version: '2.0' hello.custom_workflow_common: description: st2 hello.custom_workflow_common type: direct input: - TargetName - transaction_name - transaction_parameters - ObjectServer - TOTA - Serial - timeLimit - deployment_execution_id - base_path - ServerName - Zone output: stdout: <% $.completion_code_stdout %> tasks: transaction_verify: action: core.local input: cmd: ./<% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.transaction_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: transaction_verify_stdout: <% task(transaction_verify).result.stdout %> on-success: - task_transaction_verify_check on-error: - fail task_transaction_verify_check: on-success: - initial_state: <% not $.transaction_verify_stdout in ['None','na','',' ']%> - transaction_wrong: <% $.transaction_verify_stdout in ['None','na','',' ']%> initial_state: action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: <% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.TargetName %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.Serial %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.ServerName %> <% $.Zone %> "2" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: portalid: <% $.transaction_parameters %> status_message: "-----------initial state-------------" stderr: <% task(initial_state).result.stderr %> on-success: - curl_initial_state on-error: - fail transaction_wrong: action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: <% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.TargetName %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.Serial %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.ServerName %> <% $.Zone %> "101" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: portalid: <% $.transaction_parameters %> status_message: "-----------transaction wrong-------------" stderr: <% task(transaction_wrong).result.stderr %> completion_code_stdout: 101 on-success: - TOTA_STATE_UPDATE on-error: - fail curl_initial_state: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.deployment_execution_id %>" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: stdout_get_initial_state: <% task(curl_initial_state).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(curl_initial_state).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script curl_get_notes" on-success: - curl_initial_state_run on-error: - fail curl_initial_state_run: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.stdout_get_initial_state %>" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: stdout_curl: <% task(curl_initial_state_run).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(curl_initial_state_run).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script curl_run_notes" on-success: - ipaddress_details on-error: - fail ipaddress_details: action: core.local input: cmd: "wget -qO -<% $.TargetName %>" publish: ipaddress_stdout: <% task(ipaddress_details).result.stdout %> CommandResult: "Non" ReturnResult: "Nu" ObjectServer: <% $.ObjectServer %> on-success: - ipaddress_evaluation ipaddress_evaluation: action: core.local input: cmd: "echo <% $.ipaddress_stdout %> | awk -F, '{ print $1 }'" publish: ipaddress: <% task(ipaddress_evaluation).result.stdout %> on-success: - ipaddress_evaluation_trim ipaddress_evaluation_trim: action: core.local input: cmd: "echo <% $.ipaddress %> | sed 's/n//g'" publish: ipaddress: <% task(ipaddress_evaluation_trim).result.stdout %> on-success: - automation_initiated_message automation_initiated_message: action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: "echo '\\n' > <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_notes.log" publish: stdout_notes: <% task(automation_initiated_message).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(automation_initiated_message).result.stderr %> status_message: "TOTA NOTES update success" on-success: - automation_initiated_message_date automation_initiated_message_date: action: core.local input: cmd: "date +%s | tr -d '\\n'" publish: startTime: <% task(automation_initiated_message_date).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(automation_initiated_message_date).result.stderr %> status_message: "Date command executed successfully" on-success: - automation_initiated_message_platform automation_initiated_message_platform: action: core.remote input: cmd: "uname" hosts: <% $.TargetName %> publish: platform: <% task(automation_initiated_message_platform).result.get($.TargetName).stdout %> stderr: <% task(automation_initiated_message_platform).result.get($.TargetName).stderr %> status_message: "uname command executed successfully" on-success: - get_transaction_param_list on-error: - compute_completion_code_connectivity get_transaction_param_list: publish: params_list: <% $.transaction_parameters.split('').select(str($).trim()) %> status_message: "Getting list of transaction_parameters" on-success: - task_switch task_switch: publish: #script_name: <% $.params_list[0] %> target_name: <% $.TargetName %> #os_type: <% $.params_list[2] %> #script_parameters: <% $.params_list[3] %> on-success: - task_unix #- task_windows: <% $.os_type = 'WINDOWS' %> task_unix: action: core.remote input: cmd: "uname" hosts: <% $.target_name %> publish: stdout: <% task(task_unix).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task_unix).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> filesystem_platform: <% task(task_unix).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> #script_name: <% $.script_name %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> #script_parameters: <% $.script_parameters %> on-success: - get_destination_path on-error: - compute_completion_code_connectivity compute_completion_code_connectivity: action: core.local input: cmd: printf "\n \n Not able to connect to server \n \n" >> <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_notes.log publish: completion_code_stdout: 104 status_message: "Connectivity with target host is not successfull." on-success: - TOTA_MTTR_Update on-error: - fail get_destination_path: action: core.remote input: cmd: "grep m40725 /etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f6" hosts: <% $.target_name %> publish: status_message: "Connectivity with target host is successfull,now checking for destination path." destination_path: <% task(get_destination_path).