subroutine addmothers(ip,jpart,pb,isym,jsym,rscale,aqcd,aqed,buff, $ npart,numproc,flip) implicit none include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' integer jpart(7,-nexternal+3:2*nexternal-3),npart,ip,numproc double precision pb(0:4,-nexternal+3:2*nexternal-3) double precision rscale,aqcd,aqed,targetamp(maxflow) character*1000 buff character*20 cform logical flip ! If .true., initial state is mirrored integer isym(nexternal,99), jsym integer i,j,k,ida(2),ns,nres,ires,icl,ito2,idenpart,nc,ic integer mo_color,da_color(2),itmp integer ito(-nexternal+3:nexternal),iseed,maxcolor,maxorg integer icolalt(2,-nexternal+2:2*nexternal-3) double precision qicl(-nexternal+3:2*nexternal-3), factpm double precision xtarget data iseed/0/ integer lconfig,idij(-nexternal+2:nexternal) integer diag_number common/to_diag_number/diag_number c Variables for combination of color indices (including multipart. vert) integer maxcolmp parameter(maxcolmp=20) integer ncolmp,icolmp(2,maxcolmp),is_colors(2,nincoming) double precision ZERO parameter (ZERO=0d0) double precision prmass(-nexternal:0,lmaxconfigs) double precision prwidth(-nexternal:0,lmaxconfigs) integer pow(-nexternal:0,lmaxconfigs) logical first_time,tchannel save prmass,prwidth,pow data first_time /.true./ Double Precision amp2(maxamps), jamp2(0:maxflow) common/to_amps/ amp2, jamp2 integer mincfig, maxcfig common/to_configs/mincfig, maxcfig integer idmap(-nexternal:nexternal),icmp integer iforest(2,-max_branch:-1,lmaxconfigs) common/to_forest/ iforest integer sprop(maxsproc,-max_branch:-1,lmaxconfigs) integer tprid(-max_branch:-1,lmaxconfigs) common/to_sprop/sprop,tprid integer mapconfig(0:lmaxconfigs), iconfig common/to_mconfigs/mapconfig, iconfig integer idup(nexternal,maxproc,maxsproc) integer mothup(2,nexternal) integer icolup(2,nexternal,maxflow,maxsproc) include '' include '' logical OnBW(-nexternal:0) !Set if event is on B.W. common/to_BWEvents/ OnBW CHARACTER temp*600,temp0*7,integ*1,float*18 CHARACTER(LEN=45*nexternal) ptclusstring C iproc has the present process number integer imirror, iproc common/to_mirror/imirror, iproc data iproc/1/ c integer ncols,ncolflow(maxamps),ncolalt(maxamps),icorg c common/to_colstats/ncols,ncolflow,ncolalt,icorg double precision pt integer get_color,elim_indices,set_colmp,fix_tchannel_color,combid real ran1 external pt,ran1,get_color,elim_indices,set_colmp,fix_tchannel_color if (first_time) then include '' first_time=.false. endif npart = nexternal buff = ' ' do i=-nexternal+2,nexternal icolalt(1,i)=0 icolalt(2,i)=0 enddo c c Choose the config (diagram) which was actually used to produce the event c c ...unless the diagram is passed in igraphs(1); then use that diagram lconfig=iconfig if ( then if (btest(mlevel,3)) then write(*,*)'unwgt.f: write out diagram ',igraphs(1) endif lconfig=igraphs(1) endif c c Choose a color flow which is certain to work with the propagator c structure of the chosen diagram and use that as an alternative c nc = int(jamp2(0)) maxcolor=0 if( if(icolamp(1,%(iconfig)s,iproc)) then targetamp(1)=jamp2(1) c print *,'Color flow 1 allowed for config ',lconfig else targetamp(1)=0d0 endif do ic =2,nc if(icolamp(ic,%(iconfig)s,iproc))then targetamp(ic) = jamp2(ic)+targetamp(ic-1) c print *,'Color flow ',ic,' allowed for config ',lconfig,targetamp(ic) else targetamp(ic)=targetamp(ic-1) endif enddo c ensure that at least one leading color is different of zero if not allow c all subleading color. if (targetamp(nc).eq.0)then targetamp(1)=jamp2(1) do ic =2,nc targetamp(ic) = jamp2(ic)+targetamp(ic-1) enddo endif xtarget=ran1(iseed)*targetamp(nc) ic = 1 do while (targetamp(ic) .lt. xtarget .and. ic .lt. nc) ic=ic+1 enddo if(targetamp(nc).eq.0) ic=0 c print *,'Chose color flow ',ic do i=1,nexternal if( then icolalt(1,isym(i,jsym))=icolup(1,i,ic,numproc) icolalt(2,isym(i,jsym))=icolup(2,i,ic,numproc) c write(*,*) i, icolalt(1,isym(i,jsym)), icolalt(2,isym(i,jsym)) if (abs(icolup(1,i,ic, numproc)).gt.maxcolor) maxcolor=icolup(1,i,ic, numproc) if (abs(icolup(2,i,ic, numproc)).gt.maxcolor) maxcolor=icolup(2,i,ic, numproc) endif enddo else ! do i=1,nexternal icolalt(1,i)=0 icolalt(2,i)=0 enddo endif ! c Store original maxcolor to know if we have epsilon vertices maxorg=maxcolor c Keep track of IS colors that go through to final state c (since we shouldn't replace pop-up indices with those) do i=1,nincoming do j=1,2 is_colors(j,i)=0 do k=3,nexternal if (iabs(icolalt(j,i)).eq.iabs(icolalt(j,k))) then c This color is going through to FS is_colors(j,i)=iabs(icolalt(j,i)) endif enddo enddo enddo c c Get mother information from chosen graph c c Set idij for external particles (needed to keep track of BWs) if( then do i=1,nexternal idij(i)=ishft(1,i-1) enddo endif c First check number of resonant s-channel propagators ns=0 nres=0 tchannel=.false. c Ensure that mother-daughter information starts from 0 do i=-nexternal+3,0 jpart(2,i) = 0 jpart(3,i) = 0 enddo c Loop over propagators to find mother-daughter information do i=-1,-nexternal+2,-1 c Daughters if( ida(1)=iforest(1,i,lconfig) ida(2)=iforest(2,i,lconfig) do j=1,2 if(ida(j).gt.0) ida(j)=isym(ida(j),jsym) enddo c Set idij (needed to keep track of BWs) if( idij(i)=combid(idij(ida(1)),idij(ida(2))) endif c Decide s- or t-channel if( $ iabs(sprop(numproc,i,lconfig)).gt.0) then ! s-channel propagator jpart(1,i)=sprop(numproc,i,lconfig) ns=ns+1 else if( then c For t-channel propagators, just check that the colors are ok if(i.eq.-nexternal+2) then c This is the final t-channel, combining with leg 2 mo_color=0 if(.not.tchannel)then c There are no previous t-channels, so this is a combination of c 2, 1 and the last s-channel ida(1)=1 ida(2)=i+1 else c The daughter info is in iforest ida(1)=iforest(1,i,lconfig) ida(2)=iforest(2,i,lconfig) endif c Reverse colors of t-channels to get right color ordering ncolmp=0 ncolmp=set_colmp(ncolmp,icolmp,2,jpart, $ iforest(1,-max_branch,lconfig),icolalt, $ icolalt(2,2),icolalt(1,2)) else jpart(1,i)=tprid(i,lconfig) mo_color=get_color(jpart(1,i)) ncolmp=0 endif if( $ da_color(1)=get_color(jpart(1,ida(1))) da_color(2)=get_color(jpart(1,ida(2))) call write_error(da_color(1), da_color(2), mo_color) endif c Set icolmp for daughters ncolmp=set_colmp(ncolmp,icolmp,ida(2),jpart, $ iforest(1,-max_branch,lconfig),icolalt, $ icolalt(1,ida(2)),icolalt(2,ida(2))) c Reverse colors of t-channels to get right color ordering ncolmp=set_colmp(ncolmp,icolmp,ida(1),jpart, $ iforest(1,-max_branch,lconfig),icolalt, $ icolalt(2,ida(1)),icolalt(1,ida(1))) c Fix t-channel color c print *,'t-channel: ',i,ida(1),ida(2),mo_color c print *,'colors: ',((icolmp(j,k),j=1,2),k=1,ncolmp) maxcolor=fix_tchannel_color(mo_color,maxcolor, $ ncolmp,icolmp,i,icolalt,is_colors) tchannel=.true. cycle else goto 100 endif c Set status codes for propagator c if((igscl(0).ne.0.and. c $ (iabs(jpart(1,i)).gt.5.and.iabs(jpart(1,i)).lt.11).or. c $ (iabs(jpart(1,i)).gt.16.and.iabs(jpart(1,i)).ne.21)).or. c $ (igscl(0).eq.0.and.OnBW(i))) then if(ickkw.eq.0.and.OnBW(i))then c Resonance whose mass should be preserved jpart(6,i)=2 nres=nres+1 else if ( then if(isbw(idij(i))) then c Resonance whose mass should be preserved jpart(6,i)=2 nres=nres+1 else jpart(6,i)=3 endif else c Propagator for documentation only - not included jpart(6,i)=3 endif c Calculate momentum (p1+p2 for s-channel, p2-p1 for t-channel) do j=0,3 pb(j,i)=pb(j,ida(1))+pb(j,ida(2)) enddo pb(4,i)=sqrt(max(0d0,pb(0,i)**2-pb(1,i)**2-pb(2,i)**2-pb(3,i)**2)) c if(jpart(6,i).eq.2.and. c $ abs(pb(4,i)-prmass(i,lconfig)).gt.5d0*prwidth(i,lconfig)) then c jpart(6,i)=3 c nres=nres-1 c endif c Set color info for all s-channels mo_color = get_color(jpart(1,i)) c If inside multipart. vertex (indicated by color 2) cycle c Set tentative mothers jpart(2,i) = 1 jpart(3,i) = 2 c Set mother info for daughters do j=1,2 jpart(2,ida(j)) = i jpart(3,ida(j)) = i enddo if(mo_color.eq.2) cycle c Reset list of color indices ncolmp=0 c Add new color indices to list of color indices do j=1,2 ncolmp=set_colmp(ncolmp,icolmp,ida(j),jpart, $ iforest(1,-max_branch,lconfig),icolalt, $ icolalt(1,ida(j)),icolalt(2,ida(j))) enddo c print *,'s-channel: ',i,mo_color,ida(1),ida(2) c print *,'colors: ',((icolmp(j,k),j=1,2),k=1,ncolmp) if(mo_color.eq.1) then ! color singlet maxcolor=elim_indices(0,0,ncolmp,icolmp,i,icolalt, $ is_colors,maxcolor) elseif(mo_color.eq.