Activity log for bug #1577318

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2016-05-02 07:45:33 harahauk bug added bug
2016-05-02 07:46:01 harahauk description The current API does not allow for filtering by timestamp in the <host>/api/arp? tracker. This would be a welcome addition to autmating machine tracking. The current API does not allow for filtering by timestamp in the <host>/api/arp? tracker. This would be a welcome addition for automating machine tracking.
2016-05-04 09:19:19 John-Magne Bredal nav: status New Fix Committed
2016-05-04 09:19:22 John-Magne Bredal nav: milestone 4.5.0
2016-05-04 09:19:25 John-Magne Bredal nav: assignee John-Magne Bredal (john-m-bredal)
2016-05-04 09:19:28 John-Magne Bredal nav: importance Undecided Low
2016-06-09 07:30:49 Morten Brekkevold nav: importance Low Wishlist
2016-06-09 08:06:57 Morten Brekkevold summary Request: API - Track machines by timestamp Add timestamp filtering to cam and arp API
2016-06-09 10:51:07 Morten Brekkevold nav: status Fix Committed Fix Released