Consider the following test (using MSTEST) using System; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace POConsultores.CanBusMonitor.Common.Test {     [TestClass]     public class TestContextTest     {         // context is set by Test Environment automatically         public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }         [TestMethod]         public void WriteToContext()         {             Random r = new Random();             int i = r.Next();             TestContext.WriteLine("Using value {0} for testing.", i);             // test goes on             // ...         }     } } Yes, TestContext is different than context in NUNit, it basically allows to write informational messages that are associated to the test results and visible within VStudio. See attached image to see output on VStudio. Messages might or might not be useful on the final test run at the build server. However, they are very useful while writing tests. Let me know if you need further information. >________________________________ > From: Charlie Poole