Handle addition of new nodes/instances in ironic flavor migration
The original idea for ironic flavor migration was to handle it in
init_host(), so that the code wouldn't run often. But in a situation
like an upgrade with multiple Nova computes handling ironic nodes, this
may not cover all the nodes, so we are moving it to be run whenever the
cache is refreshed, and new nodes for the compute service that have
instances are detected. We also need to cover the cases where an
existing node has a new instance created on it to ensure that that new
instance's flavor is also migrated.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/487954 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=c3118b91db4 b97a689c9a2f25a 9554a0ccb29252
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit c3118b91db4b97a 689c9a2f25a9554 a0ccb29252
Author: EdLeafe <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jul 26 23:07:38 2017 +0000
Handle addition of new nodes/instances in ironic flavor migration
The original idea for ironic flavor migration was to handle it in
init_host(), so that the code wouldn't run often. But in a situation
like an upgrade with multiple Nova computes handling ironic nodes, this
may not cover all the nodes, so we are moving it to be run whenever the
cache is refreshed, and new nodes for the compute service that have
instances are detected. We also need to cover the cases where an
existing node has a new instance created on it to ensure that that new
instance's flavor is also migrated.
Closes-Bug: #1707021
Change-Id: If0a7af3a958cf3 aba95b89b96df5f f6bf252b110