Hi Charlie, It does look like a bug... what happens is, if you run the tests from NUnit separately then it works but if you specify to VS 2010 to run the tests via the Debug executable option then this causes the System.ApplicationException that "unable to find tests in assembly". After this even if you run NUnit separately and create a nw .nunit project and attempt to add the assembly, NUnit gives the above exception. Seems weird but VS 2010, it seems, corrupts something it runs NUnit as a Debug executable. For this to to be replicated you should not give the /fixture option but simply the /run option. I tried with the /fixture option but VS simply refused to acknowledge the usage. Maybe something wrong with the syntax that i used for /fixture= in the command line argument of VS project properties. I haven't tried this but, at a guess, a fresh installation of NUnit should make it work again. Jv On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Charlie Poole