-3) then ! color anti-triplet maxcolor=elim_indices(0,1,ncolmp,icolmp,i,icolalt, $ is_colors,maxcolor) elseif(mo_color.eq.3) then ! color triplet maxcolor=elim_indices(1,0,ncolmp,icolmp,i,icolalt, $ is_colors,maxcolor) elseif(mo_color.eq.-6) then ! color anti-sextet maxcolor=elim_indices(0,2,ncolmp,icolmp,i,icolalt, $ is_colors,maxcolor) elseif(mo_color.eq.6) then ! color sextet maxcolor=elim_indices(2,0,ncolmp,icolmp,i,icolalt, $ is_colors,maxcolor) elseif(mo_color.eq.8) then ! color octet maxcolor=elim_indices(1,1,ncolmp,icolmp,i,icolalt, $ is_colors,maxcolor) else ! 2 indicates multipart. vertex da_color(1) = get_color(jpart(1,ida(1))) da_color(2) = get_color(jpart(1,ida(2))) call write_error(da_color(1), da_color(2), mo_color) endif c Just zero helicity info for intermediate states jpart(7,i) = 0 enddo ! do i 100 continue call check_pure_internal_flow(icolalt,jpart, maxcolor) c Remove non-resonant mothers, set position of particles ires=0 do i=-ns,nexternal jpart(4,i)=icolalt(1,i) jpart(5,i)=icolalt(2,i) if(i.eq.1.or.i.eq.2) then ito(i)=i ! initial state particle else if( then ito(i)=i+nres ! final state particle else if(i.le.-1.and.jpart(6,i).eq.2) then ires=ires+1 ito(i)=2+ires ! s-channel resonances else ito(i)=0 if(i.eq.0) cycle endif if(jpart(2,i).lt.0.and.jpart(6,jpart(2,i)).ne.2) then jpart(2,i)=jpart(2,jpart(2,i)) jpart(3,i)=jpart(3,jpart(3,i)) endif enddo c c Shift particles to right place and set mothers of particles c do i=nexternal,-ns,-1 if(ito(i).le.0) cycle do j=1,7 jpart(j,ito(i))=jpart(j,i) enddo if(jpart(2,ito(i)).lt.0) then jpart(2,ito(i))=ito(jpart(2,ito(i))) jpart(3,ito(i))=ito(jpart(3,ito(i))) endif do j=0,4 pb(j,ito(i))=pb(j,i) enddo enddo c c Set correct mother number for clustering info c if (icluster(1,1).ne.0) then do i=1,nexternal-2 if(icluster(4,i).gt.0)then icluster(4,i)=ito(icluster(4,i)) else icluster(4,i)=-1 endif if(icluster(3,i).eq.0)then icluster(3,i)=-1 endif if(ito(icluster(1,i)).gt.0) $ icluster(1,i)=ito(icluster(1,i)) if(ito(icluster(2,i)).gt.0) $ icluster(2,i)=ito(icluster(2,i)) if(flip)then if(icluster(1,i).le.2) $ icluster(1,i)=3-icluster(1,i) if(icluster(2,i).le.2) $ icluster(2,i)=3-icluster(2,i) if(icluster(3,i).ge.1.and.icluster(3,i).le.2) $ icluster(3,i)=3-icluster(3,i) endif enddo endif if (flip) then c Need to flip initial state color, since might be overwritten do i=1,7 j=jpart(i,1) jpart(i,1)=jpart(i,2) jpart(i,2)=j enddo endif if( then if ( then write(cform,'(a4,i2,a6)') '(a1,',max(nexternal,10),'e15.7)' write(buff,cform) '#',(ptclus(i),i=3,nexternal) else if( temp0='')) c write(*,*)'WRITING THE ptclusscale:',trim(adjustl(ptclusstring)) write(buff,'(a)') trim(adjustl(ptclusstring)) endif endif npart = nexternal+nres return end c ************************************* subroutine write_error(ida1,ida2,imo) c ************************************* implicit none integer ida1,ida2,imo open(unit=26,file='../../../error',status='unknown',err=999) if (ida1.eq.1000)then write(26,*) 'Error: too many particles in multipart. vertex,', $ ' please increase maxcolmp in addmothers.f' write(*,*) 'Error: too many particles in multipart. vertex,', $ ' please increase maxcolmp in addmothers.f' stop endif if (ida1.eq.1001)then write(26,*) 'Error: failed to reduce to color indices: ',ida2,imo write(*,*) 'Error: failed to reduce to color indices: ',ida2,imo stop endif write(26,*) 'Error: Color combination ',ida1,ida2, $ '->',imo,' not implemented in addmothers.f' write(*,*) 'Error: Color combination ',ida1,ida2, $ '->',imo,' not implemented in addmothers.f' stop 999 write(*,*) 'error' end c ********************************************************************* function set_colmp(ncolmp,icolmp,npart,jpart,forest,icol,icol1,icol2) c ********************************************************************* implicit none integer maxcolmp parameter(maxcolmp=20) include '' include '' c Arguments integer set_colmp integer ncolmp,icolmp(2,*),npart,icol1,icol2 integer icol(2,-nexternal+2:2*nexternal-3) integer jpart(7,-nexternal+3:2*nexternal-3) integer forest(2,-max_branch:-1) c Local integer da_color(2),itmp,ida(2),icolor,ipart,i,j integer get_color,set1colmp set_colmp=ncolmp icolor=get_color(jpart(1,npart)) if(icolor.eq.1) return if(icolor.eq.2) then c Multiparticle vertex - need to go through daughters and collect all colors ipart=npart do while(icolor.eq.2) ida(1)=forest(1,ipart) ida(2)=forest(2,ipart) da_color(1)=get_color(jpart(1,ida(1))) da_color(2)=get_color(jpart(1,ida(2))) c print *,'iforest: ',ipart,ida(1),ida(2),da_color(1),da_color(2) if(da_color(1).ne.2.and.da_color(2).lt.da_color(1).or. $ da_color(2).eq.2)then c Order daughters according to color, but always color 2 first itmp=ida(1) ida(1)=ida(2) ida(2)=itmp itmp=da_color(1) da_color(1)=da_color(2) da_color(2)=itmp endif do i=1,2 if(da_color(i).ne.1.and.da_color(i).ne.2)then ncolmp=set1colmp(ncolmp,icolmp,icol(1,ida(i)), $ icol(2,ida(i))) endif enddo icolor=da_color(1) ipart=ida(1) enddo else ncolmp=set1colmp(ncolmp,icolmp,icol1,icol2) endif set_colmp=ncolmp return end c ****************************************************** function set1colmp(ncolmp,icolmp,icol1,icol2) c ****************************************************** implicit none c Arguments integer maxcolmp parameter(maxcolmp=20) integer set1colmp integer ncolmp,icolmp(2,*),icol1,icol2,i,j c print *,'icol1,icol2: ',icol1,icol2 ncolmp=ncolmp+1 icolmp(1,ncolmp)=icol1 icolmp(2,ncolmp)=icol2 c Avoid color sextet-type negative indices if(icolmp(1,ncolmp).lt.0)then ncolmp=ncolmp+1 icolmp(2,ncolmp)=-icolmp(1,ncolmp-1) icolmp(1,ncolmp-1)=0 icolmp(1,ncolmp)=0 elseif(icolmp(2,ncolmp).lt.0)then ncolmp=ncolmp+1 icolmp(1,ncolmp)=-icolmp(2,ncolmp-1) icolmp(2,ncolmp-1)=0 icolmp(2,ncolmp)=0 endif c print *,'icolmp: ',((icolmp(i,j),i=1,2),j=1,ncolmp) if( $ call write_error(1000,ncolmp,maxcolmp) set1colmp=ncolmp return end c******************************************************************** function fix_tchannel_color(mo_color,maxcolor,ncolmp,icolmp,ires, $ icol,is_colors) c******************************************************************** c Successively eliminate identical pairwise color indices from the c icolmp list, until only (max) one triplet and one antitriplet remains c implicit none include '' integer fix_tchannel_color integer mo_color,maxcolor,ncolmp,icolmp(2,*) integer ires,icol(2,-nexternal+2:2*nexternal-3) integer is_colors(2,nincoming) integer i,j,i3,i3bar,max3,max3bar,min3,min3bar,maxcol,mincol integer count c Successively eliminate color indices in pairs until only the wanted c indices remain do i=1,ncolmp do j=1,ncolmp if(icolmp(1,i).ne.0.and.icolmp(1,i).eq.icolmp(2,j)) then icolmp(1,i)=0 icolmp(2,j)=0 endif enddo enddo i3=0 i3bar=0 icol(1,ires)=0 icol(2,ires)=0 do i=1,ncolmp if(icolmp(1,i).gt.0)then i3=i3+1 c color for t-channels needs to be reversed if(i3.eq.1) icol(2,ires)=icolmp(1,i) if(i3.eq.2) icol(1,ires)=-icolmp(1,i) endif if(icolmp(2,i).gt.0)then i3bar=i3bar+1 c color for t-channels needs to be reversed if(i3bar.eq.1) icol(1,ires)=icolmp(2,i) if(i3bar.eq.2) icol(2,ires)=-icolmp(2,i) endif enddo if(mo_color.eq.0)then icol(1,ires)=0 icol(2,ires)=0 endif fix_tchannel_color=maxcolor if(mo_color.le.1.and.i3.eq.0.and.i3bar.eq.0) return if(mo_color.eq.3.and.