Did any other sections like NOVA etc change as well? Should all instances of endpoint_type be removed from octavia or just Neutron? I updated all sections to use the new monikers in one attempt and only [neutron] updated in the second attempt. As it complained about the below, I tried to update [glance], [nova] [cinder] and still it gives me the same ? It got further but seemingly broke on the other services it needs regardless of the above approaches. [image: image.png] ==> /var/log/kolla/octavia/octavia-worker.log <== 2024-02-01 12:12:56.958 731 WARNING octavia.common.base_taskflow [-] Task 'STANDALONE-octavia-create-amp-for-lb-subflow-octavia-amp-compute-connectivity-wait' (1747f037-6b94-448b-98f5-e2fad599f03d) transitioned into state 'REVERTED' from state 'REVERTING' 2024-02-01 12:12:57.134 731 WARNING octavia.amphorae.drivers.haproxy.rest_api_driver [-] Could not connect to instance. Retrying.: requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=9443): Max retries exceeded with url: // (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused')) ==> /var/log/kolla/octavia/octavia-api-access.log <== 2024-02-01 12:12:32.207 733 WARNING openstack [None req-1ee9dfa6-a33d-4550-951a-d05260daa944 - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'block-storage': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'cinder' (service type 'block-storage'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [cinder]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [cinder] 2024-02-01 12:12:32.208 733 WARNING openstack [None req-1ee9dfa6-a33d-4550-951a-d05260daa944 - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'compute': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'nova' (service type 'compute'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [nova]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [nova] 2024-02-01 12:12:32.208 733 WARNING openstack [None req-1ee9dfa6-a33d-4550-951a-d05260daa944 - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'image': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'glance' (service type 'image'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [glance]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [glance] 2024-02-01 12:12:32.242 736 WARNING openstack [None req-5bb468c8-0f06-4351-ab5f-4b5754d62775 - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'block-storage': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'cinder' (service type 'block-storage'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [cinder]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [cinder] 2024-02-01 12:12:32.242 736 WARNING openstack [None req-5bb468c8-0f06-4351-ab5f-4b5754d62775 - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'compute': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'nova' (service type 'compute'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [nova]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [nova] 2024-02-01 12:12:32.242 736 WARNING openstack [None req-5bb468c8-0f06-4351-ab5f-4b5754d62775 - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'image': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'glance' (service type 'image'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [glance]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [glance] 2024-02-01 12:12:32.917 733 INFO octavia.api.drivers.amphora_driver.v2.driver [None req-1ee9dfa6-a33d-4550-951a-d05260daa944 - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Amphora provider created VIP port 94aa1bdc-a3f5-422b-a4af-7a72a2696175 for load balancer 127ec943-3ac6-46c0-b9ec-eca28aafaed4. 2024-02-01 12:12:32.921 733 INFO octavia.api.v2.controllers.load_balancer [None req-1ee9dfa6-a33d-4550-951a-d05260daa944 - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Sending create Load Balancer 127ec943-3ac6-46c0-b9ec-eca28aafaed4 to provider amphora Additional Info ==> /var/log/kolla/octavia/octavia-api.log <== 2024-02-01 12:14:11.449 736 WARNING openstack [None req-3db6d72d-420c-47e0-9420-7ef25282058e - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'block-storage': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'cinder' (service type 'block-storage'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [cinder]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [cinder] 2024-02-01 12:14:11.450 736 WARNING openstack [None req-3db6d72d-420c-47e0-9420-7ef25282058e - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'compute': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'nova' (service type 'compute'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [nova]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [nova] 2024-02-01 12:14:11.451 736 WARNING openstack [None req-3db6d72d-420c-47e0-9420-7ef25282058e - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'image': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'glance' (service type 'image'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [glance]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [glance] 2024-02-01 12:14:11.625 736 INFO octavia.api.v2.controllers.member [None req-3db6d72d-420c-47e0-9420-7ef25282058e - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Sending create Member b385a83d-8f36-4a0d-b801-199351b3172b to provider amphora ==> /var/log/kolla/octavia/octavia-worker.log <== 2024-02-01 12:14:11.684 731 INFO octavia.controller.queue.v2.endpoints [-] Creating member 'b385a83d-8f36-4a0d-b801-199351b3172b'... ==> /var/log/kolla/octavia/octavia-api-access.log <== - - [01/Feb/2024:12:14:11 -0500] "POST /v2.0/lbaas/pools/b1d75929-cfdc-4f7e-92b2-f5b38ef5be4c/members HTTP/1.1" 201 513 619189 "-" "heat-engine keystoneauth1/5.3.0 python-requests/2.28.2 CPython/3.10.12" - - [01/Feb/2024:12:14:11 -0500] "GET /v2.0/lbaas/pools/b1d75929-cfdc-4f7e-92b2-f5b38ef5be4c/members/b385a83d-8f36-4a0d-b801-199351b3172b HTTP/1.1" 200 513 95692 "-" "heat-engine keystoneauth1/5.3.0 python-requests/2.28.2 CPython/3.10.12" ==> /var/log/kolla/octavia/octavia-api.log <== 2024-02-01 12:14:12.309 735 WARNING openstack [None req-8dfeb88b-3ce9-46e7-bebf-01079cc1819b - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'block-storage': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'cinder' (service type 'block-storage'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [cinder]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [cinder] 2024-02-01 12:14:12.310 735 WARNING openstack [None req-8dfeb88b-3ce9-46e7-bebf-01079cc1819b - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'compute': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'nova' (service type 'compute'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [nova]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [nova] 2024-02-01 12:14:12.311 735 WARNING openstack [None req-8dfeb88b-3ce9-46e7-bebf-01079cc1819b - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Disabling service 'image': Encountered an exception attempting to process config for project 'glance' (service type 'image'): no such option valid_interfaces in group [glance]: oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option valid_interfaces in group [glance] 2024-02-01 12:14:12.495 735 INFO octavia.api.v2.controllers.member [None req-8dfeb88b-3ce9-46e7-bebf-01079cc1819b - e5b9296fbd9e4d9ea5e925780c64690f - - default default] Sending create Member 7cd72bca-c140-4ab0-a081-7c8db5b94033 to provider amphora ᐧ On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 4:08 AM Gregory Thiemonge