Hi Charlie, Yes, I was able to attach the debugger after the nunit-agent was started but that's hassle compared to previously just being able to hit F5. I probably run the code through tests every fifteen minutes or so. The advice given on the blog means that the separate attaching is no longer necessary, it just works from F5. Shouldn't I just leave the nuint instance running and let it pick up on the file changes? Probably, but F5 is so ingrained it's a bit like the escape key if you're familiar with the vi editor. For the fundamental problem, apologies that I didn't provide the exact frameworks in use. However, I have failed to reproduce the problem so I was just trying to think of other information that could be useful - I agree it isn't as precise and rich with exact information that would really help nail the bug, so with that in mind: I have a solution with two class libraries one of which, Testing, contains the test code. The "Start External Program" in the Debug part of the testing project is set to: C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.5.5\bin\net-2.0\nunit.exe The command line arguments are simply set to: Testing.dll I run all of my tests normally just by hitting F5, or control F5. The following is the output of "Test Assemblies" without the blog suggested modifications: nunit.exe ( 3500 ) CLR Version: 2.0.50727.4200 ( Net 2.0 ) nunit-agent.exe ( 2888 ) CLR Version: 4.0.30319.1 ( Net 4.0 ) test-domain-Testing.dll ApplicationBase: C:\Users\mj\Desktop\Projects\okapi\Testing\bin\Debug Configuration File: C:\Users\mj\Desktop\Projects\okapi\Testing\bin\Debug\Testing.dll.config Testing Path: C:/Users/mj/Desktop/Projects/okapi/Testing/bin/Debug/Testing.DLL Image Runtime Version: 4.0.30319 Uses: nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77 There is no Testing.dll.config file. However, even after I took the blog modifications out, I couldn't repeat the problem. The only problem I have in this situation is that F5 doesn't know to attach the debugger to nunit-agent.exe - not something to classify as a bug. Therefore, I am now using the modified nuint.exe.config file (included inline at the end). This allows me to keep hitting F5 and have it work as expected. Here's the output of "Test Assemblies" in this case: nunit.exe ( 3616 ) CLR Version: 4.0.30319.1 ( Net 4.0 ) test-domain-Testing.dll ApplicationBase: C:\Users\mj\Desktop\Projects\okapi\Testing\bin\Debug Configuration File: C:\Users\mj\Desktop\Projects\okapi\Testing\bin\Debug\Testing.dll.config Testing Path: C:/Users/mj/Desktop/Projects/okapi/Testing/bin/Debug/Testing.DLL Image Runtime Version: 4.0.30319 Uses: nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77 One of the interesting things that I have not been able to reproduce is nunit.exe insisting on using framework 2 when looking at File|Select Runtime. When I was having the problem (with original nunit.exe.config), this would always be set to 2. I tried to change it but the nunit gui would appear to be reloading, repeat the message about not finding test fixtures, and then still be set on framework 2 under File|Select Runtime. This problem doesn't occur for me anymore, even after reverting nunit.exe.config to its original state. Martin Here is the modified nunit.exe.config: Charlie Poole wrote: > Hello Martin, > > The problem of debugging is separate. If you are running tests in a separate > process, then you have to attach to that process. Visual Studio won't do > that for you automatically when the initial process launches the test > process. The trick is to wait for the tests to load and then attach to > nunit-agent. You can determine whether nunit-agent is in use by using Tools > | Test Assemblies... > > For the fundamental problem... choose one scenario and determine exactly > what versions (note the plural) of .NET are being used. Again, Tools | Test > Assemblies will give you this information. In some of the cases you > describe, two different versions of .NET are surely in use. Document the > exact case and tell us what is happening - or several different cases if you > like. This will be clearer than simply describing how you initiate the > program because the same commands can give different results depending on > how many versions of .NET you have installed. > > Charlie > > On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Martin Jones >