(i3.eq.1.and.i3bar.eq.0 $ .or.i3bar.eq.1.and.i3.eq.0)) return if(mo_color.eq.8.and.i3.eq.1.and.i3bar.eq.1) return c Make sure that max and min don't come from the same octet call find_max_min(icolmp,ncolmp,max3,min3,max3bar,min3bar, $ i3,i3bar,is_colors) c print *,'After finding: ',ncolmp,((icolmp(j,i),j=1,2),i=1,ncolmp) c print *,'mo_color = ',mo_color if(mo_color.le.1.and.i3-i3bar.eq.2.or. $ mo_color.le.1.and.i3bar-i3.eq.2.or. $ mo_color.le.1.and.i3.eq.1.and.i3bar.eq.1) then c Replace the maximum index with the minimum one everywhere maxcol=max(max3,max3bar) if(maxcol.eq.max3) then mincol=min3bar else mincol=min3 endif do i=ires+1,-1 do j=1,2 if(icol(j,i).eq.maxcol) $ icol(j,i)=mincol enddo enddo c print *,'Replaced ',maxcol,' by ',mincol elseif(mo_color.le.1.and.i3.eq.2.and.i3bar.eq.2) then c Ensure that max > min if( i=min3 min3=max3bar max3bar=i endif if( i=min3bar min3bar=max3 max3=i endif c Replace the maximum indices with the minimum ones everywhere do i=ires+1,-1 do j=1,2 if(icol(j,i).eq.max3bar) $ icol(j,i)=min3 if(icol(j,i).eq.max3) $ icol(j,i)=min3bar enddo enddo c print *,'Replaced ',max3bar,' by ',min3,' and ',max3,' by ',min3bar elseif(mo_color.le.1.and.mod(i3,3).eq.0.and.mod(i3bar,3).eq.0)then c This is epsilon index - do nothing continue else if(mo_color.eq.3.and.mod(i3-i3bar,3).eq.2) then c This is an epsilon index maxcolor=maxcolor+1 icol(1,ires)=maxcolor icol(2,ires)=0 c print *,'Set mother color for ',ires,' to ',(icol(j,ires),j=1,2) else if(mo_color.eq.3.and.mod(i3bar-i3,3).eq.2) then c This is an epsilon index maxcolor=maxcolor+1 icol(1,ires)=0 icol(2,ires)=maxcolor c print *,'Set mother color for ',ires,' to ',(icol(j,ires),j=1,2) else if(mo_color.eq.3.and.(i3-i3bar.eq.1.or.i3bar-i3.eq.1).or. $ mo_color.eq.8.and.i3.eq.2.and.i3bar.eq.2) then c Replace the maximum index with the minimum one everywhere c (we don't know if we should replace i3 with i3bar or vice versa) c Actually we know if one of the index is repeated (we do not want to replace that one) maxcol=max(max3,max3bar) if(maxcol.eq.max3) then mincol=min3bar else mincol=min3 endif do i=ires+1,-1 do j=1,2 if(icol(j,i).eq.maxcol) $ icol(j,i)=mincol enddo enddo if (mincol.eq.0.and.mo_color.eq.3) then c situation like (possible if they are epsilon in the gluon decay c (503,0)----------+ggggggggggggg (509,508) c | c |(x,y) c in this case maxcol=509 and mincol=0 c The correct solution in this case is: c (503,0)----------+ggggggggggggg (503,508) c | c |(0,508) if(icolmp(2,1).eq.0)then maxcol = icolmp(1,2) mincol = icolmp(1,1) icol(1,ires) = 0 icol(2,ires) = icolmp(2,2) elseif(icolmp(1,1).eq.0)then maxcol = icolmp(2,2) mincol = icolmp(2,1) icol(1,ires) = icolmp(1,2) icol(2,ires) = 0 elseif(icolmp(2,2).eq.0)then maxcol = icolmp(1,1) mincol = icolmp(1,2) icol(1,ires) = 0 icol(2,ires) = icolmp(2,1) elseif(icolmp(1,2).eq.0)then maxcol = icolmp(2,1) mincol = icolmp(2,2) icol(1,ires) = icolmp(1,1) icol(2,ires) = 0 else !should not happen write(*,*) "weird color combination in addmothers.f" write(*,*) icolmp(1,1), icolmp(2,1), icolmp(1,2), icolmp(2,2) call write_error(1001,0,0) endif c now maxcol=509 and mincol=503 so replace all occurence of 509-> 503 c print *,'Replaced ',maxcol,' by ',mincol do i=ires+1,nexternal do j=1,2 if(icol(j,i).eq.maxcol) $ icol(j,i)=mincol enddo enddo else c standard case c First check that mincol is not a going trough index. If it is it C should not be assign to one of the temporary index count=0 do i=1,nexternal do j=1,2 if (icol(j,i).eq.mincol) count = count +1 enddo enddo if(count.eq.2)then c we do not want to use that index pass to the other one if (mincol.eq.min3)then mincol = min3bar maxcol = max3 else mincol = min3 maxcol = max3bar endif endif c Fix the color for ires (remember 3<->3bar for t-channels) icol(1,ires)=0 icol(2,ires)=0 c print *,'Replaced ',maxcol,' by ',mincol if(max3.eq.maxcol)then if( icol(2,ires)=min3 if( icol(1,ires)=max3bar else if( icol(2,ires)=max3 if( icol(1,ires)=min3bar endif endif c print *,'Set mother color for ',ires,' to ',(icol(j,ires),j=1,2) else c Don't know how to deal with this call write_error(i3,i3bar,mo_color) endif fix_tchannel_color=maxcolor return end c******************************************************************* function elim_indices(n3,n3bar,ncolmp,icolmp,ires,icol, $ is_colors,maxcolor) c******************************************************************* c Successively eliminate identical pairwise color indices from the c icolmp list, until only the wanted indices remain c n3 gives the number of triplet indices, n3bar