Thanks for the info! I have found that there are some other issues I am trying to solve before submitting to gerrit. I did sign the CLA so that I can contribute it. Hopefully this week will make sense to submit it. Actually, perhaps you have a bit of advice on this. The fix in that patch makes it so that horizon cannot create new flavors (because of the way it detects the "highest" number flavorId); when dealing with problems like this that span projects with strange side effects, does it make sense to make the bug "affect" the other project and try and submit a patch for both (via gerrit) on the same bug? I am trying to wade through the best practices of OpenStack for this type of stuff and any advice would be welcome! Thanks! Morgan Fainberg Sent from my iPad (please excuse any inane typos any autocorrect lameness) On Apr 21, 2012, at 5:35, Russell Bryant