jdevaney@walter ~ $ nuvolaplayer -D Nuvola Info nuvolaplayer.vala:141: Welcome to Nuvola Player, version: 2.2.0 Nuvola Info nuvolaplayer.vala:145: Revision: 773, janousek.jiri@gmail.com-20130914160925-9ds3pqiypumsl2qu Nuvola Info nuvolaplayer.vala:146: Report any issues/bugs you might find to http://nuvolaplayer.fenryxo.cz/support/bug_reporting.html Nuvola Debug nuvolaplayer.vala:147: command: /usr/lib/nuvolaplayer/nuvolaplayer -D Nuvola Debug nuvolaplayer.vala:149: Enabled features: Unity Quicklist, optimization of SVG images, Last.fm scrobbling, Notifications, debug symbols Nuvola Debug nuvolaplayer.vala:150: Disabled features: experimental features, debug memory usage Gtk Debug Connecting to session manager Nuvola Debug nuvolaplayer.vala:231: Starting new instance Diorite Debug Libsoup version: 2.40.3 Nuvola Debug nuvola-formatsupport.vala:94: Unable to init GStreamer 1.0.6, maybe already initialized Diorite Debug Max data cache size: 100 libsoup Warning No feature manager for feature of type 'SoupProxyURIResolver' Diorite Debug No proxy settings applied. Debug NP_Initialize Debug NP_Initialize succeeded CinnamonBr Debug plugin loaded java version "1.7.0_25" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.3.10) (7u25-2.3.10-1ubuntu0.13.04.2) OpenJDK Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode) Debug NP_Initialize Debug NP_Initialize succeeded Debug NP_Initialize Debug NP_Initialize succeeded Debug NP_Initialize Debug NP_Initialize succeeded Nuvola Debug nuvola-formatsupport.vala:210: WebPlugin: Windows Media Player Plug-in 10 (compatible; Videos) (false): /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libtotem-gmp-plugin.so Nuvola Debug nuvola-formatsupport.vala:210: WebPlugin: IcedTea-Web Plugin (using IcedTea-Web 1.3.2 (1.3.2-1ubuntu1.1)) (false): /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin.so Nuvola Debug nuvola-formatsupport.vala:210: WebPlugin: Shockwave Flash (true): /opt/nuvolaplayer/flash/wrapped/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so Nuvola Debug nuvola-formatsupport.vala:210: WebPlugin: DivX® Web Player (false): /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libtotem-mully-plugin.so Nuvola Debug nuvola-formatsupport.vala:210: WebPlugin: VLC Multimedia Plugin (compatible Videos 3.6.3) (false): /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libtotem-cone-plugin.so Nuvola Debug nuvola-formatsupport.vala:210: WebPlugin: Cinnamon Integration (false): /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libcinnamon-browser-plugin.so Nuvola Debug nuvola-formatsupport.vala:210: WebPlugin: QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.6 (false): /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libtotem-narrowspace-plugin.so Nuvola Debug nuvola-formatsupport.vala:136: Built with Gstreamer 1.0.6 Nuvola Debug nuvola-formatsupport.vala:114: GStreamer 1.0.6 launch playbin uri=file:///usr/share/nuvolaplayer/audio/audiotest.mp3 Nuvola Info extensionsmanager.vala:91: Extension with id 'mediakeys' loaded. Nuvola Warning servicesmanager.vala:98: Unable to load service from /home/jdevaney/.local/share/nuvolaplayer/services/googleplay: Empty 'name' entry Nuvola Debug servicesmanager.vala:105: Found service Google Play Music at /usr/share/nuvolaplayer/services/googleplay, version 4.3 Nuvola Info servicesmanager.vala:118: Using service Google Play Music from /usr/share/nuvolaplayer/services/googleplay, version 4.3 Nuvola Debug webbackend.vala:119: Starting web interface for googleplay: https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ap/queue Diorite Debug XFCE session vanished: org.xfce.SessionManager Diorite Debug GNOME session appeared: org.gnome.SessionManager, :1.0 Nuvola Debug media_keys.vala:200: GNOME settings daemon appeared: org.gnome.SettingsDaemon, :1.6 Nuvola Debug jsapi.vala:617: Window object cleared in frame '__main__'. Nuvola Debug jsapi.vala:693: JSAPI injected successfully in frame '__main__' Nuvola Debug jsapi.vala:578: document loaded in frame '__main__'. Nuvola Debug player.vala:375: Playback state changed: none → paused Nuvola Debug player.vala:375: Playback state changed: paused → none Nuvola Debug player.vala:383: Album art changed: null → https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/yAw59S2U9AOfxxTzGHFR8b1H0Des00xSwdhoTCfDQISFYKAjjUDQNwB59hQb3w Nuvola Debug player.vala:411: Artist changed: null → Pendulum Nuvola Debug player.vala:418: Song changed: null → Mutiny Nuvola Debug player.vala:425: Album changed: null → In Silico