Hi Steven. As I said, the conditions are described at the start of the first post: - User dashboard: Show activities that are of interest to the user. Items shown here are affected by the user's Notification settings. Only items that the user has access to will be displayed. - User page: Shows activities that the page owner has performed. The contents of this block are filtered by the sharing permissions of the items relative to the viewer. The owner will see all actions they have performed. Any other user will show the actions that the owner performed, but only for items that are shared with them. - Group and Institution pages: Show activities that relate to the group or institution. The contents are filtered to only show items that are shared with the viewer. It assumes that the user viewing the stream has access to the group or institution. All of that is currently limited by what Activity Types have actually been implemented. As of this patch, there are only two notifications that the user can set to the activity stream - new page access and new comment. I chose those two because they were fairly easy for me and testers to understand, showed how grouping of activities works, showed how activity stream enabled Activity Types can be implemented or converted and allowed me to test quite a broad section of the AS core query. Moises has a patch in now which adds new friend notifications ("Your friend X is now friends with Y") and I submitted new group member ("User X is now a member of group Y"). The next one Moises adds will probably be new artefact access (dependant on Yuliya's artefact access patch, giving "User X changed sharing on [artefacttype] [artefactname]", for all shareable artefact types). You could have a look at blocktype/activitystream/lib.php to see how the query works. I've added a lot of comments to make it clear what each step is doing. Or ask if there's anything more that needs clarification. Nathan On 29 May 2014 15:07, Steven