Activity log for bug #4504

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2005-11-16 02:38:27 Alex Ross bug added bug
2005-11-16 02:47:04 Alex Ross bug added attachment 'C:\temp\dpkg-1.13.10-nexenta.patch' (Cumulative patch)
2005-11-16 02:47:31 Alex Ross bug assigned to dpkg (Ubuntu)
2006-03-31 19:11:26 Matt Zimmerman dpkg: assignee keybuk
2006-03-31 19:11:26 Matt Zimmerman dpkg: statusexplanation
2006-04-06 04:12:54 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) dpkg: status Unconfirmed Fix Released
2006-04-06 04:12:54 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) dpkg: statusexplanation Patched and uploaded
2006-04-06 06:11:57 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) dpkg: status Fix Released Confirmed
2006-04-06 06:11:57 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) dpkg: statusexplanation Patched and uploaded This patch causes dpkg to fail to build, see
2006-04-19 13:59:05 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) dpkg: priority Medium
2006-04-19 13:59:05 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) dpkg: statusexplanation This patch causes dpkg to fail to build, see
2006-04-19 18:41:27 Alex Ross bug added attachment 'F:\tmp\dpkg.0419.diff' (dpkg.0419.diff)
2006-08-03 09:51:25 imbayskar bug assigned to Baltix
2006-09-14 14:15:07 Scott James Remnant (Canonical) dpkg: assignee keybuk
2006-09-14 15:36:17 Ian Jackson dpkg: importance Medium Wishlist
2006-10-01 23:31:40 Mantas Kriaučiūnas None: status Unconfirmed Rejected
2006-10-01 23:31:40 Mantas Kriaučiūnas None: statusexplanation
2009-02-13 05:34:29 anilg dpkg: statusexplanation
2009-02-13 05:34:29 anilg dpkg: milestone hardy-release
2011-05-05 12:25:26 Raphaël Hertzog dpkg (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Won't Fix
2013-01-18 01:34:07 Alberto Salvia Novella affects dpkg (Nexenta Operating System) nexenta
2013-01-18 01:34:07 Alberto Salvia Novella nexenta: status New Invalid