Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - Loading SoundSource plugins "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx/lin64_build/plugins" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - SoundSource providers for file extension "aif" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - 1 : "libsndfile" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - SoundSource providers for file extension "aiff" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - 1 : "libsndfile" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - SoundSource providers for file extension "caf" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - 1 : "libsndfile" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - SoundSource providers for file extension "flac" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - 2 : " libFLAC" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - 1 : "libsndfile" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - SoundSource providers for file extension "mp3" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - 2 : "MAD: MPEG Audio Decoder" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - SoundSource providers for file extension "ogg" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - 2 : " OggVorbis" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - 1 : "libsndfile" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - SoundSource providers for file extension "opus" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - 2 : " libopusfile" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - SoundSource providers for file extension "wav" Debug [Main]: SoundSourceProxy - 1 : "libsndfile" Debug [Main]: "Mixxx" "2.2.0-alpha-pre" "(git effect_blacklisting r4760; built on: May 24 2018 @ 12:06:08; flags: asan=0 battery=1 buildtime=1 bulk=1 color=0 coreaudio=0 faad=0 ffmpeg=0 hid=1 hss1394=0 ipod=0 lilv=1 localecompare=1 macappstore=0 mad=1 mediafoundation=0 modplug=0 opengles=0 optimize=portable opus=1 perftools=0 perftools_profiler=0 profiling=0 qdebug=1 qt_sqlite_plugin=0 qtkeychain=0 shoutcast=1 test=False tsan=0 ubsan=0 vamp=1 verbose=1 vinylcontrol=1 wv=0)" is starting... Debug [Main]: Compile time library versions: Debug [Main]: Qt: 4.8.7 Debug [Main]: libshout: 2.3.1 Debug [Main]: PortAudio: 1899 PortAudio V19-devel (built Aug 11 2015 07:04:31) Debug [Main]: RubberBand: 1.8.1 Debug [Main]: SoundTouch: 2.0.0 Debug [Main]: TagLib: 1.9.1 Debug [Main]: ChromaPrint: 1.2.0 Debug [Main]: Vorbis: Xiph.Org libVorbis 1.3.5 Debug [Main]: libsndfile: libsndfile-1.0.25 Debug [Main]: FLAC: 1.3.1 Debug [Main]: QDesktopServices::storageLocation(HomeLocation): "/home/kshitij" Debug [Main]: QDesktopServices::storageLocation(DataLocation): "/home/kshitij/.local/share/data//Mixxx" Debug [Main]: QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx" Debug [Main]: Loading resources from "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx/res/" Debug [StatsManager]: StatsManager thread starting up. Debug [Main]: Configuration file is at the current version 2.2.0-alpha-pre Debug [Main]: BroadcastSettings - Found 1 profile(s) Debug [Main]: Loading resources from "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx/res/" Debug [Main]: Loading resources from "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx/res/" Debug [Main]: Loading translations for locale "en_IN" from translations folder "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx/res/translations/" : fail Debug [Main]: Loading resources from "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx/res/" Debug [Main]: ConfigObject: Could not read "/home/kshitij/.mixxx/sandbox.cfg" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Open Sans" style: "Regular" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Open Sans" style: "Oblique" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Bold" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Medium Italic" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Medium" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Regular" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Light Italic" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Italic" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Bold Italic" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Light" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Bold" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Medium Italic" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Medium" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Regular" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Light Italic" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Italic" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Bold Italic" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: FONT LOADED family: "Ubuntu" style: "Light" point sizes: "6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72" Debug [Main]: Compressor attack per frame: 0.000408163 decay per frame: 4.08163e-05 Debug [Main]: JACK client name set ALSA lib pcm_dsnoop.c:606:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1029:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave ALSA lib pcm.c:2266:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear ALSA lib pcm.c:2266:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe ALSA lib pcm.c:2266:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1029:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory Cannot connect to server request channel jack server is not running or cannot be started JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for 4294967295, skipping unlock JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for 