This was recreated with a devstack change:
In this failing test, Tempest creates a volume:
{"volume": {"status": "creating", "user_id": "2256bb66db8741aab58a20367b00bfa2", "attachments": [], "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "rel": "bookmark"}], "availability_zone": "nova", "bootable": "false", "encrypted": false, "created_at": "2017-05-26T02:41:45.617286", "description": null, "updated_at": null, "volume_type": "lvmdriver-1", "name": "tempest-TestVolumeBootPattern-volume-origin-1984626538", "replication_status": null, "consistencygroup_id": null, "source_volid": null, "snapshot_id": null, "multiattach": false, "metadata": {}, "id": "55a7c64a-f7b2-4b77-8f60-c1ccda8e0c30", "size": 1}}
And the AZ on the volume defaults to 'nova' because that's the default AZ in cinder.conf.
That volume ID is then passed to create the server:
{"server": {"block_device_mapping_v2": [{"source_type": "volume", "boot_index": 0, "destination_type": "volume", "uuid": "55a7c64a-f7b2-4b77-8f60-c1ccda8e0c30", "delete_on_termination": true}], "networks": [{"uuid": "da48954d-1f66-427b-892c-a7f2eb1b54a3"}], "imageRef": "", "name": "tempest-TestVolumeBootPattern-server-1371698056", "flavorRef": "42"}}
Which fails with the 400 InvalidVolume error because of this check in the API:
The instance is not associated with a host yet so it's not in an aggregate, and since an AZ wasn't specified when creating an instance (and I don't think we want people passing 'nova' as the AZ), it fails when comparing None to 'nova'.
This is separate from bug 1497253 and change because in that case Nova is creating the volume during boot from volume and can specify the AZ for the volume. In this bug, the volume already exists and is provided to Nova.
We might need to be able to distinguish if the API or compute service is calling check_availability_zone and if so, pass a default AZ in the case of the API if one isn't defined.
Fix proposed to branch: master /review. openstack. org/469675
Review: https:/