Activity log for bug #1943035

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2021-09-08 12:33:02 Lin PeiWen bug added bug
2021-09-08 12:35:57 Lin PeiWen description I created share from snapshot in the glusterfs driver, and the creation was successful. From the glusterfs volume, I found "nfs.rpc-auth-allow" = ",all". The normal default is "all" because my manila share access rule is clean. Environment =========== I'm using the Manila Master/Victoria version Glusetrfs NFS drive gluster version: glusterfs 8.2 Configs: glusterfs_share_layout = layout_volume.GlusterfsVolumeMappedLayout glusterfs_nfs_server_type = Gluster Steps to reproduce ================== [root@controller ~]# manila access-allow 0908-001 ip +--------------+--------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +--------------+--------------------------------------+ | id | c92e0b5d-a6be-4104-8eed-1a6ef96d0feb | | share_id | 7d7a8ed6-5b9d-492d-a926-97117c68ff4d | | access_level | rw | | access_to | | | access_type | ip | | state | queued_to_apply | | access_key | None | | created_at | 2021-09-08T11:17:55.000000 | | updated_at | None | | metadata | {} | +--------------+--------------------------------------+ [root@controller ~]# manila access-list 0908-001 +--------------------------------------+-------------+---------------+--------------+--------+------------+----------------------------+------------+ | id | access_type | access_to | access_level | state | access_key | created_at | updated_at | +--------------------------------------+-------------+---------------+--------------+--------+------------+----------------------------+------------+ | c92e0b5d-a6be-4104-8eed-1a6ef96d0feb | ip | | rw | active | None | 2021-09-08T11:17:55.000000 | None | +--------------------------------------+-------------+---------------+--------------+--------+------------+----------------------------+------------+ # manila snapshot-create --name=0908-001-snap02 0908-001 # manila create --name 0908-001-snap02-clone06 --share-type glusterfs --snapshot-id deea91ea-65e6-433e-a954-983ce57f6d97 --availability-zone nova NFS 3 [root@controller ~]# manila show 0908-lpw-001-snap02-clone06 +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | id | 6ce0c16c-7d0b-4b6c-97a3-07f19748694b | | size | 3 | | availability_zone | nova | | created_at | 2021-09-08T12:27:45.000000 | | status | available | | name | 0908-lpw-001-snap02-clone06 | | description | None | | project_id | 964f97eb3c044495874b08c5de2207e8 | | snapshot_id | deea91ea-65e6-433e-a954-983ce57f6d97 | | share_network_id | None | | share_proto | NFS | | metadata | {} | | share_type | a5a657df-b406-40d5-8178-0895380657eb | | is_public | False | | snapshot_support | True | | task_state | None | | share_type_name | glusterfs | | access_rules_status | active | | replication_type | None | | has_replicas | False | | user_id | 63a560d401fb41adac0333ab6e5aecdd | | create_share_from_snapshot_support | True | | revert_to_snapshot_support | True | | share_group_id | None | | source_share_group_snapshot_member_id | None | | mount_snapshot_support | False | | progress | 100% | | share_server_id | None | | host | controller@glusterfsnfs1#GLUSTERFSNFS1 | | export_locations | | | | id = 3d477ce4-704c-4706-bcc5-3b51442a4298 | | | path = | | | preferred = False | | | share_instance_id = e7afb40e-6c2d-413a-bcab-45718d8c63ed | | | is_admin_only = False | +---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ # manila access-list 6ce0c16c-7d0b-4b6c-97a3-07f19748694b +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+-------+------------+------------+------------+ | id | access_type | access_to | access_level | state | access_key | created_at | updated_at | +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+-------+------------+------------+------------+ +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+-------+------------+------------+------------+ # gluster volume info manila-e7afb40e-6c2d-413a-bcab-45718d8c63ed Volume Name: manila-e7afb40e-6c2d-413a-bcab-45718d8c63ed Type: Replicate Volume ID: 91f771bc-c908-4786-95df-960714fca4d5 Status: Started Snapshot Count: 0 Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3 Transport-type: tcp Options Reconfigured: user.manila-cloned-from: 983b689f-9974-4d46-808a-ab819027db72 nfs.rpc-auth-reject: * nfs.rpc-auth-allow:,all user.manila-share: e7afb40e-6c2d-413a-bcab-45718d8c63ed 我在glusterfs驱动中从snapshot创建共享,创建成功。从 glusterfs 卷中,我发现“nfs.rpc -auth-allow”=“,all”。正常的默认值是“全部”,因为我的马尼拉共享访问规则是干净的。 环境 ========== 我使用的是Manila Master/Victoria版本 Glusetrfs NFS 驱动器 gluster 版本:glusterfs 8.2 配置: glusterfs_ share_layout = layout_体积。GlusterfsVolume MappedLayout glusterfs_ nfs_server_类型= Gluster 重现步骤 ================== [root@controller ~]# manila access-allow 0908-001 ip +------ ------- -+----- ------- ---- --- ------- ------- -----+ | 物业 | 价值 | +------ ------- -+----- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ----+ | 身份证 | c92e0b5d -a6be -4104-8eed-1a6ef96d0f eb | | share_id | 7d7a8ed6- 5b9d-492d- a926-97117c68ff 4d | | access_level | rw | | access_to | | | 访问类型 | ip | | 状态 | queued_to_apply | | access_key | 无 | | created_at | 2021-09-08T11 :17: 55.000000 | | 更新时间 | 无 | | 元数据 | {} | +------ ------- -+----- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ----+ [root@controller ~]# manila access-list 0908-001 +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- - ---+--- ------- ----+--- ------- ------+ ------- ------- +- ----- --+---- ------- -+----- ------- ------- ------- --+ ---- ------- -+ | 身份证 | 访问类型 | access_to | access_level | 状态 | access_key | created_at | 更新时间 | +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ----+---- ------- - ---+--- -------------+ ------- ------- +------ --+---- ------- -+----- - ------ ------- ------- --+---- ------- -+ | c92e0b5d -a6be -4104-8eed-1a6ef96d0f eb | ip | | rw | 活跃 | 无 | 2021-09-08T11 :17: 55.000000 | 无 | +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ----+---- ------- - ---+--- ------- ------+ ------- ------- +------ --+---- -- ----- -+----- ------- -------------- --+---- ------- -+ #马尼拉快照创建 --name= 0908-001- snap02 0908-001 # manila create --name 0908-001- snap02- clone06 --share-type glusterfs --snapshot-id deea91ea- 65e6-433e- a954-983ce57f6d 97 --availability-zone nova NFS 3 [root@controller ~]# manila显示 0908-lpw- 001-snap02- clone06 +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- +- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ - ------- ------- ---+ | 物业 | 价值 | +------ ------- ------- -------------- -----+- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ------ ------- ------- ------- ---+ | 身份证 | 6ce0c16c- 7d0b-4b6c- 97a3-07f1974869 4b | | 尺寸 | 3 | | 可用性_区域| 新星| | created_at | 2021-09-08T12 :27: 45.000000 | | 状态 | 可用 | | 姓名 | 0908-lpw- 001-snap02- clone06 | | 说明 | 无 | | project_id | 964f97eb3c04449 5874b08c5de2207 e8 | | 快照_id | deea91ea- 65e6-433e- a954-983ce57f6d 97 | | share_network_id | 无 | | share_proto | NFS | | 元数据 | {} | | 共享类型 | a5a657df- b406-40d5- 8178-0895380657 eb | | is_public | 错误 | | 快照支持 | 真| | 任务状态| 无 | | 共享类型名称 | glusterfs | | access_rules_status | 活跃 | | 复制类型| 无 | | has_replicas | 错误 | | 用户 ID | 63a560d401fb41a dac0333ab6e5aec dd | | CREATE_ share_from_ SNAPSHOT_支持| 真| | 恢复到_快照_支持 | 真| | share_group_id | 无 | | source_ share_group_ SNAPSHOT_ member_ ID | 无 | | mount_snapshot_支持 | 错误 | | 进展 | 100% | | share_server_id | 无 | | 主机| 控制器@glusterfsnfs1 # GLUSTERFSNFS1 | | export_locations | | | | id = 3d477ce4- 704c-4706- bcc5-3b51442a42 98 | | | 路径 = 172.27。