--- version: '2.0' test_distribution: description: Test that Mistral HA works and all executors handled at least one action execution input: - executor_count - ssh_username - ssh_password tasks: collect_executors_hostnames: # Execute executor_count * 4 times to have really high chances that every executor will handle at least one SSH action execution with-items: index in <% range(0, $.executor_count*4) %> action: std.ssh input: host: localhost cmd: echo -n `hostname` username: <% $.ssh_username %> password: <% $.ssh_password %> on-success: - check_hostnames check_hostnames: action: std.noop publish: distinct_hostnames: <% distinct(task(collect_executors_hostnames).result) %> on-success: - fail: <% len($.distinct_hostnames) != $.executor_count %>