This bug was fixed in the package unity8 - 8.14+16.10.20160922-0ubuntu1 --------------- unity8 (8.14+16.10.20160922-0ubuntu1) yakkety; urgency=medium [ Albert Astals Cid ] * LVWPH: update clipItem height when list height changes (LP: #1606935) * Put the touchdown shape inside a loader * No need for the touchdown in the card for the cardtool * Add bottom gradient to the Show Less floating button * Remove artShapeSize from non cardtool cards * LVWPH: Fix case in which header was shown incorrectly * LVWPH: Fix items cut on top in the dash (or at least some instances of it) * Reduce calls to CardCreatorCache.getCardComponent while the component is being created (LP: #1615675) * Dash::test_cardIconStyle change compare into tryCompareFunction * Make PreviewActionsTest::test_comboButton more stable * Adapt onShiftedContentXChanged to work when the content changes very abruptly * Make tryGenericScopeView show the scope correctly * Make sure the spinner does not get too close to the title text (LP: #1597392) * Show "Pull to refresh" in white when overlaid in low luminance colors (LP: #1596849) * Make test_Shell non ultra slow again (LP: #1597366) * Improve findChild calls inside tryCompareFunction. [ Andrea Cimitan ] * override some Qt Components definitions so we can have sane default values for flick speeds * Elide the label text inside recent searches panel (LP: #1611796) * Add a PreviewSingleton module to store some data for previews (LP: #1595235) * Use PreviewSingleton for PreviewRatingInput and PreviewCommentInput (LP: #1595235) * rework GenericScopeView PullToRefresh test * use mouseFlick instead touchFlick for manage_dash_move_current * add a couple of waiting tricks for a flaky dash test [ Daniel d'Andrada ] * Set progress bar indeterminate when processing signal received. (LP: #1249349) * Implement cursor confinement (LP: #1590099) [ Josh Arenson ] * Add a frontend to the sessions model and enable a session chooser in the greeter. [ Lukáš Tinkl ] * Implement edge maximizing (aka window snapping) (LP: #1602628) * On the PC platform (as opposed to running on $devices), use the "mute" action instead of silent mode * Respect Fitt's law wrt the window control buttons in panel (LP: #1611959) * Fix 2 failing color-related tests [ Marco Trevisan (Treviño) ] * Indicators, mocks: add fake indicators menuitem to populate mocks with different menu types * IndicatorsClient: use PageHeader and ListItemLayout's [ Michael Terry ] * Support launching apps inside a unity8 session from the greeter and support emergency dialing inside the greeter. * Fix tryShell to actually show appropriate backgrounds for each mock user. * Add an indicator to the greeter when a user is logged in (only shown if we have more than one user) * Hide the greeter OSK if indicators are open and don't show the edge tutorial during an emergency call. * Switch from lockscreen PIN pad to a passcode entry box that uses the OSK. * Use the default system wallpaper instead of our custom one. * Update look of infographic a bit * Make infographic bubbles white even on the default wallpaper. -- Michał Sawicz