Hi Ryan, Thanks a lot for the explanation. Now I understand that the Midi Through port is something that I do not want enabled in any case until the bug is fixed. However, I still have the problem that the Reloop device is not recognized and do not even appear in the preferences, as you can see in the attached .png file. How this is supposed to appear? I have tried connecting and reconnecting the Reloop device USB connector to different USB ports. Is there anything else that I need to do to get this device recognized by Mixxx? am I doing/missing something incredibly stupid? I have seen the "Mixxx says I have no HID controllers attached even though I do" entry in http://mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/troubleshooting . However, I do not see any message in the log that suggests that no controllers are attached. These are the only Warning lines I have in mixxx.log (11 warnings): Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Samplers],show_samplers" . Creating it. Warning [Main]: Object::connect: No such slot QGroupBox::setProperty(const char*, const QVariant&) in src/skin/propertybinder.cpp:13 Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Vinylcontrol],show_vinylcontrol" . Creating it. Warning [Main]: Object::connect: No such slot QGroupBox::setProperty(const char*, const QVariant&) in src/skin/propertybinder.cpp:13 Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Microphone],show_microphone" . Creating it. Warning [Main]: Object::connect: No such slot QGroupBox::setProperty(const char*, const QVariant&) in src/skin/propertybinder.cpp:13 Warning [Main]: QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current. Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Spinny1],show_spinny" . Creating it. Warning [Main]: Object::connect: No such slot QGroupBox::setProperty(const char*, const QVariant&) in src/skin/propertybinder.cpp:13 Warning [Main]: Requested control does not exist: "[Spinny2],show_spinny" . Creating it. Warning [Main]: Object::connect: No such slot QGroupBox::setProperty(const char*, const QVariant&) in src/skin/propertybinder.cpp:13 And interestingly, in the last few lines of the log, I still have this: Debug [Main]: MidiDeviceManager::getDeviceList Debug [Main]: Writing MIDI preset file "/home/kaka/.mixxx/midi/Midi_Through_Port-0.midi.xml" Debug [Main]: MidiMapping: writing script block for "Reloop-Digital-Jockey2-Controller-scripts.js" ...although the Through port has been disabled (and the program restarted and the Reloop reconnected since that). So, could this mean that there is still some configuration that forces the Reloop device to be associated to Midi through port, perhaps as a result of a previous configuration where the port was enabled? could this be reseat/eliminated to see if the program will finally detect the Reloop device? or, again, perhaps I am failing to do a basic thing? I have to say that the Reloop device is working under Windows/Traktor, so I have to exclude a hardware failure from the Reloop device itself or its cable. Once again, thank you for your interest . The Reloop device is a "Top Seller" in conrad.de, so I am sure this could help others who, like me, want to use this wonderful Mixxx program in Linux and avoid the Windows system completely.