@javascript @test Feature: Uploading files functionality In order to manage file to be used in Portfolios As an user, I can upload and delete files to/from my file area as expected. Scenario: Uploading a file and deleting it in order to prompt the deletion message (Bug 1329136) Given the following "users" exist: | username | password | email | firstname | lastname | institution | authname | role | | userA | Password1 | test01@example.com | Pete | Mc | mahara | internal | member | Given I log in as "userA" with password "Password1" And I follow "Content" And I choose "Files" in "Content" # Uploading a file When I attach the file "Image2.png" to "Upload file" And I should see "Upload of Image2.png complete" # Confirmation of deletion And I click on and accept "Delete" Then I should see "Image Image2.png deleted"