If it is off any help, here is a stab at a bbx file:
\defbibenvironment{bibliography} {\list {} {\setlength{\leftmargin}{6.5em}% \setlength{\itemindent}{0pt}% \setlength{\itemsep}{\bibitemsep}% \setlength{\parsep}{\bibparsep}}} {\endlist} {\item}
And cbx:
It is not really my field of programming, so it may be a bit "hacky".
If it is off any help, here is a stab at a bbx file:
\ProvidesFile{ moderncv. bbx}
\RequireBibliog raphyStyle{ authortitle}
\defbibenvironm ent{bibliograph y} setlength{ \leftmargin} {6.5em} % setlength{ \itemindent} {0pt}% setlength{ \itemsep} {\bibitemsep} % setlength{ \parsep} {\bibparsep} }}
And cbx:
\ProvidesFile{ moderncv. cbx}
\RequireCitatio nStyle{ authortitle}
It is not really my field of programming, so it may be a bit "hacky".