Activity log for bug #1337291

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2014-07-03 11:34:53 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff bug added bug
2014-07-03 11:35:47 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff description Several elementary apps use Granite.SearchBar which is deprecated in favor of Gtk.SearchEntry as of GTK 3.12 Applications that are already migrated to GTK 3.12 should use Gtk.SearchEntry. However, if the app does not require 3.12 for something else yet, this is probably not a good idea. Example of migration from Granite.SearchBar to Gtk.SearchEntry can be found at List of occurrences of Granite.SearchBar in our applications: appcenter/src/Widgets/Toolbar.vala: public SearchBar searchbar; appcenter/src/Widgets/Toolbar.vala: searchbar = new SearchBar(_("Search Apps")); appcenter/src/MainWindow.vala: /* SearchBar */ euclide/src/main.vala: SearchBar search_bar; granite/lib/Widgets/Entries.vala: public class SearchBar : HintedEntry { granite/lib/Widgets/Entries.vala: * which depends on the SearchBar's icon. granite/lib/Widgets/Entries.vala: public SearchBar (string hint_string) { granite/demo/GraniteDemo.vala: var search_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar ("Search"); noise/src/LibraryWindow.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar searchField { get; private set; } noise/src/LibraryWindow.vala: searchField = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Search Music")); scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar search_entry; scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar replace_entry; scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: search_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Find")); scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: replace_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Replace With") Several elementary apps use Granite.SearchBar which is deprecated in favor of Gtk.SearchEntry as of GTK 3.12 Applications that are already migrated to GTK 3.12 should use Gtk.SearchEntry. However, if the app does not require 3.12 for something else yet, this is probably not a good idea. Example of migration from Granite.SearchBar to Gtk.SearchEntry can be found at List of occurrences of Granite.SearchBar in our applications: appcenter/src/Widgets/Toolbar.vala: public SearchBar searchbar; appcenter/src/Widgets/Toolbar.vala: searchbar = new SearchBar(_("Search Apps")); appcenter/src/MainWindow.vala: /* SearchBar */ euclide/src/main.vala: SearchBar search_bar; granite/demo/GraniteDemo.vala: var search_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar ("Search"); noise/src/LibraryWindow.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar searchField { get; private set; } noise/src/LibraryWindow.vala: searchField = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Search Music")); scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar search_entry; scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar replace_entry; scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: search_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Find")); scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: replace_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Replace With")
2014-07-03 11:36:37 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff tags deprecation
2014-07-03 11:36:47 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff noise: status New In Progress
2014-07-03 11:37:10 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff branch linked lp:~elementary-apps/noise/Gtk.SearchEntry
2014-07-03 11:37:14 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff noise: assignee Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff (shnatsel)
2014-07-03 11:37:37 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff bug task added scratch
2014-07-03 11:37:53 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff bug task added appcenter
2014-07-03 11:41:26 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff noise: status In Progress Fix Committed
2014-07-03 11:41:49 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff bug task added euclide
2014-07-03 11:42:24 Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff description Several elementary apps use Granite.SearchBar which is deprecated in favor of Gtk.SearchEntry as of GTK 3.12 Applications that are already migrated to GTK 3.12 should use Gtk.SearchEntry. However, if the app does not require 3.12 for something else yet, this is probably not a good idea. Example of migration from Granite.SearchBar to Gtk.SearchEntry can be found at List of occurrences of Granite.SearchBar in our applications: appcenter/src/Widgets/Toolbar.vala: public SearchBar searchbar; appcenter/src/Widgets/Toolbar.vala: searchbar = new SearchBar(_("Search Apps")); appcenter/src/MainWindow.vala: /* SearchBar */ euclide/src/main.vala: SearchBar search_bar; granite/demo/GraniteDemo.vala: var search_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar ("Search"); noise/src/LibraryWindow.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar searchField { get; private set; } noise/src/LibraryWindow.vala: searchField = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Search Music")); scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar search_entry; scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar replace_entry; scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: search_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Find")); scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: replace_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Replace With") Several elementary apps use Granite.SearchBar which is deprecated in favor of Gtk.SearchEntry as of GTK 3.12 Applications that are already migrated to GTK 3.12 should use Gtk.SearchEntry. However, if the app does not require 3.12 for something else yet, this is probably not a good idea. Example of migration from Granite.SearchBar to Gtk.SearchEntry can be found at List of remaining occurrences of Granite.SearchBar in our applications: appcenter/src/Widgets/Toolbar.vala: public SearchBar searchbar; appcenter/src/Widgets/Toolbar.vala: searchbar = new SearchBar(_("Search Apps")); euclide/src/main.vala: SearchBar search_bar; granite/demo/GraniteDemo.vala: var search_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar ("Search"); scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar search_entry; scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: public Granite.Widgets.SearchBar replace_entry; scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: search_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Find")); scratch/src/Widgets/SearchManager.vala: replace_entry = new Granite.Widgets.SearchBar (_("Replace With")
2014-07-03 22:35:12 Cody Garver noise: importance Undecided Medium
2014-07-03 22:35:16 Cody Garver noise: milestone freya-beta2
2014-08-15 15:48:04 Fabio Zaramella scratch: status New Confirmed
2014-08-15 16:12:09 Fabio Zaramella scratch: status Confirmed In Progress
2014-08-15 16:12:12 Fabio Zaramella scratch: assignee Fabio Zaramella (ffabio-96-x)
2014-08-15 16:14:13 Fabio Zaramella branch linked lp:~ffabio-96-x/scratch/fix-1337291
2014-09-01 10:54:49 Cody Garver scratch: importance Undecided Medium
2014-09-01 10:54:49 Cody Garver scratch: milestone freya-beta2
2014-10-05 03:10:47 Cody Garver scratch: status In Progress Fix Committed
2015-02-09 04:23:39 Danielle Foré noise: status Fix Committed Fix Released
2015-02-09 04:23:41 Danielle Foré scratch: status Fix Committed Fix Released
2015-04-11 05:23:51 Cody Garver scratch: milestone freya-beta2 2.1
2015-06-30 20:35:53 Danielle Foré bug task deleted appcenter