I am using Nuvola Player 1.0.3. Distribution is Ubuntu 12.04 beta (latest build) 64-bit. I installed Nuvola using the Stable ppa. The debug output was me: 1) Opening it using nuvolaplayer --output 2) Closing it to restore the screen 3) Reopening it 4) Pressing restore songs 5) Closing it so the songs are restored 6) Reopening it to play the songs (with no success, I ended up using the media buttons on my keyboard).... The output is below. The Flash version is 11.1 r102. The library versions (gotten by running the last command from the page above) are: libgtk2.0-0 libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-0 2.31.20-0ubuntu3 libgtk2.0-0 2.24.10-0ubuntu5 libsoup2.4-1 2.37.91-1 libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 1.7.91-0ubuntu1 Let me know if there is anything else I can do. :) Debug Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nuvola Info Welcome to Nuvola Player, version: 1.0.3 Nuvola Info Report any issues/bugs you might find to https://bugs.launchpad.net/nuvola-player Nuvola Debug command: nuvolaplayer --debug Nuvola Debug Built with GLib DBus Nuvola Debug Built with libsoup cache Nuvola Debug Built with Unity Quick List Nuvola Debug Built with User scripts support Nuvola Debug Crash dialog disabled. libfenryxo Debug No proxy settings applied. Nuvola Debug Valid 'sandbox_pattern = https?://grooveshark.com/' in /usr/share/nuvolaplayer/services/grooveshark/metadata.conf. Nuvola Debug Starting web interface for grooveshark: http://grooveshark.com/#!/ Nuvola Debug New page request: URI: http://grooveshark.com/#!/, frame URI: null Nuvola Debug Unity Launcher Entry for nuvolaplayer.desktop Nuvola Debug Bus acquired: org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.nuvolaplayer, registering objects Nuvola Debug GNOME session appeared: org.gnome.SessionManager, :1.4 Nuvola Debug Bus name acquired: org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.nuvolaplayer Nuvola Debug GNOME settings daemon appeared: org.gnome.SettingsDaemon, :1.10 Nuvola Debug Sound menu vanished: com.canonical.indicators.sound Nuvola Debug Panel icon: Ubuntu Sound menu visible: false Nuvola Debug Action: view Nuvola Debug Action: options Nuvola Debug Action: help Nuvola Debug Installing service to the new window object djview: QDjViewPlugin::exec() begin No bp log location saved, using default. [000:000] Browser XEmbed support present: 1 [000:000] Browser toolkit is Gtk2. [000:000] Using Gtk2 toolkit djview: QDjViewPlugin::exec() begin Debug NP_Initialize Debug NP_Initialize succeeded GnomeShell Debug plugin loaded ERROR: Invalid browser function table. Some functionality may be restricted. [000:051] Warning(optionsfile.cc:47): Load: Could not open file, err=2 [000:051] No bp log location saved, using default. [000:051] Browser XEmbed support present: 1 [000:051] Browser toolkit is Gtk2. [000:051] Using Gtk2 toolkit Debug NP_Initialize Debug NP_Initialize succeeded Debug NP_Initialize Debug NP_Initialize succeeded Debug NP_Initialize Debug NP_Initialize succeeded java version "1.6.0_24" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.1) (6b24-1.11.1-3ubuntu3) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode) Nuvola Debug Executing script /usr/share/nuvolaplayer/services/main.js Nuvola Debug Executing script /usr/share/nuvolaplayer/services/grooveshark/integration.js Nuvola Debug No user scripts enabled Nuvola Debug Dock vanished: net.launchpad.DockManager Nuvola Debug On close: hide Nuvola Debug http://static.a.gs-cdn.net/gs/core.js?20120312.01 619: $.localize has english Nuvola Debug Actions changed: 128 → 140 libfenryxo Debug Starting new thread 'Update dock item' Nuvola Debug Nothing to update Nuvola Debug MPTIS Player: can-go-previous changed Nuvola Debug MPTIS Player: can-go-next changed LIBDBUSMEN Critical dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)' failed Nuvola Debug http://static.a.gs-cdn.net/gs/app.js?20120312.06 968: FB initialized Nuvola Debug Application activated Nuvola Debug Action: view Nuvola Debug Action: options Nuvola Debug Action: help Nuvola Debug Application activated Nuvola Debug Media key pressed: nuvolaplayer, Play Nuvola Debug JS API command(3) Nuvola Debug http://grooveshark.com/#!/ 121: GrooveShark: comand '3' executed. Nuvola Debug On close: hide Nuvola Debug Actions changed: 140 → 141 libfenryxo Debug Starting new thread 'Update dock item' Nuvola Debug Nothing to update Nuvola Debug Playback state changed: none → paused Nuvola Debug Playback: paused Nuvola Debug MPTIS Player: playback-status changed Nuvola Debug MPTIS Player: can-play changed Nuvola Debug MPTIS Player: can-pause changed Nuvola Debug Album art changed: null → http://images.grooveshark.com/static/albums/70_1782197.jpg Nuvola Debug Artist changed: null → 絢香 Nuvola Debug Song changed: null → Stay with me Nuvola Debug Album changed: null → First Message Nuvola Debug MPRIS: song changed Nuvola Debug MPTIS Player: Metadata changed LIBDBUSMEN Critical dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)' failed LIBDBUSMEN Critical dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)' failed LIBDBUSMEN Critical dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)' failed Nuvola Debug 0: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://grooveshark.com/#!/ from frame with URL http://ad.doubleclick.net/adi/N3271.24-7RealMedia/B6376437.30;sz=160x600;pc=[TPAS_ID];click0=http://network.realmedia.com/RealMedia/ads/click_lx.ads/grooveshark_ca/ros/160x600/jx/ss/a/L34/365563895/x10/USNetwork/BCN2012010633_019_PrincessCruises/PC_RON-CA_160.html/526159575555396c4149304141643861?;ord=365563895?. Domains, protocols and ports must match. Nuvola Debug Application activated Nuvola Debug Action: view Nuvola Debug Action: options Nuvola Debug Action: help Nuvola Debug On close: hide Nuvola Debug Application activated Nuvola Debug Action: view Nuvola Debug Action: options Nuvola Debug Action: help Nuvola Debug On close: hide Nuvola Debug Media key pressed: nuvolaplayer, Play Nuvola Debug JS API command(3) Nuvola Debug http://grooveshark.com/#!/ 121: GrooveShark: comand '3' executed. Nuvola Debug Actions changed: 141 → 142 libfenryxo Debug Starting new thread 'Update dock item' Nuvola Debug Nothing to update Nuvola Debug Playback state changed: paused → playing Nuvola Debug Playback: playing Nuvola Debug MPTIS Player: playback-status changed Nuvola Debug MPTIS Player: can-play changed Nuvola Debug MPTIS Player: can-pause changed LIBDBUSMEN Critical dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)' failed LIBDBUSMEN Critical dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)' failed LIBDBUSMEN Critical dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)' failed LIBDBUSMEN Critical dbusmenu_menuitem_get_children: assertion `DBUSMENU_IS_MENUITEM(mi)' failed