144.47:/马尼拉-e7afb40e - 6c2d-413a - bcab-45718d8c63 ed | | | 首选 = 假 | | | share_instance_id = e7afb40e- 6c2d-413a- bcab-45718d8c63 ed | | | is_admin_only = 假 | +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -----+- ------- - ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -- ----- ----+ # manila access-list 6ce0c16c-7d0b-4b6c-97a3-07f19748694b +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+-------+------------+------------+------------+ | id | access_type | access_to | access_level | state | access_key | created_at | updated_at | +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+-------+------------+------------+------------+ +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+-------+------------+------------+------------+ # gluster volume info manila-e7afb40e-6c2d-413a-bcab-45718d8c63ed 卷名称:manila- e7afb40e- 6c2d-413a- bcab-45718d8c63 ED 类型:复制 卷ID:91f771bc- c908-4786- 95df-960714fca4 D5 状态:发起者 快照数:0 号砖的:1×3 = 3 传输型: tcp 选项重新配置: user.manila- cloned- from: 983b689f- 9974-4d46- 808a-ab819027db 72 nfs.rpc -auth-reject: * nfs.rpc-auth-allow: ,all -share user.1 : e7afb40e- 6c2d-413a- bcab-45718d8c63 ed
2021-09-08 12:36:25 Lin PeiWen description 我在glusterfs驱动中从snapshot创建共享,创建成功。从 glusterfs 卷中,我发现“nfs.rpc -auth-allow”=“,all”。正常的默认值是“全部”,因为我的马尼拉共享访问规则是干净的。 环境 ========== 我使用的是Manila Master/Victoria版本 Glusetrfs NFS 驱动器 gluster 版本:glusterfs 8.2 配置: glusterfs_ share_layout = layout_体积。GlusterfsVolume MappedLayout glusterfs_ nfs_server_类型= Gluster 重现步骤 ================== [root@controller ~]# manila access-allow 0908-001 ip +------ ------- -+----- ------- ---- --- ------- ------- -----+ | 物业 | 价值 | +------ ------- -+----- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ----+ | 身份证 | c92e0b5d -a6be -4104-8eed-1a6ef96d0f eb | | share_id | 7d7a8ed6- 5b9d-492d- a926-97117c68ff 4d | | access_level | rw | | access_to | | | 访问类型 | ip | | 状态 | queued_to_apply | | access_key | 无 | | created_at | 2021-09-08T11 :17: 55.000000 | | 更新时间 | 无 | | 元数据 | {} | +------ ------- -+----- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ----+ [root@controller ~]# manila access-list 0908-001 +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- - ---+--- ------- ----+--- ------- ------+ ------- ------- +- ----- --+---- ------- -+----- ------- ------- ------- --+ ---- ------- -+ | 身份证 | 访问类型 | access_to | access_level | 状态 | access_key | created_at | 更新时间 | +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ----+---- ------- - ---+--- -------------+ ------- ------- +------ --+---- ------- -+----- - ------ ------- ------- --+---- ------- -+ | c92e0b5d -a6be -4104-8eed-1a6ef96d0f eb | ip | | rw | 活跃 | 无 | 2021-09-08T11 :17: 55.000000 | 无 | +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ----+---- ------- - ---+--- ------- ------+ ------- ------- +------ --+---- -- ----- -+----- ------- -------------- --+---- ------- -+ #马尼拉快照创建 --name= 0908-001- snap02 0908-001 # manila create --name 0908-001- snap02- clone06 --share-type glusterfs --snapshot-id deea91ea- 65e6-433e- a954-983ce57f6d 97 --availability-zone nova NFS 3 [root@controller ~]# manila显示 0908-lpw- 001-snap02- clone06 +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- +- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ - ------- ------- ---+ | 物业 | 价值 | +------ ------- ------- -------------- -----+- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ------ ------- ------- ------- ---+ | 身份证 | 6ce0c16c- 7d0b-4b6c- 97a3-07f1974869 4b | | 尺寸 | 3 | | 