4294967295, skipping unlock Debug [Main]: EngineNetworkStream - addWorker: worker added Debug [Main]: EngineNetworkStream - worker slots used: "1 out of 16" Debug [Main]: BroadcastManager - addConnection: created connection for profile "Connection 1" Debug [Main]: WARNING: AudioInput already registered! Debug [Main]: WARNING: AudioInput already registered! Debug [Main]: WARNING: AudioInput already registered! Debug [Main]: WARNING: AudioInput already registered! Debug [Main]: DbConnection - Available drivers for database connections: ("QSQLITE") Debug [Main]: DbConnection - Opening database connection "MIXXX-1" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=false) Debug [Main]: DbConnectionPool - Cloned thread-local database connection "MIXXX-1" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=true) Debug [Main]: MixxxMainWindow - Connecting to database Debug [Main]: DbConnectionPooled - Found thread-local database connection "MIXXX-1" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=true) Debug [Main]: MixxxMainWindow - Initializing or upgrading database schema Debug [Main]: SchemaManager - Database schema is up-to-date at version 27 Debug [Main]: LibraryScanner - Starting thread Debug [Main]: DbConnectionPooled - Found thread-local database connection "MIXXX-1" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=true) Debug [Main]: Library - Connecting database Debug [LibraryScanner 1]: LibraryScanner - Entering thread Debug [LibraryScanner 1]: DbConnection - Opening database connection "MIXXX-2" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=false) Debug [LibraryScanner 1]: DbConnectionPool - Cloned thread-local database connection "MIXXX-2" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=true) Debug [LibraryScanner 1]: DbConnectionPooled - Found thread-local database connection "MIXXX-2" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=true) Debug [LibraryScanner 1]: LibraryScanner - Event loop starting Debug [Main]: Committing transaction on "MIXXX-1" result: true Debug [Main]: CrateFeature::rebuildChildModel() -1 Debug [Main]: Default quick links: ("/home/kshitij/Music/", "/home/kshitij/Downloads/", "/home/kshitij/Desktop/", "/home/kshitij/Documents/") Debug [Main]: Appending Quick Link: "Music" --- "/home/kshitij/Music/" Debug [Main]: Appending Quick Link: "Downloads" --- "/home/kshitij/Downloads/" Debug [Main]: Appending Quick Link: "Desktop" --- "/home/kshitij/Desktop/" Debug [Main]: Appending Quick Link: "Documents" --- "/home/kshitij/Documents/" Debug [Main]: Committing transaction on "MIXXX-1" result: true Debug [Main]: Traktor Library Location=[ "/home/kshitij/collection.nml" ] Debug [Main]: Checking for access to user's library directories: Debug [Main]: Checking for access to "/home/kshitij/Music" : true Debug [AnalyzerQueue 1]: AnalyzerQueue - Entering thread Debug [AnalyzerQueue 1]: DbConnection - Opening database connection "MIXXX-3" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=false) Debug [AnalyzerQueue 1]: DbConnectionPool - Cloned thread-local database connection "MIXXX-3" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=true) Debug [AnalyzerQueue 1]: DbConnectionPooled - Found thread-local database connection "MIXXX-3" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=true) Debug [Main]: Creating ControllerManager Debug [Controller]: ControllerManager:slotInitialize Debug [Main]: DBus screensaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver inhibited Debug [Main]: RLimit Cur 0 Debug [Main]: RLimit Max 0 Debug [Controller]: Extension .midi.xml total 109 presets Debug [Controller]: Extension .hid.xml total 10 presets Debug [Controller]: Extension .bulk.xml total 1 presets Debug [Main]: ControllerManager::getControllerList Debug [Main]: DbConnectionPooled - Found thread-local database connection "MIXXX-1" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=true) Debug [Main]: VampPluginLoader - Current VAMP_PATH is: "" Debug [Main]: VampPluginLoader - Ignoring non-existent path: "/usr/local/lib/mixxx" Debug [Main]: VampPluginLoader - Ignoring non-existent path: "/home/kshitij/.local/share/data/Mixxx" Debug [Main]: VampPluginLoader - Ignoring non-existent path: "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx" Debug [Main]: VampPluginLoader - Setting VAMP_PATH to: "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx/lin64_build/vamp-plugins" Debug [Main]: VampPluginLoader::listPlugins() returned 4 plugins Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "mixxxbpmdetection:0" "SoundTouch BPM Detector (Legacy)" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:0" "Bar and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:1" "Bar and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:2" "Bar and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:3" "Bar and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-keydetector:0" "Key Detector" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-keydetector:1" "Key Detector" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-keydetector:2" "Key Detector" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-keydetector:3" "Key Detector" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-tempotracker:0" "Tempo and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-tempotracker:1" "Tempo and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-tempotracker:2" "Tempo and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: VampPluginLoader::listPlugins() returned 4 plugins Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "mixxxbpmdetection:0" "SoundTouch BPM Detector (Legacy)" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:0" "Bar