Slightly different error. I'll see if I can get it to crash on a smaller file that I can attach. backtrace() (let ((standard-output standard-output)) (backtrace)) (progn (let ((standard-output standard-output)) (backtrace)) (with-current-buffer standard-output (buffer-string))) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((standard-output standard-output)) (backtrace)) (with-current-buffer standard-output (buffer-string))) (kill-buffer standard-output)) (let ((standard-output (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name " *string-output*")))) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((standard-output standard-output)) (backtrace)) (with-current-buffer standard-output (buffer-string))) (kill-buffer standard-output))) (with-output-to-string (backtrace)) (let ((format-string2 (concat "%s: " format-string)) (bt (with-output-to-string (backtrace)))) (mumamo-message-with-face (concat (apply (quote format) format-string2 lwarn-type args) " " (format "** In buffer %s " (current-buffer)) bt) (quote highlight)) (apply (quote message) format-string2 lwarn-type args) (run-with-idle-timer 1 nil (quote mumamo-show-report-message)) (when mumamo-display-error-stop (setq font-lock-mode nil) (when (timerp jit-lock-context-timer) (cancel-timer jit-lock-context-timer)) (when (timerp jit-lock-defer-timer) (cancel-timer jit-lock-defer-timer)) (apply (quote error) format-string2 lwarn-type args))) mumamo-display-error(mumamo-fontify-region-with "%s" "fun-var-sym=mumamo-eval-in-php-mode, use-major-entry=(php-mode (mumamo-eval-in-php-mode mumamo-def-eval-in-php-mode mumamo-kw-eval-in-php-mode))") (condition-case err (progn (mumamo-with-major-mode-fontification major (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region-with) "%s" (error-message-string err)))) (if (not mumamo-use-condition-case) (let* ((debugger (or mumamo-debugger (quote debug))) (debug-on-error (if debugger t debug-on-error))) (progn (mumamo-with-major-mode-fontification major (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major))))) (condition-case err (progn (mumamo-with-major-mode-fontification major (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region-with) "%s" (error-message-string err))))) (mumamo-condition-case err (progn (mumamo-with-major-mode-fontification major (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region-with) "%s" (error-message-string err)))) mumamo-fontify-region-with(1626 2142 nil php-mode 6 40973) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min (point-min)) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max (point-max)) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min (point-min)) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max (point-max)) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min (point-min)) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max (point-max)) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min (point-min)) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max (point-max)) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max)))) (let* ((old-point (point)) (here start) (main-major (mumamo-main-major-mode)) (fontified-t t) after-change-functions (first-new-ovl nil) (last-new-ovl nil) (chunk-at-start-1 (mumamo-find-chunks start "mumamo-fontify-region-1")) (n1-while 0)) (when chunk-at-start-1 (unless (= start (1- (overlay-end chunk-at-start-1))) (setq chunk-at-start-1 nil))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min ...) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max ...) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min (point-min)) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max (point-max)) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max)))) (goto-char old-point) (unless fontified-t (unless (= here (point-max)) (mumamo-mark-for-refontification here end)))) (progn (let* ((old-point (point)) (here start) (main-major (mumamo-main-major-mode)) (fontified-t t) after-change-functions (first-new-ovl nil) (last-new-ovl nil) (chunk-at-start-1 (mumamo-find-chunks start "mumamo-fontify-region-1")) (n1-while 0)) (when chunk-at-start-1 (unless (= start (1- (overlay-end chunk-at-start-1))) (setq chunk-at-start-1 nil))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 ...))) (chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 ...))) (chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min ...) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max ...) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max)))) (goto-char old-point) (unless fontified-t (unless (= here (point-max)) (mumamo-mark-for-refontification here end))))) (unwind-protect (progn (let* ((old-point (point)) (here start) (main-major (mumamo-main-major-mode)) (fontified-t t) after-change-functions (first-new-ovl nil) (last-new-ovl nil) (chunk-at-start-1 (mumamo-find-chunks start "mumamo-fontify-region-1")) (n1-while 0)) (when chunk-at-start-1 (unless (= start (1- (overlay-end chunk-at-start-1))) (setq chunk-at-start-1 nil))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk ...)) (chunk-max (when chunk ...)) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk ...)) