Comment 0 for bug 1788814

Revision history for this message
Juan Simón (simonbcn) wrote :

Arch Linux
MenuLibre 2.2.0

Every time I execute this program shows this in Parsing errors log:
Exec key not found"

       │ File: /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.ChromeGnomeShell.desktop
   1 │ [Desktop Entry]
   2 │ Type=Application
   3 │ Encoding=UTF-8
   4 │ Name=GNOME Shell integration
   5 │ Comment=Provides integration with GNOME Shell and the corresponding ext
       │ ensions repository
   6 │ Icon=org.gnome.ChromeGnomeShell
   7 │ DBusActivatable=true
   8 │ NoDisplay=true

The Exec key is not mandatory in a .desktop file (
In this case this key isn't used and it's ok.