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(get_destination_path).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> #script_name: <% $.script_name %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> #script_parameters: <% $.script_parameters %> QueryResult: "UNIX" on-success: - getscript_fromTransaction on-error: - compute_completion_code_error getscript_fromTransaction: action: core.local input: cmd: "./<% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.transaction_name %>" publish: stdout_ScriptFromTransc: <% task(getscript_fromTransaction).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(getscript_fromTransaction).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script getscript_fromTransaction" destination_path: <% $.destination_path %> #script_name: <% $.script_name %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> #script_parameters: <% $.script_parameters %> on-success: - identify_script on-error: - compute_completion_code_error identify_script: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %>" publish: stdout_identify: <% task(identify_script).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(identify_script).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script identify" destination_path: <% $.destination_path %> #script_name: <% $.script_name %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> #script_parameters: <% $.script_parameters %> on-success: - task_script_copy on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task_script_copy: on-success: - copy_script: <% not $.stdout_identify in ['None','na','',' ']%> - copy_script_single: <% $.stdout_identify in ['None','na','',' ']%> copy_script: action: core.local input: cmd: "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null <% $.base_path %>/scripts/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.base_path %>/scripts/<% $.stdout_identify %> m40725@<% $.target_name %>:<% $.destination_path %>" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "Determine Destinaton directory action success,working on script copy" stdout: <% task(copy_script).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(copy_script).result.stderr %> destination_path: <% $.destination_path %> #script_name: <% $.script_name %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> #script_parameters: <% $.script_parameters %> on-success: - give_file_permission on-error: - compute_completion_code_error copy_script_single: action: core.local input: cmd: "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null <% $.base_path %>/scripts/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> m40725@<% $.target_name %>:<% $.destination_path %>" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "Determine Destinaton directory action success,working on script copy" stdout: <% task(copy_script_single).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(copy_script_single).result.stderr %> destination_path: <% $.destination_path %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - give_file_permission on-error: - compute_completion_code_error give_file_permission: action: core.remote input: cmd: "chmod -R 755 <% $.destination_path %>/*" hosts: <% $.target_name %> publish: status_message: "Script copy to destination success, now changing file permission" stdout: <% task(give_file_permission).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(give_file_permission).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> destination_path: <% $.destination_path %> #script_name: <% $.script_name %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> #script_parameters: <% $.script_parameters %> on-success: - task_switch2 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task_switch2: on-success: - task20_execute_script_allparameters: <% $.transaction_name in ['HAAS_rs' , 'HAAS_hart'] %> - task_execute_params_space: <% $.transaction_name in ['lmc'] %> - task_execute_script_sudo: <% $.transaction_name in ['check_mirror','avamar_backup_failures','chronicdrive','cfengine','qmanager_availability','wlmsbounce','sendmail'] %> - task10_execute_script_FullMasterName: <% $.transaction_name in ['HAAS_URLcheck'] %> # - task_switch3: <% $.transaction_name in ['HAAS_URLcheck'] %> - task_switch4: <% $.transaction_name in ['permhardware'] %> - task31_execute_script_swit1: <% not $.transaction_name in ['lmc','HAAS_rs' , 'HAAS_hart', 'HAAS_URLcheck','check_mirror','avamar_backup_failures','chronicdrive','cfengine','qmanager_availability','wlmsbounce','sendmail','permhardware'] %> # task_switch3: # on-success: # - task20_execute_script_URLOption: <% $.params_list[0] = 'na' %> # - task20_execute_script_URLOption1: <% not $.params_list[0] = 'na' %> task_switch4: on-success: - task31_execute_script_disk_ID1: <% $.params_list[0] in ['na','None'] %> - task31_execute_script_disk_ID: <% not $.params_list[0] in ['na','None'] %> task31_execute_script_swit1: on-success: - task_switch1 task_execute_params_space: action: core.local input: cmd: <% $.base_path %>/scripts/ "<% $.transaction_parameters %>" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "finding parameters for lmc transaction" task_space_stdout: <% task(task_execute_params_space).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(task_execute_params_space).result.stderr %> on-success: - task_switch1 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error #task_check_space_switch: # on-success: # - task_space_stdout_noresult: <% $.task_space_stdout = 'no' %> # - task_space_stdout_result: <% $.task_space_stdout = 'yes' %> #task_space_stdout_noresult: # action: core.local # input: # cmd: "date" #publish: # task_space_stdout_final: <% $.transaction_parameters %> # stderr: <% task(task_space_stdout_noresult).result.stderr %> #on-success: # - task_switch1 #on-error: # - compute_completion_code_error #task_space_stdout_result: # action: core.local # input: # cmd: "echo <% $.transaction_parameters %> | sed -e \"s/ /,/g\"" # timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> #publish: # task_space_stdout_final: <% task(task_space_stdout_result).result.stdout %> # stderr: <% task(task_space_stdout_result).result.stderr %> #on-success: # - task_switch1 #on-error: # - compute_completion_code_error task20_execute_script_allparameters: action: core.local input: cmd: "date" publish: allparms: <% $.transaction_parameters %> CommandResult: "Non" MasterIP: <% $.params_list[1] %> FullMasterName: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task_switch1 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task_execute_script_sudo: action: core.remote input: cmd: "which sudo" hosts: <% $.target_name %> publish: SUDO: <% task(task_execute_script_sudo).