Même soucis mais avec le commutateur now mon tag n'est pas pris en compte il n'est pas écrit dans admininfo.conf ocspackage.log ocspackage.exe_:_******************************************************** ocspackage.exe_:_Starting Ocspackager on 05/08/2011 at 9:34:12 ocspackage.exe_:_Contents: OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe v2.0.0.20 ocspackage.exe_:_Temp dir: C:\DOCUME~1\DRRAOU~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsx4056.tmp\ ocspackage.exe_:_Parameters value is overloaded with: /TAG:/TAG:Dr_DUPONT_Toto ocspackage.exe_:_Parameters: /TAG:Dr_DUPONT_Toto /S /DEBUG /NP /INSTALL /SERVER=http://ocs-xxx.fr:27015/ocsinventory /NOW /NOSPLASH /NO_SYSTRAY ocspackage.exe_:_Install folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\OCS Inventory NG\Agent ocspackage.exe_:_Certificate: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\cacert.pem ocspackage.exe_:_File collection: ocspackage.exe_:_Testing current user IsUserAdmin: ocspackage.exe_:_User= "Dr Toto DUPONT" AccountType= "Admin" IsUserAdmin= "true" ocspackage.exe_:_User is Admin: ocspackage.exe_:_Launching setup directly... instocs.exe_:_Attempt to create "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\OCS Inventory NG\Agent" dir... instocs.exe_:_Copying certificate:cacert.pem to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\"... instocs.exe_:_Lauching OcsSetup.exe (see Contents)... instocs.exe_:_============== Start of OcsSetup.exe log ============= ******************************************************** Starting OCS Inventory NG Agent setup on 05/08/2011 at 9:34:17 Checking if setup not already running...OK. Checking Operating System...OK, Windows 2000 or higher. Command line is: "C:\DOCUME~1\DRRAOU~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\nsx4056.tmp\OcsSetup.exe" /TAG:Dr_DUPONT_Toto /S /DEBUG /NP /INSTALL /SERVER=http://ocs-xxx.fr:27015/ocsinventory /NOW /NOSPLASH /NO_SYSTRAY Parsing command line arguments...OK. Checking for silent mode...Enabled. Checking for splash screen...Disabled. Checking if logged in user has Administrator privileges...OK. Creating directory ... SetACL allowing Users / Power users read/write permissions on ...Result: 0 SetACL removing inherited permissions on ...Result: 0 SetACL allowing System and Administrators full permissions on ...Result: 0 SetACL allowing Users / Power Users read only permissions on ...Result: 0 Trying to determine if service was previously installed...No. Trying to stop service and kill processes... Trying to kill process OcsSystray.exe...Result: 603 Trying to kill process OcsService.exe...Result: 603 Trying to kill process OCSInventory.exe...Result: 603 Trying to kill process download.exe...Result: 603 Trying to kill process inst32.exe...Result: 603 Waiting 10 seconds for processes to terminate... Copying new files to directory ... Windows XP or higher detected, installing default cURL library and MS CRT/MFC 9.0... Copying new files status is ;-) Writing agent configuration file by launching ocsinventory.exe /SAVE_CONF...Result: 0 [/NOW] used, so launching "C:\Program Files\OCS Inventory Agent\ocsinventory.exe"...Result: 0 [/NO_SYSTRAY] used, so removing Systray applet startup menu shortcut ... Checking if service OCS Inventory Service is registered into Windows Service Manager...No Registering OCS Inventory Service into Windows Service Manager...Result: 0. Starting OCS Inventory Service...Ok. SUCESS: OCS Inventory NG Agent successfuly installed on 05/08/2011 at 9:35:20 ;-) instocs.exe_:_============== End of OcsSetup.exe log ============= instocs.exe_:_End of instocs.exe on 05/08/2011 at 9:35:20 ocspackage.exe_:_End of ocspackage.exe on 05/08/2011 at 9:35:21 ==================================================== ocsinventory.ini [OCS Inventory Agent] ComProvider=ComHTTP.dll Debug=0 Local= HKCU=0 NoTAG=0 IpDisc= ======================================================== admininfo.conf TAG NA http://forums.ocsinventory-ng.org/viewtopic.php?pid=40941