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk ...)) (chunk-min-face (when chunk ...)) (chunk-max-face (when chunk ...)) (chunk-major (when chunk ...)) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 ...))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 ...))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max ...) (syntax-min ...) (syntax-max ...) (chunk-min ...) (chunk-max ...) (border-min-max ...) (border-min ...) (border-max ...)) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and ... ...) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min ... ...)) (when (and ... ...) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max ... ...)) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max)))) (goto-char old-point) (unless fontified-t (unless (= here (point-max)) (mumamo-mark-for-refontification here end))))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal (quote evaporate))) (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (let* ((old-point (point)) (here start) (main-major (mumamo-main-major-mode)) (fontified-t t) after-change-functions (first-new-ovl nil) (last-new-ovl nil) (chunk-at-start-1 (mumamo-find-chunks start "mumamo-fontify-region-1")) (n1-while 0)) (when chunk-at-start-1 (unless (= start (1- ...)) (setq chunk-at-start-1 nil))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk ...) (chunk-min ...) (chunk-max ...) (chunk-min-1 ...) (chunk-max-1 ...) (chunk-min-face ...) (chunk-max-face ...) (chunk-major ...) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-max (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-major (when chunk ...)) (if (and first-new-ovl ...) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if ... ... max)))) (goto-char old-point) (unless fontified-t (unless (= here (point-max)) (mumamo-mark-for-refontification here end))))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal (quote evaporate)))) (save-match-data (let* ((old-point (point)) (here start) (main-major (mumamo-main-major-mode)) (fontified-t t) after-change-functions (first-new-ovl nil) (last-new-ovl nil) (chunk-at-start-1 (mumamo-find-chunks start "mumamo-fontify-region-1")) (n1-while 0)) (when chunk-at-start-1 (unless (= start (1- (overlay-end chunk-at-start-1))) (setq chunk-at-start-1 nil))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 ...))) (chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 ...))) (chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min ...) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max ...) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max)))) (goto-char old-point) (unless fontified-t (unless (= here (point-max)) (mumamo-mark-for-refontification here end))))) mumamo-fontify-region-1(1626 2142 nil) (condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "%s" (error-message-string err)))) (if (not mumamo-use-condition-case) (let* ((debugger (or mumamo-debugger (quote debug))) (debug-on-error (if debugger t debug-on-error))) (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose)) (condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "%s" (error-message-string err))))) (mumamo-condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "%s" (error-message-string err)))) (if (and mumamo-just-changed-major nil (= 0 (recursion-depth))) (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "Just changed major, should not happen") (mumamo-condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "%s" (error-message-string err))))) mumamo-fontify-region(1626 2142 nil) font-lock-fontify-region(1626 2142) run-hook-with-args(font-lock-fontify-region 1626 2142) byte-code("\302\303 #\207" [start next run-hook-with-args jit-lock-functions] 4) jit-lock-fontify-now(1626 2126) jit-lock-function(1626) (let ((ret (jit-lock-function start))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-jit-lock-function EXIT %s, ff=%s, just-changed=%s" start (when start (save-restriction (widen) (get-text-property start (quote fontified)))) mumamo-just-changed-major) ret) mumamo-jit-lock-function(1626) mumamo-fontify-region-with: fun-var-sym=mumamo-eval-in-php-mode, use-major-entry=(php-mode (mumamo-eval-in-php-mode mumamo-def-eval-in-php-mode mumamo-kw-eval-in-php-mode)) MU:mumamo-fontify-region-with: fun-var-sym=mumamo-eval-in-php-mode, use-major-entry=(php-mode (mumamo-eval-in-php-mode mumamo-def-eval-in-php-mode mumamo-kw-eval-in-php-mode)) ** In buffer Invoice.php backtrace() (let ((standard-output standard-output)) (backtrace)) (progn (let ((standard-output standard-output)) (backtrace)) (with-current-buffer standard-output (buffer-string))) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((standard-output standard-output)) (backtrace)) (with-current-buffer standard-output (buffer-string))) (kill-buffer standard-output)) (let ((standard-output (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name " *string-output*")))) (unwind-protect (progn (let ((standard-output standard-output)) (backtrace)) (with-current-buffer standard-output (buffer-string))) (kill-buffer standard-output))) (with-output-to-string (backtrace)) (let ((format-string2 (concat "%s: " format-string)) (bt (with-output-to-string (backtrace)))) (mumamo-message-with-face (concat (apply (quote format) format-string2 lwarn-type