Grafana is part of the current master-branch of Monasca. On the dashboard, the described "Save"-function is displayed, however does not show any effect when used.
If this is an enhancement request, does it makes sense to disable this function on the dashboard until the enhancement is implemented? Currently, I find it a bit confusing.
Is it really necessary to store dashboards in Elasticsearch? To my knowledge, Grafana interacts mainly with InfluxDB (via the Monasca API). My initial intuition would have been to store dashboards in MySQL.
Grafana is part of the current master-branch of Monasca. On the dashboard, the described "Save"-function is displayed, however does not show any effect when used.
If this is an enhancement request, does it makes sense to disable this function on the dashboard until the enhancement is implemented? Currently, I find it a bit confusing.
Is it really necessary to store dashboards in Elasticsearch? To my knowledge, Grafana interacts mainly with InfluxDB (via the Monasca API). My initial intuition would have been to store dashboards in MySQL.