and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:1" "Bar and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:2" "Bar and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-barbeattracker:3" "Bar and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-keydetector:0" "Key Detector" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-keydetector:1" "Key Detector" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-keydetector:2" "Key Detector" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-keydetector:3" "Key Detector" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-tempotracker:0" "Tempo and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-tempotracker:1" "Tempo and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: Plugin output displayname: "qm-tempotracker:2" "Tempo and Beat Tracker" Debug [Main]: DlgPrefKey::loadSettings Debug [Main]: Key plugin ID: "qm-keydetector:2" Debug [Main]: Set root GL Context widget valid: QGLWidget(0xd3a7760) true Debug [Main]: Created root GL Context valid: 0xd44fe40 true Debug [Main]: Root GL Context format: Debug [Main]: Double Buffering: true Debug [Main]: Swap interval: 0 Debug [Main]: Depth buffer: true Debug [Main]: Direct rendering: true Debug [Main]: Has overlay: false Debug [Main]: RGBA: true Debug [Main]: Sample buffers: false Debug [Main]: Samples: -1 Debug [Main]: Stencil buffers: true Debug [Main]: Stereo: false Debug [Main]: LegacySkinParser loading skin: "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx/res/skins/Deere" Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Library],show_library" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],show_parallel_waveforms" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Microphone],show_microphone" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[PreviewDeck],show_previewdeck" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Master],show_4decks" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Master],show_4effectunits" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Master],show_coverart" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Master],show_spinnies" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],show_starrating" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],show_track_info" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],show_bpm_info" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],show_more_hotcues" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Master],show_mixer" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],show_crossfader" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Master],show_eqs" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Master],show_killswitches" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Master],show_faders" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[VinylControl],show_vinylcontrol" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Samplers],show_samplers" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Samplers],show_expanded" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[EffectRack1],show" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Master],show_superknobs" Creating it. Debug [Main]: Skin is a >=1.12.0 style skin. Warning [Main]: QCssParser::parseHexColor: Unknown color name '#08080' Debug [Main]: WSpinny(): Created QGLWidget, Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: WSpinny(): Created QGLWidget, Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: Created QGLWidget. Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: GLWaveformRendererSignalShader::loadShaders Debug [Main]: WaveformWidgetFactory::setWaveformWidget - waveform widget added in factory, index 0 Debug [Main]: WSpinny(): Created QGLWidget, Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: WSpinny(): Created QGLWidget, Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: Created QGLWidget. Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: GLWaveformRendererSignalShader::loadShaders Debug [Main]: WaveformWidgetFactory::setWaveformWidget - waveform widget added in factory, index 1 Debug [Main]: WSpinny(): Created QGLWidget, Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: WSpinny(): Created QGLWidget, Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: Created QGLWidget. Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: GLWaveformRendererSignalShader::loadShaders Debug [Main]: WaveformWidgetFactory::setWaveformWidget - waveform widget added in factory, index 2 Debug [Main]: WSpinny(): Created QGLWidget, Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: WSpinny(): Created QGLWidget, Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: Created QGLWidget. Context Valid: true Sharing: true Debug [Main]: GLWaveformRendererSignalShader::loadShaders Debug [Main]: WaveformWidgetFactory::setWaveformWidget - waveform widget added in factory, index 3 Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Master],maximize_library" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Library],show_coverart" Creating it. Debug [Main]: WTrackTableView::loadTrackModel() HiddenTableModel(0x139ba180) Debug [Main]: WTrackTableView::loadTrackModel() MissingTableModel(0x13a03f30) Debug [Main]: WTrackTableView::loadTrackModel() PlaylistTableModel(0x5be23a0) Debug [Main]: Recordings folder set to "/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx" Debug [Main]: WTrackTableView::loadTrackModel() QSortFilterProxyModel(0x13a85108) Debug [BrowseThread]: Append last 0 Debug [Main]: WTrackTableView::loadTrackModel() AnalysisLibraryTableModel(0x13b08900) Debug [Main]: BaseTrackCache(0x5be2690) updateIndexWithQuery