args) " " (format "** In buffer %s " (current-buffer)) bt) (quote highlight)) (apply (quote message) format-string2 lwarn-type args) (run-with-idle-timer 1 nil (quote mumamo-show-report-message)) (when mumamo-display-error-stop (setq font-lock-mode nil) (when (timerp jit-lock-context-timer) (cancel-timer jit-lock-context-timer)) (when (timerp jit-lock-defer-timer) (cancel-timer jit-lock-defer-timer)) (apply (quote error) format-string2 lwarn-type args))) mumamo-display-error(mumamo-fontify-region-with "%s" "fun-var-sym=mumamo-eval-in-php-mode, use-major-entry=(php-mode (mumamo-eval-in-php-mode mumamo-def-eval-in-php-mode mumamo-kw-eval-in-php-mode))") (condition-case err (progn (mumamo-with-major-mode-fontification major (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region-with) "%s" (error-message-string err)))) (if (not mumamo-use-condition-case) (let* ((debugger (or mumamo-debugger (quote debug))) (debug-on-error (if debugger t debug-on-error))) (progn (mumamo-with-major-mode-fontification major (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major))))) (condition-case err (progn (mumamo-with-major-mode-fontification major (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region-with) "%s" (error-message-string err))))) (mumamo-condition-case err (progn (mumamo-with-major-mode-fontification major (\` (mumamo-do-fontify (\, start) (\, end) (\, verbose) (\, chunk-syntax-min) (\, chunk-syntax-max) major)))) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region-with) "%s" (error-message-string err)))) mumamo-fontify-region-with(2142 2656 nil php-mode 6 40973) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min (point-min)) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max (point-max)) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min (point-min)) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max (point-max)) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min (point-min)) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max (point-max)) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min (point-min)) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max (point-max)) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max)))) (let* ((old-point (point)) (here start) (main-major (mumamo-main-major-mode)) (fontified-t t) after-change-functions (first-new-ovl nil) (last-new-ovl nil) (chunk-at-start-1 (mumamo-find-chunks start "mumamo-fontify-region-1")) (n1-while 0)) (when chunk-at-start-1 (unless (= start (1- (overlay-end chunk-at-start-1))) (setq chunk-at-start-1 nil))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min ...) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max ...) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min (point-min)) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max (point-max)) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max)))) (goto-char old-point) (unless fontified-t (unless (= here (point-max)) (mumamo-mark-for-refontification here end)))) (progn (let* ((old-point (point)) (here start) (main-major (mumamo-main-major-mode)) (fontified-t t) after-change-functions (first-new-ovl nil) (last-new-ovl nil) (chunk-at-start-1 (mumamo-find-chunks start "mumamo-fontify-region-1")) (n1-while 0)) (when chunk-at-start-1 (unless (= start (1- (overlay-end chunk-at-start-1))) (setq chunk-at-start-1 nil))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 ...))) (chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 ...))) (chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min ...) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max ...) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max)))) (goto-char old-point) (unless fontified-t (unless (= here (point-max)) (mumamo-mark-for-refontification here end))))) (unwind-protect (progn (let* ((old-point (point)) (here start) (main-major (mumamo-main-major-mode)) (fontified-t t) after-change-functions (first-new-ovl nil) (last-new-ovl nil) (chunk-at-start-1 (mumamo-find-chunks start "mumamo-fontify-region-1")) (n1-while 0)) (when chunk-at-start-1 (unless (= start (1- (overlay-end chunk-at-start-1))) (setq chunk-at-start-1 nil))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk ...)) (chunk-max (when chunk ...)) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk ...)) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk ...)) (chunk-min-face (when chunk ...)) (chunk-max-face (when chunk ...)) (chunk-major (when chunk ...)) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 ...))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 ...))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max ...) (syntax-min ...) (syntax-max ...) (chunk-min ...) (chunk-max ...) (border-min-max ...) (border-min ...) (border-max ...)) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and ... ...) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min ... ...)) (when (and ... ...) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max ... ...)) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max)))) (goto-char old-point) (unless fontified-t (unless (= here (point-max)) (mumamo-mark-for-refontification here end))))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal (quote evaporate))) (let ((save-match-data-internal (match-data))) (unwind-protect (progn (let* ((old-point (point)) (here start) (main-major (mumamo-main-major-mode)) (fontified-t t) after-change-functions (first-new-ovl nil) (last-new-ovl nil) (chunk-at-start-1 (mumamo-find-chunks start "mumamo-fontify-region-1")) (n1-while 0)) (when chunk-at-start-1 (unless (= start (1- ...)) (setq chunk-at-start-1 nil))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk ...) (chunk-min ...) (chunk-max ...) (chunk-min-1 ...) (chunk-max-1 ...) (chunk-min-face ...) (chunk-max-face ...) (chunk-major ...) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-max (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk ...)) (setq chunk-major (when chunk ...)) (if (and first-new-ovl ...) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* (... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if ... ... max)))) (goto-char old-point) (unless fontified-t (unless (= here (point-max)) (mumamo-mark-for-refontification here end))))) (set-match-data save-match-data-internal (quote evaporate)))) (save-match-data (let* ((old-point (point)) (here start) (main-major (mumamo-main-major-mode)) (fontified-t t) after-change-functions (first-new-ovl nil) (last-new-ovl nil) (chunk-at-start-1 (mumamo-find-chunks start "mumamo-fontify-region-1")) (n1-while 0)) (when chunk-at-start-1 (unless (= start (1- (overlay-end chunk-at-start-1))) (setq chunk-at-start-1 nil))) (while (and (mumamo-while 9000 (quote n1-while) "fontified-t") fontified-t (< here end)) (let* ((chunk (mumamo-find-chunks here "mumamo-fontify-region-1 2")) (chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if ... ... ...))) (chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 ...))) (chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 ...))) (chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) max) (assert chunk) (setq chunk-min (when chunk (overlay-start chunk))) (setq chunk-max (when chunk (overlay-end chunk))) (setq chunk-min-1 (when chunk (if (> chunk-min ...) (1- chunk-min) (point-min)))) (setq chunk-max-1 (when chunk (if (< chunk-max ...) (1+ chunk-max) (point-max)))) (setq chunk-min-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-min-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-max-face (when chunk (get-text-property chunk-max-1 (quote face)))) (setq chunk-major (when chunk (mumamo-chunk-major-mode chunk))) (if (and first-new-ovl (overlay-buffer first-new-ovl)) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq last-new-ovl chunk) (setq first-new-ovl chunk)) (setq max (min chunk-max end)) (assert chunk) (assert (overlay-buffer chunk)) (assert chunk-min) (assert chunk-max) (assert chunk-major) (mumamo-update-obscure chunk here) (let* ((syntax-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk nil)) (syntax-min (car syntax-min-max)) (syntax-max (cdr syntax-min-max)) (chunk-min (overlay-start chunk)) (chunk-max (overlay-end chunk)) (border-min-max (mumamo-chunk-syntax-min-max chunk t)) (border-min (car border-min-max)) (border-max (cdr border-min-max))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-fontify-region-1, here=%s chunk-min=%s syn-mn/mx=%s/%s" here chunk-min syntax-min syntax-max) (when (<= here syntax-min) (mumamo-flush-chunk-syntax chunk syntax-min syntax-max)) (when (and (<= here syntax-min) (< chunk-min border-min)) (put-text-property chunk-min border-min (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-in))) (when (and (<= chunk-max max) (< border-max chunk-max)) (put-text-property border-max chunk-max (quote face) (quote mumamo-border-face-out))) (mumamo-fontify-region-with here max verbose chunk-major syntax-min syntax-max)) (setq here (if (= max here) (1+ max) max)))) (goto-char old-point) (unless fontified-t (unless (= here (point-max)) (mumamo-mark-for-refontification here end))))) mumamo-fontify-region-1(2142 2656 nil) (condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "%s" (error-message-string err)))) (if (not mumamo-use-condition-case) (let* ((debugger (or mumamo-debugger (quote debug))) (debug-on-error (if debugger t debug-on-error))) (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose)) (condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "%s" (error-message-string err))))) (mumamo-condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "%s" (error-message-string err)))) (if (and mumamo-just-changed-major nil (= 0 (recursion-depth))) (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "Just changed major, should not happen") (mumamo-condition-case err (mumamo-fontify-region-1 start end verbose) (error (mumamo-display-error (quote mumamo-fontify-region) "%s" (error-message-string err))))) mumamo-fontify-region(2142 2656 nil) font-lock-fontify-region(2142 2656) run-hook-with-args(font-lock-fontify-region 2142 2656) byte-code("\302\303 #\207" [start next run-hook-with-args jit-lock-functions] 4) jit-lock-fontify-now(2142 2642) jit-lock-function(2142) (let ((ret (jit-lock-function start))) (mumamo-msgfntfy "mumamo-jit-lock-function EXIT %s, ff=%s, just-changed=%s" start (when start (save-restriction (widen) (get-text-property start (quote fontified)))) mumamo-just-changed-major) ret) mumamo-jit-lock-function(2142)