
CI test failure in TestTouchspotVisualizations.touchspots_follow_gesture

Bug #1680069 reported by Alexandros Frantzis
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
mir (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

[ RUN ] TestTouchspotVisualizations.touchspots_follow_gesture
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.091583] mirplatform: Found graphics driver: mir:mesa-x11 (version 0.27.0)
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.100130] mirplatform: Found graphics driver: mir:android (version 0.27.0)
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.122274] mirplatform: Found graphics driver: mir:mesa-kms (version 0.27.0)
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.123563] mirplatform: Found graphics driver: mir:stub-graphics (version 0.27.0)
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.124924] mirplatform: Found graphics driver: throw-on-creation (version 0.27.0)
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.397386] mirserver: Selected input driver: mir:stub-input (version: 0.27.0)
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.423077] mirserver: Mir version 0.27.0
15: /<<BUILDDIR>>/mir-0.26.1+17.04.20170209.1+zesty4580bzr4141/tests/integration-tests/test_touchspot_visualization.cpp:192: Failure
15: Mock function called more times than expected - returning directly.
15: Function call: visualize_touches(@0xbde54d0 { 12-byte object <00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 80-3F> })
15: Expected: to be called once
15: Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.506774] mirserver: Initial display configuration:
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.507052] mirserver: CMakeFiles CTestTestfile.cmake Makefile client cmake_install.cmake compositor graphics input mir_integration_tests_precompiled.hpp.gch precompiled.hpp.compileflags precompiled.hpp.compileflags.processed process shell Output 1: VGA connected, used
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.507270] mirserver: . |_ Physical size 0.0" 0x0mm
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.507488] mirserver: . |_ Power is on
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.507758] mirserver: . |_ Current mode 1600x1600 60.00Hz
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.508021] mirserver: . |_ Preferred mode 1600x1600 60.00Hz
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.508242] mirserver: . |_ Orientation normal
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.508487] mirserver: . |_ Logical size 1600x1600
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.508734] mirserver: . |_ Logical position +0+0
15: [2017-04-05 08:31:32.508969] mirserver: . |_ Scaling factor: 1.00
15: unknown file: Failure
15: Unexpected mock function call - returning directly.
15: Function call: visualize_touches(@0xbde54d0 {})
15: Google Mock tried the following 4 expectations, but none matched:
15: /<<BUILDDIR>>/mir-0.26.1+17.04.20170209.1+zesty4580bzr4141/tests/integration-tests/test_touchspot_visualization.cpp:191: tried expectation #0: EXPECT_CALL(server_configuration.mock_visualizer, visualize_touches(NoSpots()))...
15: Expected: the expectation is active
15: Actual: it is retired
15: Expected: to be called at most once
15: Actual: never called - satisfied and retired
15: /<<BUILDDIR>>/mir-0.26.1+17.04.20170209.1+zesty4580bzr4141/tests/integration-tests/test_touchspot_visualization.cpp:192: tried expectation #1: EXPECT_CALL(server_configuration.mock_visualizer, visualize_touches(TouchedSpotsAt(expected_spots_1)))...
15: Expected arg #0: touched spots at { (0, 0) }
15: Actual: {}
15: Expected: to be called once
15: Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active
15: /<<BUILDDIR>>/mir-0.26.1+17.04.20170209.1+zesty4580bzr4141/tests/integration-tests/test_touchspot_visualization.cpp:193: tried expectation #2: EXPECT_CALL(server_configuration.mock_visualizer, visualize_touches(TouchedSpotsAt(expected_spots_2)))...
15: Expected arg #0: touched spots at { (1599, 1599) }
15: Actual: {}
15: Expected: to be called once
15: Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
15: /<<BUILDDIR>>/mir-0.26.1+17.04.20170209.1+zesty4580bzr4141/tests/integration-tests/test_touchspot_visualization.cpp:194: tried expectation #3: EXPECT_CALL(server_configuration.mock_visualizer, visualize_touches(NoSpots()))...
15: Expected: all pre-requisites are satisfied
15: Actual: the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied:
15: /<<BUILDDIR>>/mir-0.26.1+17.04.20170209.1+zesty4580bzr4141/tests/integration-tests/test_touchspot_visualization.cpp:193: pre-requisite #0
15: (end of pre-requisites)
15: Expected: to be called once
15: Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
15: unknown file: Failure
15: C++ exception with description "Timeout" thrown in TearDown().
15: /<<BUILDDIR>>/mir-0.26.1+17.04.20170209.1+zesty4580bzr4141/tests/integration-tests/test_touchspot_visualization.cpp:193: Failure
15: Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(server_configuration.mock_visualizer, visualize_touches(TouchedSpotsAt(expected_spots_2)))...
15: Expected: to be called once
15: Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
15: /<<BUILDDIR>>/mir-0.26.1+17.04.20170209.1+zesty4580bzr4141/tests/integration-tests/test_touchspot_visualization.cpp:194: Failure
15: Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(server_configuration.mock_visualizer, visualize_touches(NoSpots()))...
15: Expected: to be called once
15: Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
15: terminate called without an active exception

Tags: testsfail
Changed in mir:
importance: Critical → Undecided
Revision history for this message
Michał Sawicz (saviq) wrote :

Syncing task from Mir.

Changed in mir (Ubuntu):
status: New → Triaged
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