Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit b76934770b0f42950cad35a3e2a5a8e060462332 Author: Xiaoyang Zhang <email address hidden> Date: Mon Nov 14 17:40:59 2016 +0800
Fix share-service VM restart problem
The /etc/mtab file may have mount information such as 'nfsd' that if copied to /etc/fstab will cause the share server to hang when rebooted.
Update /etc/fstab with exactly the newly mounted or unmounted shares rather than simply overwriting /etc/fstab with /etc/mtab.
Change-Id: I67602bae1f928769d768008deca7bd0f2fef1ac2 Close-Bug: #1639662
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/393594 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ manila/ commit/ ?id=b76934770b0 f42950cad35a3e2 a5a8e060462332
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit b76934770b0f429 50cad35a3e2a5a8 e060462332
Author: Xiaoyang Zhang <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Nov 14 17:40:59 2016 +0800
Fix share-service VM restart problem
The /etc/mtab file may have mount information such as 'nfsd'
that if copied to /etc/fstab will cause the share server to
hang when rebooted.
Update /etc/fstab with exactly the newly mounted or unmounted
shares rather than simply overwriting /etc/fstab with /etc/mtab.
Change-Id: I67602bae1f9287 69d768008deca7b d0f2fef1ac2
Close-Bug: #1639662