Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit 49a9f4564487409ae8a4ea5aed39677e234afc01 Author: Eric Fried <email address hidden> Date: Thu Sep 26 15:10:26 2019 -0500
Repro bug 1845530: versioned discovery is authed
This recreates the referenced bug, demonstrating that requests for versioned discovery endpoints (/v2, /v2.1) are being piped through authentication.
Change-Id: Iaef1229f542e4e824c6c5c73335bc601bed08c04 Related-Bug: #1845530
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/685180 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=49a9f456448 7409ae8a4ea5aed 39677e234afc01
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit 49a9f4564487409 ae8a4ea5aed3967 7e234afc01
Author: Eric Fried <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 26 15:10:26 2019 -0500
Repro bug 1845530: versioned discovery is authed
This recreates the referenced bug, demonstrating that requests for
versioned discovery endpoints (/v2, /v2.1) are being piped through
Change-Id: Iaef1229f542e4e 824c6c5c73335bc 601bed08c04
Related-Bug: #1845530