number of antitriplets c n3=1 for triplet, n3bar=1 for antitriplet, c (n3,n3bar)=(1,1) for octet, c n3=2 for sextet, n3bar=2 for antisextet c If there are epsilon^{ijk} or epsilonbar color couplings, we c need to introduce new index based on maxcolor. c implicit none include '' integer elim_indices integer n3,n3bar,ncolmp,icolmp(2,*),maxcolor integer ires,icol(2,-nexternal+2:2*nexternal-3) integer is_colors(2,nincoming) integer i,j,i3,i3bar c Successively eliminate color indices in pairs until only the wanted c indices remain do i=1,ncolmp do j=1,ncolmp if(icolmp(1,i).ne.0.and.icolmp(1,i).eq.icolmp(2,j)) then icolmp(1,i)=0 icolmp(2,j)=0 endif enddo enddo i3=0 i3bar=0 icol(1,ires)=0 icol(2,ires)=0 do i=1,ncolmp if(icolmp(1,i).gt.0)then i3=i3+1 if(i3.eq.1) icol(1,ires)=icolmp(1,i) if(i3.eq.2) icol(2,ires)=-icolmp(1,i) endif if(icolmp(2,i).gt.0)then i3bar=i3bar+1 if(i3bar.eq.1) icol(2,ires)=icolmp(2,i) if(i3bar.eq.2) icol(1,ires)=-icolmp(2,i) endif enddo c print *,'i3,n3,i3bar,n3bar: ',i3,n3,i3bar,n3bar c print *,'icol(1,ires),icol(2,ires): ',icol(1,ires),icol(2,ires) if(n3bar.le.1.and.n3.eq.0) icol(1,ires)=0 if(n3.le.1.and.n3bar.eq.0) icol(2,ires)=0 if( then if(,3).eq.0.and.i3.eq.0)then c This is an epsilon index interaction c write(*,*) i3, n3, i3bar, n3bar, ires maxcolor=maxcolor+1 icol(1,ires)=maxcolor if(n3.eq.2)then maxcolor=maxcolor+1 icol(2,ires)=-maxcolor endif elseif(,3).eq.0.and.i3bar.eq.0)then c This is an epsilonbar index interaction c write(*,*) i3, n3, i3bar, n3bar, ires maxcolor=maxcolor+1 icol(2,ires)=maxcolor if(n3.eq.2)then maxcolor=maxcolor+1 icol(1,ires)=-maxcolor endif elseif( $ $ n3.eq.1.and.n3bar.eq.1.and.i3-i3bar.eq.0.or. $ n3.eq.0.and.n3bar.eq.0.and.i3-i3bar.eq.0.or. $,3) $,3) c We have a previous epsilon which gives the wrong pop-up index call fix_s_color_indices(n3,n3bar,i3,i3bar,ncolmp,icolmp, $ ires,icol,is_colors) else c Don't know how to deal with this call write_error(1001,n3,n3bar) endif endif elim_indices=maxcolor return end c******************************************************************* subroutine fix_s_color_indices(n3,n3bar,i3,i3bar,ncolmp,icolmp, $ ires,icol,is_colors) c******************************************************************* c c Fix color flow if some particle has got the wrong pop-up color c due to epsilon-ijk vertices c implicit none include '' integer n3,n3bar,ncolmp,icolmp(2,*),maxcolor integer ires,icol(2,-nexternal+2:2*nexternal-3) integer is_colors(2,nincoming) integer i,j,i3,i3bar integer max_n3,max_n3bar,min_n3,min_n3bar,maxcol,mincol icol(1,ires)=0 icol(2,ires)=0 c print *,'Colors: ',ncolmp,((icolmp(j,i),j=1,2),i=1,ncolmp) c print *,'n3,n3bar,i3,i3bar: ',n3,n3bar,i3,i3bar c Make sure that max and min don't come from the same octet call find_max_min(icolmp,ncolmp,max_n3,min_n3, $ max_n3bar,min_n3bar,i3,i3bar,is_colors) c print *,'max3,min3bar,min3,max3bar: ',max_n3,min_n3bar,min_n3,max_n3bar if(n3.eq.1.and.n3bar.eq.0.and.i3-i3bar.eq.n3.or. $ n3bar.eq.1.and.n3.eq.0.and.i3bar-i3.eq.n3bar.or. $ n3bar.eq.1.and.n3.eq.1.and.i3bar-i3.eq.0.or. $ n3bar.eq.0.and.n3.eq.0.and.i3bar-i3.eq.0.or. $,3) $,3) if ((i3.eq.2.or.i3bar.eq.2).and.(n3bar+n3.eq.1))then c Special case: c -------------------- (0,503) c g c g c g (504,505) c c need to correct to c ------------------------- (0,503) c (0,505) g c g c g (503,505) if (i3.eq.2) then icol(1,ires) = max(icolmp(1,1), icolmp(1,2)) icol(2,ires) = 0 maxcol = max(icolmp(2,1), icolmp(2,2)) mincol = min(icolmp(1,1), icolmp(1,2)) c replace maxcol by mincol elseif (i3bar.eq.2) then icol(1,ires) = 0 icol(2,ires) = max(icolmp(2,1), icolmp(2,2)) maxcol = max(icolmp(1,1), icolmp(1,2)) mincol = min(icolmp(2,1), icolmp(2,2)) endif c write(*,*) "replace ", maxcol,"by",mincol do i=ires+1,nexternal do j=1,2 if(icol(j,i).eq.maxcol) $ icol(j,i)=mincol enddo enddo else c Replace the highest 3bar-index with the lowest 3-index, c or vice versa maxcol=max(max_n3,max_n3bar) if(maxcol.eq.max_n3) then mincol=min_n3bar else mincol=min_n3 endif do i=ires,-1 do j=1,2 if(icol(j,i).eq.maxcol) $ icol(j,i)=mincol enddo enddo c print *,'Replaced ',maxcol,' with ',mincol if(max_n3.eq.maxcol)then if(n3.eq.1) icol(1,ires)=min_n3 if(n3bar.eq.1) icol(2,ires)=max_n3bar else if(n3.eq.1) icol(1,ires)=max_n3 if(n3bar.eq.1) icol(2,ires)=min_n3bar endif c print *,'Set mother color for ',ires,' to ',(icol(j,ires),j=1,2) endif else c Don't know how to deal with this call write_error(1001,n3,n3bar) endif return end subroutine check_pure_internal_flow(icol,jpart, maxcolor) implicit none include '' integer jpart(7,-nexternal+3:2*nexternal-3) integer icol(2,-nexternal+2:2*nexternal-3) integer maxcolor integer i,j,k,l logical found c do i=-nexternal+3,nexternal c write(*,*) i, icol(1,i), icol(2,i),(jpart(j,i) , j=1,3) c enddo do i=-nexternal+3,-1 if (jpart(2,i).eq.0.or.jpart(3,i).eq.0) goto 20 ! not define mother -> continue if (icol(1,i).eq.1000.or.icol(2,i).eq.1000) goto 20 ! special color value -> continue do k = 1,2 found=.false. do j=1,nexternal if(icol(k,i).eq.icol(1,j).or.icol(k,i).eq.icol(2,j))then found=.true. goto 10 ! break endif enddo 10 continue if (.not.found)then call correct_external_flow_epsilon(icol, jpart, maxcolor, & icol(k,i)) endif enddo 20 continue enddo return end subroutine correct_external_flow_epsilon(icol, jpart, maxcolor, mincol) c c for avoiding double epsilon problem c implicit none include '' integer jpart(7,-nexternal+3:2*nexternal-3) integer maxcolor integer icol(2,-nexternal+2:2*nexternal-3) integer i,j,i3 integer mincol ! the potential propagator linked to the two epsilon. integer k,l integer potential_index(2) integer epsilon_index(4) integer mothers(2*nexternal-3) logical to_change C In presence of two epsilon_ijk connected by a flow we need to ensure that the C the index of the non summed indices do not repeat each other l=0 do i=-nexternal+3,2*nexternal-3 if (icol(1,i).eq.mincol.or.icol(2,i).eq.mincol)then potential_index(1)=0 c write(*,*) "particle",i,"has color index", mincol k=0 !index to see how many child we found so far do j=-nexternal+3,2*nexternal-3 if (jpart(2,j).eq.i.or.jpart(3,j).eq.i)then c write(*,*) "find the child", j if (icol(1,j).eq.mincol.or.icol(2,j).eq.mincol)then potential_index(1)=0 c write(*,*) "the color", mincol, c & "is pass to one of the children ->no epsilon at this stage" c the color flow is pass to a child so no need to do anything for this part/junction goto 10 ! break elseif(icol(1,j).ne.0) then c write(*,*) "child has not colour", mincol, "add", icol(1,j) k = k+1 potential_index(k) = icol(1,j) mothers(1) = i elseif(icol(2,j).ne.0)then c write(*,*) "child has not colour", mincol, "add", icol(2,j) k = k+1 potential_index(k) = icol(2,j) mothers(1) = i else call write_error(1001,0,0) endif endif enddo 10 continue c store the index of the final junction for this color c write(*,*) "found", potential_index if (potential_index(1).ne.0) then l = l+1 epsilon_index(l) = potential_index(1) l = l+1 epsilon_index(l) = potential_index(2) endif endif enddo C Remove the duplication index if any mothers(2) = 0 c check the mother of mothers1 and change the color index c epsilon_index(3) -> maxcolor+1, epsilon_index(4) -> maxcolor+2 c then add info on mothers to recursively change c Firs check if we have to change to_change = .false. do i=3,4 do j=1,2 if (epsilon_index(i).eq.epsilon_index(j))then C ` The index is duplicated need to change one to_change = .true. endif enddo enddo if (epsilon_index(4).eq.0) to_change = .false. if (to_change)then k=1 do i =1, 2*nexternal-3 if (mothers(i).eq.0)then goto 20 !break endif do j=mothers(i)+1,2*nexternal-3 if (jpart(2,j).eq.mothers(i).or.jpart(3,j).eq.mothers(i))then if (icol(1,j).eq.epsilon_index(3))then icol(1,j) = maxcolor + 1 k = k+1 mothers(k) = j mothers(k+1) = 0 elseif (icol(2,j).eq.epsilon_index(3))then icol(2,j) = maxcolor + 1 k = k+1 mothers(k) = j mothers(k+1) = 0 elseif (icol(1,j).eq.epsilon_index(4))then icol(1,j) = maxcolor + 2 k = k+1 mothers(k) = j mothers(k+1) = 0 elseif (icol(2,j).eq.epsilon_index(4))then icol(2,j) = maxcolor + 2 k = k+1 mothers(k) = j