not the only issue, _ks is not very well managed, maybe should it be managed by_get_keystone_conn()?