took 0 ms Debug [Main]: AnalysisLibraryTableModel(0x13b08900) select() took 1 ms 6 Debug [Main]: AnalysisLibraryTableModel(0x13b08900) select() took 0 ms 6 Debug [Main]: DlgAnalysis(0x13ad5830, name = "DlgAnalysis") analysisActive false Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],show_skin_settings" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],key_layout_next" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],key_layout_prev" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],bpm_layout_next" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],bpm_layout_prev" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[SamplerRow1],expanded" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[SamplerRow2],expanded" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],sampler_row_next" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],sampler_row_prev" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],sampler_row_current" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],sampler_row_1" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],sampler_row_2" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],sampler_bank_next" Creating it. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Deere],sampler_bank_prev" Creating it. Debug [Main]: MixxxLibraryFeature::activate() Debug [Main]: WTrackTableView::loadTrackModel() LibraryTableModel(0x5be0f00) Debug [Main]: LibraryTableModel(0x5be0f00) select() took 0 ms 6 Debug [Main]: trying to restore position Debug [Main]: WSearchLineEdit::restoreSearch( "" ) Warning [Main]: Could not read sampler bank file "/home/kshitij/.mixxx/samplers.xml" Debug [Controller]: ControllerManager: Setting up devices Debug [Main]: SoundManager::setupDevices() Debug [Controller]: Scanning PortMIDI devices: Debug [Controller]: Found output device # 0 Midi Through Port-0 Debug [Controller]: Found input device # 1 Midi Through Port-0 Debug [Main]: SoundDevicePortAudio::open() "0, HDA Intel HDMI: 0 (hw:0,3)" Debug [Main]: framesPerBuffer: 1024 Debug [Controller]: Linking to output device # 0 "Midi Through Port-0" Debug [Main]: Requested sample rate: 44100 Hz, latency: 23.22 ms Debug [Main]: Output channels: 2 | Input channels: 0 Debug [Main]: Opening stream with id 0 Debug [Controller]: Scanning USB Bulk devices: Debug [Controller]: Scanning HID devices: Debug [Controller]: Found "" "" "r29184" S/N "" "Interface 0" Warning [Controller]: USB permissions problem (or device error.) Your account needs write access to USB HID controllers. Debug [Controller]: ControllerManager::getControllerList Debug [Controller]: Searching for controller preset "Midi_Through_Port-0.midi.xml" in paths: "/home/kshitij/.mixxx/controllers/,/home/kshitij/codes/repos/forks/mixxx/res/controllers/" Debug [Controller]: Loading controller preset from "/home/kshitij/.mixxx/controllers/Midi_Through_Port-0.midi.xml" Debug [Controller]: MidiControllerPresetFileHandler: Input mapping parsing complete. Debug [Controller]: MidiPresetFileHandler: Output mapping parsing complete. Debug [Controller]: Controller polling stopped. Debug [Main]: Opened PortAudio stream successfully... starting Debug [Main]: Dynamically loaded PortAudio library Debug [Main]: PortAudio: Started stream successfully Debug [Main]: Actual sample rate: 44100 Hz, latency: 23.22 ms Debug [Main]: SoundDeviceNetwork - open: "Network stream" Debug [Main]: framesPerBuffer: 1024 Debug [Main]: Requested sample rate: 44100 Hz, latency: 23219954 ns Debug [Main]: Using "HDA Intel HDMI: 0 (hw:0,3)" as output sound device clock reference Debug [Main]: 2 output sound devices opened Debug [Main]: 0 input sound devices opened Debug [Main]: Displaying main window Debug [Main]: Running Mixxx Debug [Main]: ControllerManager::getControllerList Debug []: SSE: Enabling denormals to zero mode Debug []: SSE: Enabling flush to zero mode Debug []: Denormals to zero mode is working Debug [Main]: Setting input delegate for column 0 QStyledItemDelegate(0x15e5db70) Debug [Main]: Setting input delegate for column 1 QStyledItemDelegate(0x15e646b0) Debug [Main]: Setting input delegate for column 2 QStyledItemDelegate(0x15e60d40) Debug [Main]: Setting input delegate for column 3 MidiOptionsDelegate(0x15e53d30) Debug [Main]: Setting input delegate for column 4 ControlDelegate(0x16990e90) Debug [Main]: Setting output delegate for column 0 QStyledItemDelegate(0x1783e480) Debug [Main]: Setting output delegate for column 1 QStyledItemDelegate(0x1783e5a0) Debug [Main]: Setting output delegate for column 2 QStyledItemDelegate(0x1783e8e0) Debug [Main]: Setting output delegate for column 3 QStyledItemDelegate(0x1783eb60) Debug [Main]: Setting output delegate for column 4 QStyledItemDelegate(0x1783edf0) Debug [Main]: Setting output delegate for column 5 ControlDelegate(0x1783f150) Debug [Main]: guess the size of the window decoration Debug [Main]: 1 "HDA Intel HDMI: 0 (hw:0,3)" Debug [Main]: 2 "0, HDA Intel HDMI: 0 (hw:0,3)" Debug [Main]: 1 "HDA Intel HDMI: 0 (hw:0,3)" Debug [Main]: 2 "0, HDA Intel HDMI: 0 (hw:0,3)" Debug [Main]: DbConnectionPooled - Found thread-local database connection "MIXXX-1" QSqlDatabase(driver=""QSQLITE"", database=""/home/kshitij/.mixxx/mixxxdb.sqlite"", host=""localhost"", port=-1, user=""mixxx"", open=true) Debug [Main]: DlgPrefVinyl::Apply Debug [Controller]: ControllerManager::getControllerList Debug [Controller]: Saving preset for "Midi Through Port-0" to "/home/kshitij/.mixxx/controllers/Midi_Through_Port-0.midi.xml" Debug [Main]: in VinylGainSlotApply() with gain: 0 dB Debug [Main]: DlgPrefLV2::slotApply 0x0 [1] 18250 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./mixxx --developer