mothers(k+1) = 0 endif endif enddo enddo 20 continue maxcolor = maxcolor +2 endif end c******************************************************************************* subroutine find_max_min(icolmp,ncolmp,max3,min3,max3bar,min3bar, $ i3,i3bar,is_colors) c******************************************************************************* implicit none include '' integer ncolmp,icolmp(2,*) integer is_colors(2,nincoming) integer i,j,k,max3,max3bar,min3,min3bar,i3,i3bar,i3now,i3barnow integer allpairs(2,nexternal),npairs,maxcol,mincol i3now=i3 i3barnow=i3bar c Create all possible pairs (3,3bar) that c 1. come from different octets, 2. are different, c 3. don't contain any color lines passing through the event npairs = 0 do 20 i=1,ncolmp if(icolmp(1,i).eq.0) goto 20 do k=1,nincoming if(icolmp(1,i).eq.is_colors(1,k)) goto 20 enddo do 10 j=1,ncolmp if(i.eq.j.or.icolmp(2,j).eq.0.or. $ icolmp(1,i).eq.icolmp(2,j)) goto 10 do k=1,nincoming if(icolmp(2,j).eq.is_colors(2,k)) goto 10 enddo npairs=npairs+1 allpairs(1,npairs)=icolmp(1,i) allpairs(2,npairs)=icolmp(2,j) 10 enddo 20 enddo c print *,'is_colors: ',((is_colors(i,j),i=1,2),j=1,nincoming) c print *,'pairs: ',((allpairs(i,j),i=1,2),j=1,npairs) c Find the pairs with maximum 3 and 3bar min3=1000 min3bar=1000 max3=0 max3bar=0 do i=1,npairs if(allpairs(1,i).gt.max3.and. $ (allpairs(2,i).lt.max3bar.or. $ allpairs(1,i).gt.allpairs(2,i)))then max3=allpairs(1,i) min3bar=allpairs(2,i) else if(allpairs(2,i).gt.max3bar.and. $ (allpairs(1,i).lt.max3.or. $ allpairs(2,i).gt.allpairs(1,i)))then max3bar=allpairs(2,i) min3=allpairs(1,i) endif enddo c Find "maximum" pairs with minimum 3 and 3bar do i=1,npairs if(allpairs(1,i).eq.max3.and. $ allpairs(2,i).lt.min3bar.and. $ allpairs(2,i).ne.max3bar) $ min3bar=allpairs(2,i) if(allpairs(2,i).eq.max3bar.and. $ allpairs(1,i).lt.min3.and. $ allpairs(1,i).ne.max3) $ min3=allpairs(1,i) enddo c Check that the pair are indeed different. Might not be the case if c The process contains some epsilon_ijk somewhere else. if ( if (max3bar.eq.min3bar)then c try to change min3bar min3bar=10000 do i=1,npairs c search a new pair but with a different index! if(allpairs(1,i).eq.max3.and. $ allpairs(2,i).lt.min3bar.and. $ allpairs(2,i).ne.max3bar)then min3bar=allpairs(2,i) endif enddo c check if we found a new one. If not try to change the other index (max3bar) if (min3bar.eq.10000)then min3bar = max3bar max3bar = 0 c search a new pair but with a different index! do i=1,npairs if(allpairs(1,i).eq.min3.and. $ allpairs(2,i).gt.max3bar.and. $ allpairs(2,i).ne.min3bar) then max3bar = allpairs(2,i) endif enddo c This should not happen. if (max3bar.eq.0)then write(*,*) "colorflow problem" call write_error(1001,0,0) endif endif endif c Doing the same but for the color index. if (max3.eq.min3)then c try to change min3 min3=10000 do i=1,npairs if(allpairs(2,i).eq.max3bar.and. $ allpairs(1,i).lt.min3.and. $ allpairs(1,i).ne.max3)then min3=allpairs(1,i) endif enddo if (min3.eq.10000)then min3 = max3 ! restore value max3 = 0 c try to change max3 do i=1,npairs if(allpairs(2,i).eq.min3bar.and. $ allpairs(1,i).gt.max3.and. $ allpairs(1,i).ne.min3) then max3 = allpairs(1,i) endif enddo if (max3.eq.0)then write(*,*) "colorflow problem" stop endif endif endif endif if ( then c We have found our two pairs, so we're done return endif if( i3now=i3now-1 i3barnow=i3barnow-1 endif c Find pair for non-maximum (where we allow all colors) maxcol=max(max3,max3bar) if(maxcol.eq.max3) then mincol=min3bar else mincol=min3 endif npairs=0 do i=1,ncolmp if(icolmp(1,i) cycle if(icolmp(1,i).eq.maxcol.or.icolmp(1,i).eq.mincol) $ cycle do j=1,ncolmp if(icolmp(2,j) cycle if(i.eq.j.or.icolmp(1,i).eq.icolmp(2,j)) cycle if(icolmp(2,j).eq.maxcol.or.icolmp(2,j).eq.mincol) $ cycle npairs=npairs+1 allpairs(1,npairs)=icolmp(1,i) allpairs(2,npairs)=icolmp(2,j) enddo enddo if( if(maxcol.eq.max3)then min3=allpairs(1,1) max3bar=allpairs(2,1) else max3=allpairs(1,1) min3bar=allpairs(2,1) endif endif c print *,'allpairs: ',((allpairs(i,j),i=1,2),j=1,npairs) end