可用性_区域| 新星| | created_at | 2021-09-08T12 :27: 45.000000 | | 状态 | 可用 | | 姓名 | 0908-lpw- 001-snap02- clone06 | | 说明 | 无 | | project_id | 964f97eb3c04449 5874b08c5de2207 e8 | | 快照_id | deea91ea- 65e6-433e- a954-983ce57f6d 97 | | share_network_id | 无 | | share_proto | NFS | | 元数据 | {} | | 共享类型 | a5a657df- b406-40d5- 8178-0895380657 eb | | is_public | 错误 | | 快照支持 | 真| | 任务状态| 无 | | 共享类型名称 | glusterfs | | access_rules_status | 活跃 | | 复制类型| 无 | | has_replicas | 错误 | | 用户 ID | 63a560d401fb41a dac0333ab6e5aec dd | | CREATE_ share_from_ SNAPSHOT_支持| 真| | 恢复到_快照_支持 | 真| | share_group_id | 无 | | source_ share_group_ SNAPSHOT_ member_ ID | 无 | | mount_snapshot_支持 | 错误 | | 进展 | 100% | | share_server_id | 无 | | 主机| 控制器@glusterfsnfs1 # GLUSTERFSNFS1 | | export_locations | | | | id = 3d477ce4- 704c-4706- bcc5-3b51442a42 98 | | | 路径 = 172.27。144.47:/马尼拉-e7afb40e - 6c2d-413a - bcab-45718d8c63 ed | | | 首选 = 假 | | | share_instance_id = e7afb40e- 6c2d-413a- bcab-45718d8c63 ed | | | is_admin_only = 假 | +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -----+- ------- - ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -- ----- ----+ # manila access-list 6ce0c16c-7d0b-4b6c-97a3-07f19748694b +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+-------+------------+------------+------------+ | id | access_type | access_to | access_level | state | access_key | created_at | updated_at | +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+-------+------------+------------+------------+ +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+-------+------------+------------+------------+ # gluster volume info manila-e7afb40e-6c2d-413a-bcab-45718d8c63ed 卷名称:manila- e7afb40e- 6c2d-413a- bcab-45718d8c63 ED 类型:复制 卷ID:91f771bc- c908-4786- 95df-960714fca4 D5 状态:发起者 快照数:0 号砖的:1×3 = 3 传输型: tcp 选项重新配置: user.manila- cloned- from: 983b689f- 9974-4d46- 808a-ab819027db 72 nfs.rpc -auth-reject: * nfs.rpc-auth-allow: ,all -share user.1 : e7afb40e- 6c2d-413a- bcab-45718d8c63 ed a
2021-09-08 12:38:12 Lin PeiWen description a I created share from snapshot in the glusterfs driver, and the creation was successful. From the glusterfs volume, I found "nfs.rpc-auth-allow" = ",all". The normal default is "all" because my manila share access rule is clean. environment ========== I am using Manila Master/Victoria version Glusetrfs NFS drive gluster version: glusterfs 8.2 Configuration: glusterfs_ share_layout = layout_ volume. GlusterfsVolume MappedLayout glusterfs_ nfs_server_type = Gluster Steps to reproduce ================== [root@controller ~]# manila access-allow 0908-001 ip +------ ------- -+----- ------- ---- --- ------- -------- ----+ | Property | Value | +------ ------- -+----- ------- ------- ------- -------- ----+ | ID card | c92e0b5d -a6be -4104-8eed-1a6ef96d0f eb | | share_id | 7d7a8ed6- 5b9d-492d- a926-97117c68ff 4d | | access_level | rw | | access_to | | | Access type | ip | | Status | queued_to_apply | | access_key | None | | created_at | 2021-09-08T11 :17: 55.000000 | | Update time | None | | Metadata | {} | +------ ------- -+----- ------- ------- ------- -------- ----+ [root@controller ~]# manila access-list 0908-001 +------ ------- ------- ------- -----------+--- ------- ----+--- ------- ------+ ------- ------- +- ----- --+---- ------- -+----- ------- ------- ------- --+ ---- -------- + | ID card | Access type | access_to | access_level | Status | access_key | created_at | Update time | +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ----+---- ------ -----+--- -------------+ ------- ------- +------ --+--- -------- -+------------ ------- ------- --+---- ------- -+ | c92e0b5d -a6be -4104-8eed-1a6ef96d0f eb | ip | | rw | active | none | 2021-09-08T11 :17: 55.000000 | none | +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ----+---- ------ -----+--- ------- ------+ ------- ------- +------ --+--- -- ----- -+----- ------- -------------- --+---- ------- -+ #Manila snapshot creation --name= 0908-001- snap02 0908-001 # manila create --name 0908-001- snap02- clone06 --share-type glusterfs --snapshot-id deea91ea- 65e6-433e- a954-983ce57f6d 97 --availability-zone nova NFS 3 [root@controller ~]# manila shows 0908-lpw- 001-snap02- clone06 +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- +- -------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -------------- - ----- ---+ | Property | Value | +------ ------- ------- -------------- -----+- -------- ------ ------- ------- -------------- ------- ------- - ----- ---+ | ID card | 6ce0c16c- 7d0b-4b6c- 97a3-07f1974869 4b | | Dimensions | 3 | | Availability_Region| Rising Star| | created_at | 2021-09-08T12 :27: 45.000000 | | Status | Available | | Name | 0908-lpw- 001-snap02- clone06 | | Description | None | | project_id | 964f97eb3c04449 5874b08c5de2207 e8 | | Snapshot_id | deea91ea- 65e6-433e- a954-983ce57f6d 97 | | share_network_id | None | | share_proto | NFS | | Metadata | {} | | Sharing type | a5a657df- b406-40d5- 8178-0895380657 eb | | is_public | Error | | Snapshot support | true | | Task Status | None | | Share type name | glusterfs | | access_rules_status | Active | | Copy Type | None | | has_replicas | Error | | User ID | 63a560d401fb41a dac0333ab6e5aec dd | | CREATE_ share_from_ SNAPSHOT_ support| true| | Revert to_snapshot_support | true| | share_group_id | None | | source_ share_group_ SNAPSHOT_ member_ ID | None | | mount_snapshot_support | error | | Progress | 100% | | share_server_id | None | | Host | Controller @glusterfsnfs1 # GLUSTERFSNFS1 | | export_locations | | | | id = 3d477ce4- 704c-4706- bcc5-3b51442a42 98 | | | Path = 172.27. 144.47: / Manila-e7afb40e-6c2d-413a-bcab-45718d8c63 ed | | | Preferred = false | | | share_instance_id = e7afb40e- 6c2d-413a- bcab-45718d8c63 ed | | | is_admin_only = false | +------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -----+- -------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- - ----- ----+ # manila access-list 6ce0c16c-7d0b-4b6c-97a3-07f19748694b +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+--- ----+------------+------------+------------+ | id | access_type | access_to | access_level | state | access_key | created_at | updated_at | +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+--- ----+------------+------------+------------+ +----+-------------+-----------+--------------+--- ----+------------+------------+------------+ # gluster volume info manila-e7afb40e-6c2d-413a-bcab-45718d8c63ed Volume name: manila- e7afb40e- 6c2d-413a- bcab-45718d8c63 ED Type: Copy Volume ID: 91f771bc-c908-4786- 95df-960714fca4 D5 Status: Originator Number of snapshots: 0 The number of bricks: 1×3 = 3 Transmission type: tcp Option reconfiguration: user.manila- cloned- from: 983b689f- 9974-4d46- 808a-ab819027db 72 nfs.rpc -auth-reject: * nfs.rpc-auth-allow: ,all user.manila-share: e7afb40e-6c2d-413a-bcab-45718d8c63ed
2021-09-08 12:39:17 Lin PeiWen manila: assignee Lin PeiWen (linpeiwen)
2021-09-09 05:43:42 Lin PeiWen summary Glusterfs create share from snapshot, "nfs.rpc-auth-reject" is not initialized Glusterfs create share from snapshot, "nfs.rpc-auth-allow" is not initialized
2021-09-09 06:46:24 OpenStack Infra manila: status New In Progress
2024-01-11 15:51:51 Vida Haririan manila: assignee Lin PeiWen (linpeiwen) Carlos Eduardo (silvacarlose)
2024-09-09 12:49:11 Carlos Eduardo manila: importance Undecided Low