$ ELISA_DEBUG="*arte*:5" moovida Launcher core version: 1.0.9 Current core version: 1.0.9 WARN coherence Dez 26 17:45:04 Coherence UPnP framework version 0.6.4 starting... (coherence/base.py:281) WARN webserver Dez 26 17:45:04 WebServer on port 35481 ready (coherence/base.py:114) DEBUG MainThread arte_resource_provider Dez 26 17:45:04 Detect 'de' as language (elisa/plugins/arte/resource_provider.py:76) /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/elisa/core/service_manager.py:27: DeprecationWarning: ServiceProvider.start is deprecated. warn("ServiceProvider.%s is deprecated." % attr, DeprecationWarning) Traceback (most recent call last): Failure: elisa.plugins.lirc.lirc_input.NoMappingsFound: Given InputMap 'remote.map' not found WARN MainThread input_manager Dez 26 17:45:04 Creating elisa.plugins.lirc.lirc_input:LircInput failed. A full traceback can be found at /tmp/elisa_He5vKI.txt (elisa/core/manager.py:97) Traceback (most recent call last): Failure: exceptions.RuntimeError: hildon not running WARN MainThread service_manager Dez 26 17:45:04 Creating elisa.plugins.osso.osso_service:OssoService failed. A full traceback can be found at /tmp/elisa_5SaVgy.txt (elisa/core/manager.py:97) /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/elisa/core/application.py:473: Warning: g_set_prgname() called multiple times gobject.set_prgname('elisa') /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/elisa/plugins/pigment/graph/drawable.py:94: DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got float self.set_opacity(opacity) DEBUG MainThread arte_resource_provider Dez 26 17:45:31 Request ASF file: http://artestras.wmod.rd.llnw.net/geo/arte7/EUR_DE_FR/arteprod/A7_SGT_ENC_04_038959-007-A_PG_HQ_DE.wmv (elisa/plugins/arte/resource_provider.py:158) DEBUG MainThread arte_resource_provider Dez 26 17:45:31 Found MMS stream: mms://artestras.wmod.llnwd.net/a3903/o35/geo/arte7/EUR_DE_FR/arteprod/A7_SGT_ENC_04_038959-007-A_PG_HQ_DE.wmv?e=1261847731&h=f14f74a74b885381aac8eac5e8cf31f1 (elisa/plugins/arte/resource_provider.py:172) ERROR:dbus.connection:Unable to set arguments (None,) according to signature u'u': : long() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType' /usr/lib/python2.6/cgitb.py:245: DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6 value = pydoc.text.repr(getattr(evalue, name)) WARN MainThread application Dez 26 17:45:48 An Traceback occurred and got saved to /tmp/elisa__nqi_n.txt (elisa/core/application.py:342) Python 2.6.4: /usr/bin/python Sat Dec 26 17:45:48 2009 A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred. /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/elisa/plugins/gnome/gnome_screensaver_service.py in _playback_ended(self=, player=) 155 def _playback_ended(self, player): 156 # just unInhibit 157 self._un_inhibit() 158 159 def _player_status_cb(self, player, status): self = self._un_inhibit = > /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/elisa/plugins/gnome/gnome_screensaver_service.py in _un_inhibit(self=) 120 self.pm_iface.UnInhibit(cookie, 121 reply_handler=lambda : dfr.callback(None), 122 error_handler=lambda x: dfr.errback(x)) 123 124 return dfr error_handler undefined x undefined dfr = dfr.errback = > /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/proxies.py in __call__(self=, *args=(None,), **keywords={}) 130 reply_handler, 131 error_handler, 132 **keywords) 133 else: 134 return self._connection.call_blocking(self._named_service, keywords = {} /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/connection.py in call_async(self=, bus_name=dbus.UTF8String(':1.42'), object_path='/org/gnome/Screensaver', dbus_interface='org.gnome.ScreenSaver', method='UnInhibit', signature=u'u', args=(None,), reply_handler= at 0x7f9a389085f0>, error_handler= at 0x7f9a38908a28>, timeout=-1.0, utf8_strings=False, byte_arrays=False, require_main_loop=True) 554 # Add the arguments to the function 555 try: 556 message.append(signature=signature, *args) 557 except Exception, e: 558 logging.basicConfig() message = message.append = signature = u'u' args = (None,) : long() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType' __class__ = __delattr__ = __dict__ = {} __doc__ = 'Inappropriate argument type.' __format__ = __getattribute__ = __getitem__ = __getslice__ = __hash__ = __init__ = __new__ = __reduce__ = __reduce_ex__ = __repr__ = __setattr__ = __setstate__ = __sizeof__ = __str__ = __subclasshook__ = __unicode__ = args = ("long() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'",) message = "long() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'" The above is a description of an error in a Python program. Here is the original traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/elisa/plugins/gnome/gnome_screensaver_service.py", line 157, in _playback_ended self._un_inhibit() File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/elisa/plugins/gnome/gnome_screensaver_service.py", line 122, in _un_inhibit error_handler=lambda x: dfr.errback(x)) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/proxies.py", line 132, in __call__ **keywords) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/connection.py", line 556, in call_async message.append(signature=signature, *args) TypeError: long() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'