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task_execute_script_sudo).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> on-success: - task_switch1 on-error: - task_execute_script_sudo1 #task_SUDO_NA: # on-success: # - task_execute_script_sudo3: <% $.SUDO in ['None','na','',' ','NULL'] %> task_execute_script_sudo1: action: core.remote input: cmd: "which sudo" hosts: <% $.target_name %> publish: SUDO: <% task(task_execute_script_sudo1).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task_execute_script_sudo1).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> on-success: - task_switch1 on-error: - task_execute_script_sudo2 task_execute_script_sudo2: action: core.remote input: cmd: "which sudo" hosts: <% $.target_name %> publish: SUDO: <% task(task_execute_script_sudo2).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task_execute_script_sudo2).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> on-success: - task_switch1 on-error: - task_execute_script_sudo3 task_execute_script_sudo3: publish: SUDO: "NA" on-success: - task_switch1 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task10_execute_script_FullMasterName: publish: MasterIP: <% $.params_list[1] %> FullMasterName: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task_switch1 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task31_execute_script_disk_ID: publish: params_list: <% $.transaction_parameters.split('').select(str($).trim()) %> diskID: <% $.params_list[0] %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task_switch1 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task31_execute_script_disk_ID1: publish: params_list: <% $.transaction_parameters.split('').select(str($).trim()) %> diskID: "NA" target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task_switch1 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task_switch1: on-success: - task_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['testing_custom_workflow', 'AIC_call_trace', 'AIC_ntp_synch_ck', 'AIC_restarttomcat', 'AIC_check_filespace', 'PCI_fault', 'ossnap', 'dsm_daemon', 'fs_large_files', 'check_nic', 'check_flar', 'sendmail_ck', 'sendmail_hung', 'disabledpath_solaris', 'zpool', 'TSNOW_KILL_amqzlaa0', 'cron_max_limit', 'AIC_nrpe_restart', 'DSASM_APP_RESTART'] %> - task_execute_script_check_lvol: <% $.transaction_name in ['check_lvol'] %> - task2_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['AIC_ipmitool', 'STOR_ck_hus_conn', 'Check_Mvs_Listen'] %> - task3_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['HAAS_VGCURL'] %> - task3_execute_script_VOS: <% $.transaction_name in ['HAAS_VOS'] %> - task4_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['check_cpu', 'rscadm_new'] %> - task5_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name = 'AIC_service_ck' %> - task6_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name = 'AIC_check_memory' %> - task7_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['AIC_check_port', 'MQ_channel', 'MQ_connect'] %> - task8_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['STOR_san_path'] %> - task9_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['check_logrotate'] %> - task10_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['server_not_responding'] %> - task11_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['lmc'] %> - task12_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['check_mirror'] %> - task13_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['bpcd'] %> - task14_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['remounting_filesystem'] %> - task15_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['vnbu_master_jobs'] %> - task16_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['AIC_hostevent'] %> - task17_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['BICEP_Bounce_Tomcat'] %> - task17_execute_script_metadb: <% $.transaction_name in ['metadb'] %> - task18_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['chronicdrive','cfengine'] %> - task19_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['HAAS_rs'] %> - task20_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['HAAS_URLcheck'] %> - task21_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['avamar_backup_failures'] %> - task22_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['vcs_group_faulted'] %> - task23_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['vcs_admin_intervention'] %> - task24_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['qmanager_availability'] %> - task25_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['MQ_curdepth'] %> - task26_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['powersupply'] %> - task27_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['wlmsbounce'] %> - task28_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['rpcbind_automountd_ck'] %> - task29_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['errdemon_not_running'] %> - task30_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['daemon_ck'] %> - task31_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['permhardware'] %> - task32_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['sendmail'] %> - task33_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['swap'] %> - task34_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['agentstatus'] %> - task35_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['filesystem'] %> - task36_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['hpdiskmirror'] %> - task37_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['SBCCS_RESTART_PTR'] %> - task38_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['STOR_powersupply', 'STOR_fan'] %> - task39_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['AIC_checkbonding'] %> - task40_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['STOR_show_cmds'] %> - task41_execute_script: <% $.transaction_name in ['AIC_rabbitmq_queue_health'] %> task_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task_execute_script_check_lvol: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task_execute_script_check_lvol).