Attached to this post is a video of simple operation with an older monotouch touchscreen. Specs are: Mixxx version - 1.11.1-pre (r3881) computer: Panasonic cf-73 cpu - 1.7ghz Pentium M - D: spu - onboard ram - 1.5gb OS - WinXPSP3 touchscreen (built in) - Fujitsu This touchscreen has finger (and glove, for outside use) capability, but it works best with a stylus of some sort. You can see in the video the lag with the fingers - it has nothing to do with Mixxx, every other interface in the system lags by finger as well. The only issues Mixxx has with a **monotouch/singletouch** interface that I have found are as follows: Right-clicking, according to my driver features, happens by assigned keyboard key+touch. In other words, if you want to right-click you assign a keyboard key (in my case one of three) and whatever you touch while that key is pressed becomes a right-click. You can also set it to be pressed and let go once, after which the next thing you touch becomes right-clicked (useful for monotouch screens without separate keyboards). In the case of Mixx4Touch, accommodating this could be as simple as having a button in the interface assignable to one of these keys. I imagine that other PC touchscreens function in a similar way, especially since a great many of them are Fujitsu. To accommodate OSs such as Android or others built especially for tablets without mice or keyboards, Mixxx would have to come up with an alternative to right-click for some features. Come to think of it, here's a probably obvious thought: how does Mixxx for Mac get by without right click? Oh, you Mac people and your frightening one-click mouses. In any case, any OS meant to be used with a right+left click mouse really doesn't need that much accommodation, other than adding the QT "touch" controls for multitouch. The second and far more crippling problem is that the dial controls are wonky as *&&*^. I tried to show that in the video - the cursor of course, as usual, raises and lowers them smoothly, but for some reason the touch at the dials is extremely sensitive, or just wrong. I can't make it out where it goes wrong or why. All sliders, buttons, menus, and every other clickable item, as far as I can tell, work perfectly. Anyway, that really is it as far as barebones functionality on a monotouch screen. Multitouch will be another matter, I think the touch-specific controls debuted in tandem with multitouch functionality. The cf-73 and many other tablets were manufactured long before Windows 7 or Android were even invented. They did not need any special libraries, just their driver, like any other hardware. Older touchscreens were made like mice, one clickpoint and made to work with any kind of legacy program. As far as I can tell multitouch was basically what exploded the paradigm and forced programs to be designed especially for it. I'll be on the lookout for a cheap multitouch tablet or laptop, or possibly a Wacom Bamboo will work (which is also multitouch, and probably the cheapest option) in order to test multitouch functionality better. Actually, never mind - I can totally just build the MTMini whenever QTtouch gets added. I should be able to build it pretty much immediately once necessary. This will be the last I'll use this thread for bug reports on this matter unless directed otherwise, from now on my touchscreen related bug reports will be filed separately like any other. In fact I will file two separate bugs for each of the issues I mentioned. I'm excited about this functionality!!! ^_^