You cant undo NoJS
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
Midori Web Browser |
Unassigned |
Bug Description
If you unmark it, NoJs is STILL blocking some scripts. You cant get the original state.
Command line midori
Midori 0.5.8 (de.twotoasts.
GTK+ 2.24.23 (2.24.23) Glib 2.40.0 (2.40.0)
WebKitGTK+ 2.3.91 (2.4.0) libSoup 2.44.2
cairo 1.13.1 (1.13.1) libnotify 0.7.6
gcr No granite No
Platform X11; Linux i686
Identification Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux) AppleWebKit/538.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/
Video Formats H264 [x] Ogg Theora [x] WebM [x]
Netscape Plugins:
QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.6 The Videos 3.10.1 plugin handles video and audio streams.
Windows Media Player Plug-in 10 (compatible; Videos) The Videos 3.10.1 plugin handles video and audio streams.
iTunes Application Detector This plug-in detects the presence of iTunes when opening iTunes Store URLs in a web page with Firefox.
DivX® Web Player DivX Web Player version
Shockwave Flash Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202
VLC Multimedia Plugin (compatible Videos 3.10.1) The Videos 3.10.1 plugin handles video and audio streams.
It would help if you could provide more specifics (e.g. a simple test case where a script works, then is blocked by nojs, then remains blocked after disabling and reloading) but I'll try to look into this later either way.