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task_execute_script_check_lvol).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task2_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> \"<% $.transaction_parameters %>\" <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task2_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task2_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task3_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task3_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task3_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task3_execute_script_VOS: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task3_execute_script_VOS).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task3_execute_script_VOS).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task4_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.platform %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task4_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task4_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task5_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.params_list[1] %> <% $.params_list[2] %> <% $.params_list[3] %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task5_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task5_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task6_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.target_name %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task6_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task6_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task7_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.params_list[1] %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task7_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task7_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task8_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.transaction_parameters %> <% $.platform %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.target_name %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task8_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task8_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task9_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.platform %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task9_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task9_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task10_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.target_name %> 123 <% $.ipaddress %> SUCCESS <% $.CommandResult %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task10_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task10_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task11_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> \"<% $.task_space_stdout %>\" <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task11_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task11_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task12_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.SUDO %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task12_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task12_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task13_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.target_name %> 123 <% $.ReturnResult %> SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.platform %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task13_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task13_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task14_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.target_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task14_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task14_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task15_execute_script: action: core.local input: cmd: "nslookup <% $.params_list[0] %> | tail -2 | cut -c10- | tr -d '\\n'" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" EBRIP: <% task(task15_execute_script).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(task15_execute_script).result.stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task15_execute_script_main on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task15_execute_script_main: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.target_name %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.target_name %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.params_list[1] %> <% $.EBRIP %> <% $.ObjectServer %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task15_execute_script_main).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task15_execute_script_main).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> culprit: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task16_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.ipaddress %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task16_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task16_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task17_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.CommandResult %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit%> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task17_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task17_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task17_execute_script_metadb: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit%> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task17_execute_script_metadb).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task17_execute_script_metadb).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task18_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.SUDO %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task18_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task18_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task19_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.target_name %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.target_name %> <% $.params_list[1] %> \"<% $.allparms %>\" <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.ObjectServer %> <% $.startTime %> <% $.params_list[2] %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task19_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task19_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> culprit: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task20_execute_script: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.base_path %>/scripts/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.target_name %> <% $.TOTA %> \"<% $.transaction_parameters %>\" <% $.timeLimit %>" #hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task20_execute_script).