# Ansible managed [DEFAULT] # Disable stderr logging use_stderr = False debug = False fatal_deprecations = False log_file = /var/log/heat/heat.log stack_domain_admin_password = XXYYXXYY stack_domain_admin = stack_domain_admin stack_user_domain_name = heat max_nested_stack_depth = 5 heat_watch_server_url = https://10.XX.XX.XX:8003 heat_waitcondition_server_url = https://10.XX.XX.XX:8000/v1/waitcondition heat_metadata_server_url = https://10.XX.XX.XX:8000 deferred_auth_method = trusts trusts_delegated_roles = auth_encryption_key = XXYYXXYY num_engine_workers = 16 ## RPC Backend rpc_backend = heat.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu transport_url = rabbit://heat:XXYYXXYY@10.XX.XX.XX:5671,heat:XXYYXXYY@10.XX.XX.XX:5671,heat:XXYYXXYY@10.XX.XX.XX:5671//heat ## Plugin dirs plugin_dirs = /usr/lib/heat,/usr/local/lib/heat # Default region name used to get services endpoints. region_name_for_services = RegionOne default_software_config_transport = POLL_SERVER_HEAT default_deployment_signal_transport = HEAT_SIGNAL [clients] endpoint_type = internalURL [clients_heat] endpoint_type = publicURL [clients_keystone] insecure = True endpoint_type = internalURL auth_uri = http://10.XX.XX.XX:5000 [database] connection = mysql+pymysql://heat:XXYYXXYY@10.XX.XX.XX/heat?charset=utf8 [ec2authtoken] auth_uri = http://10.XX.XX.XX:5000/v3 [heat_api] bind_port = 8004 workers = 16 [heat_api_cfn] bind_port = 8000 [heat_api_cloudwatch] bind_port = 8003 [oslo_messaging_rabbit] rabbit_use_ssl = True [oslo_middleware] enable_proxy_headers_parsing = True # Ceilometer options [oslo_messaging_notifications] driver = messagingv2 transport_url = rabbit://heat:XXYYXXYY@10.XX.XX.XX:5671,heat:XXYYXXYY@10.XX.XX.XX:5671,heat:XXYYXXYY@10.XX.XX.XX:5671//heat [profiler] profiler_enabled = False trace_sqlalchemy = False [keystone_authtoken] insecure = True auth_type = password auth_url = http://10.XX.XX.XX:35357/v3 auth_uri = http://10.XX.XX.XX:5000 project_domain_id = default user_domain_id = default project_name = service username = heat password = XXYYXX region_name = RegionOne memcached_servers = 10.XX.XX.XX:11211,10.XX.XX.XX:11211,10.XX.XX.XX:11211 token_cache_time = 300 # if your memcached server is shared, use these settings to avoid cache poisoning memcache_security_strategy = ENCRYPT memcache_secret_key = XXYYXX [trustee] insecure = True auth_type = password auth_url = http://10.XX.XX.XX:35357/v3 user_domain_id = default username = heat password = XXYYXX [volumes] # Indicate if cinder-backup service is enabled. This is a temporary workaround # until cinder-backup service becomes discoverable, see LP#1334856. (boolean # value) backups_enabled = True