Thank you for the bug report! I believe on master this is fixed already: $ project_id="$( openstack project show "$OS_PROJECT_NAME" | awk '/ id / { print $4 }' )" $ default_sg_id="$( neutron security-group-list --tenant-id "$project_id" | awk '/ default / { print $2 }' )" neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the Z cycle. Use openstack CLI instead. $ openstack security group rule create --description "test rule" --remote-ip --ingress $default_sg_id +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | created_at | 2021-10-01T12:44:31Z | | description | test rule | | direction | ingress | | ether_type | IPv4 | | id | 2025c3ff-7e5c-45df-9570-79c6a975d2fc | | name | None | | port_range_max | None | | port_range_min | None | | project_id | 60ff14d073834c05b8f02d1d219977a0 | | protocol | None | | remote_address_group_id | None | | remote_group_id | None | | remote_ip_prefix | | | revision_number | 0 | | security_group_id | 1dc8dd93-9809-411d-882b-3577f68a52a1 | | tags | [] | | updated_at | 2021-10-01T12:44:31Z | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ $ openstack security group rule show 2025c3ff-7e5c-45df-9570-79c6a975d2fc +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | created_at | 2021-10-01T12:44:31Z | | description | test rule | | direction | ingress | | ether_type | IPv4 | | id | 2025c3ff-7e5c-45df-9570-79c6a975d2fc | | name | None | | port_range_max | None | | port_range_min | None | | project_id | 60ff14d073834c05b8f02d1d219977a0 | | protocol | None | | remote_address_group_id | None | | remote_group_id | None | | remote_ip_prefix | | | revision_number | 0 | | security_group_id | 1dc8dd93-9809-411d-882b-3577f68a52a1 | | tags | [] | | updated_at | 2021-10-01T12:44:31Z | +-------------------------+--------------------------------------+ Thid bug may easily be a duplicate of this: fixed here: