Hi Daniel It's Mixxx V2.0 64bit. We've been testing the alpha version extensively and the cache overflow issue still remains, though I personally feel it IS better than before. What happens: 1. Normal size songs will play on autoplay for a day or two but then Mixxx crashes- ie it simply stops (not the alpha), or it disconnects the stream. The Alpha version will try to reconnect but fails to do so, informing us of both the disconnect and the attempted reconnect. However, once you try to manually reconnect, it will tick the Enable Live button, but actually it is NOT connected unless you shut Mixxx down and reboot it. (this is true of V2 and the alpha) 2. Long tracks, such as a 90 minute drama or a replay of one of our live shows (usually about 3hours) can cause all versions of mixxx to simply stop loading, or disconnect. I found the Alpha version a little better as it happens though! However what I said in 1 above is true here also. NOTE: when Mixxx disconnects, the boradcast server is still up. We also tried the alpha on a server from a completely different company (Radio Stream as opposed to L2MR) and it still did 2 above. Hope this helps! Looking forward to a beta :) Darren On 14 September 2016 at 20:23, Daniel Schürmann