Netconf sessions were timing out on VDX devices,nos_driver in the init phase closed after the required usage
Also added the db model for VDX devices which had got removed during vendor decomposition.
No DB Migration scripts are required as these are the initial models.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/289253 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ networking- brocade/ commit/ ?id=836a9d01489 3f819b5fa65c1f8 8da1d052cba4cd
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 836a9d014893f81 9b5fa65c1f88da1 d052cba4cd
Author: rmadapur <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 7 02:35:39 2016 -0800
Fixes netconf timeout issue
Netconf sessions were timing out on VDX devices,nos_driver in the init phase closed after the required usage
Also added the db model for VDX devices which had got removed during vendor decomposition.
No DB Migration scripts are required as these are the initial models.
Closes- Bug:#1553868 f0ba471f26ca7bb 8310370247d
Change-Id: Ibff5bf70b426b6