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(task20_execute_script).result.stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task21_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.QueryResult %> <% $.SUDO %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task21_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task21_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task22_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task22_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task22_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task23_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task23_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task23_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task24_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.SUDO %> <% $.Serial %>" #cmd: "ls -ltr <% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task24_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task24_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task25_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.params_list[1] %> <% $.params_list[2] %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task25_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task25_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task26_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.platform %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task26_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task26_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task27_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.SUDO %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task27_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task27_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task28_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "uname -r" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "uname -r command is running" releasenumber: <% task(task28_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task28_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task28_execute_script_main on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task28_execute_script_main: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.releasenumber %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task28_execute_script_main).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task28_execute_script_main).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task29_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.ReturnResult %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task29_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task29_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task30_execute_script: on-success: - task30_execute_script_sun: <% $.platform in ['sun', 'Sun'] %> - task30_execute_script_not_sun: <% not $.platform in ['sun', 'Sun'] %> task30_execute_script_sun: action: core.remote input: cmd: "uname -r" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "uname -r command is running" releasenumber: <% task(task30_execute_script_sun).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task30_execute_script_sun).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task30_execute_script_main on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task30_execute_script_not_sun: publish: releasenumber: "NA" on-success: - task30_execute_script_main on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task30_execute_script_main: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.platform %> <% $.releasenumber %> <% $.params_list[1] %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task30_execute_script_main).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task30_execute_script_main).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task31_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> 123 <% $.diskID %> SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task31_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task31_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task32_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %><% $.transaction_name %> 123 <% $.SUDO %> SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task32_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task32_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task33_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.ipaddress %> <% $.CommandResult %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.platform %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.params_list %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task33_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task33_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task34_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.ipaddress %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.params_list[1] %> <% $.params_list[2] %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task34_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task34_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task35_execute_script: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.filesystem_platform %> <% $.base_path %> <% $.target_name %> <% $.destination_path %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %>" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task35_execute_script).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(task35_execute_script).result.stderr %> on-success: - task35_execute_script_final on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task35_execute_script_final: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.target_name %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.params_list[1] %> <% $.Serial %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.timeLimit %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task35_execute_script_final).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task35_execute_script_final).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task36_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.target_name %> SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.params_list[1] %> <% $.params_list[2] %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task36_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task36_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task37_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.target_name %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> \"<% $.transaction_parameters %>\" <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task37_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task37_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task38_execute_script: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.base_path %>/scripts/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.target_name %> m64295 cingular <% $.ipaddress %> <% $.Serial %>" publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task38_execute_script).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(task38_execute_script).result.stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task39_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.params_list[1] %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task39_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task39_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task41_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.deployment_execution_id %> \"<% $.transaction_parameters %>\" <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task41_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task41_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task40_execute_script: action: core.remote input: cmd: "<% $.destination_path %>/<% $.stdout_ScriptFromTransc %> <% $.transaction_name %> SUCCESS <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.timeLimit %> <% $.target_name %> M64295 cingular <% $.ipaddress %> <% $.params_list[0] %> <% $.Serial %>" hosts: <% $.target_name %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: status_message: "script file chmod 755 success,now executing script" script_stdout: <% task(task40_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stdout %> stderr: <% task(task40_execute_script).result.get($.target_name).stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error save_script_output: action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: printf %b "<% $.script_stdout %>" > <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_UW.log publish: stdout: <% task(save_script_output).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(save_script_output).result.stderr %> status_message: "script execution success,saving script output" target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task3 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task3: on-success: - script_output_format_setup: <% not $.transaction_name in ['STOR_san_path'] %> - save_script_output_filter: <% $.transaction_name in ['STOR_san_path'] %> save_script_output_filter: action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: "<% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.deployment_execution_id %>_UW.log" publish: stdout: <% task(save_script_output_filter).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(save_script_output_filter).result.stderr %> status_message: "script execution success,saving script output" target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - save_script_output_final_STOR on-error: - compute_completion_code_error save_script_output_final_STOR: action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: printf %b "<% $.script_stdout %>" > <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_UW.log publish: stdout: <% task(save_script_output_final_STOR).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(save_script_output_final_STOR).result.stderr %> status_message: "script execution success,saving script output" target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - script_output_format_setup on-error: - compute_completion_code_error script_output_format_setup: action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: <% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_UW.log publish: stdout_script_output: <% task(script_output_format_setup).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(script_output_format_setup).result.stderr %> status_message: "script execution success,saving script output" target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - copying_script_output on-error: - compute_completion_code_error copying_script_output: action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: printf %b "<% $.stdout_script_output %>" > <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_UW.log publish: stdout: <% task(copying_script_output).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(copying_script_output).result.stderr %> status_message: "script execution success,saving script output" target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - get_output_tag_count on-error: - compute_completion_code_error get_output_tag_count: action: core.local input: cmd: grep '' <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_UW.log | wc -l publish: status_message: "Script output has been saved,now grep for output tag" output_tag_count: <% task(get_output_tag_count).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(get_output_tag_count).result.stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task5 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task5: action: core.local input: cmd: sed -e 's///' <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_UW.log publish: status_message: "grep for output tag is successfull.performing split of tag" resultList_stdout: <% task(task5).result.stdout.split('').select(str($).trim()) %> stderr: <% task(task5).result.stderr %> output_tag_count: <% $.output_tag_count %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task6 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task6: with-items: - listItem in <% $.resultList_stdout.limit($.output_tag_count) %> - count in <% list(range($.output_tag_count)) %> action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: printf %b " <% $.listItem %>" >> <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_notes.log; publish: status_message: "sed cmd and split is successfull.saving final output" stdout: <% task(task6).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(task6).result.stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - task7 on-error: - compute_completion_code_error task7: action: core.local input: cmd: cat <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_UW.log | grep '' | cut -d '>' -f2 | cut -d '<' -f1 publish: status_message: "Final output for TOTA saved in file, now parsing completion code" completion_code_stdout: <% task(task7).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(task7).result.stderr %> target_name: <% $.target_name %> on-success: - Validate_Completion_code on-error: - compute_completion_code_error Validate_Completion_code: on-success: - TOTA_MTTR_Update: <% not $.completion_code_stdout in ['NA','None','NULL','',' ','na'] %> - Validate_completion_code_error: <% $.completion_code_stdout in ['NA','None','NULL','',' ','na'] %> Validate_completion_code_error: action: core.local input: cmd: printf "\n \n MTTR is null. \n \n" >> <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_notes.log publish: completion_code_stdout: 102 status_message: "MTTR is null" on-success: - TOTA_MTTR_Update on-error: - fail compute_completion_code_error: action: core.local input: cmd: printf "\n \n command execution is failed,please investigate the reason \n \n" >> <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_notes.log publish: completion_code_stdout: 102 status_message: "command execution is failed" on-success: - TOTA_MTTR_Update on-error: - fail TOTA_MTTR_Update: action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: <% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.TargetName %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.completion_code_stdout %> <% $.Serial %> MTTR <% $.deployment_execution_id %> timeout: 60 publish: stdout: <% task(TOTA_MTTR_Update).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(TOTA_MTTR_Update).result.stderr %> status_message: "TOTA MTTR update success" on-success: - curl_get_mttr_UWF on-error: - fail curl_get_mttr_UWF: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.deployment_execution_id %>" publish: status_message_update: "TOTA MTTR update success,executing curl_get_mttr_UWF" stdout_get_mttr_UWF: <% task(curl_get_mttr_UWF).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(curl_get_mttr_UWF).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script curl_get_mttr_UWF" on-success: - curl_run_mttr_UWF on-error: - fail curl_run_mttr_UWF: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.stdout_get_mttr_UWF %>" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: stdout_curl: <% task(curl_run_mttr_UWF).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(curl_run_mttr_UWF).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script curl_run_mttr_UWF success" on-success: - TOTA_permissions on-error: - fail TOTA_permissions: action: core.local input: cmd: "chmod 777 <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_notes.log" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: stdout_curl: <% task(TOTA_permissions).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(TOTA_permissions).result.stderr %> status_message: "TOTA permissions change successful" on-success: - TOTA_NOTES_Update on-error: - fail TOTA_NOTES_Update: action: core.local_sudo input: cmd: <% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.TargetName %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.base_path %>/data/<% $.deployment_execution_id %>_notes.log <% $.Serial %> Notes <% $.deployment_execution_id %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: stdout_notes: <% task(TOTA_NOTES_Update).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(TOTA_NOTES_Update).result.stderr %> status_message: "TOTA NOTES update success" on-success: - curl_get_notes_UWF on-error: - fail curl_get_notes_UWF: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.deployment_execution_id %>" publish: stdout_get_notes_UWF: <% task(curl_get_notes_UWF).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(curl_get_notes_UWF).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script curl_get_notes_UWF success" on-success: - curl_run_notes_UWF on-error: - fail curl_run_notes_UWF: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.stdout_get_notes_UWF %>" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: stdout_curl: <% task(curl_run_notes_UWF).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(curl_run_notes_UWF).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script curl_run_notes_UWF success" on-success: - TOTA_STATE_UPDATE on-error: - fail TOTA_STATE_UPDATE: action: core.local input: cmd: <% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.transaction_name %> <% $.TargetName %> <% $.TOTA %> <% $.completion_code_stdout %> <% $.Serial %> SQL <% $.deployment_execution_id %> <% $.ServerName %> <% $.Zone %> timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: stdout_state: <% task(TOTA_STATE_UPDATE).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(TOTA_STATE_UPDATE).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script curl_get_notes" on-success: - curl_state on-error: - fail curl_state: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.base_path %>/scripts/ <% $.deployment_execution_id %>" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: stdout_state_UW: <% task(curl_state).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(curl_state).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script curl_get_notes" on-success: - curl_state_run on-error: - fail curl_state_run: action: core.local input: cmd: "<% $.stdout_state_UW %>" timeout: <% $.timeLimit %> publish: stdout_curl: <% task(curl_state_run).result.stdout %> stderr: <% task(curl_state_run).result.stderr %> status_message: "Script curl_run_notes" on-success: - notify on-error: - fail notify: action: core.local input: cmd: "printf '<% $.status_message %> and completion_code_stdout:<% $.completion_code_stdout %>'"