Yes, we add a node and then delete it right afterwards. We've been doing that for a long time. This failure just started showing up with 2.3.3. As a reminder, here's how we add nodes in FCE: We don't have MAC addresses for the nodes, and we don't have direct IPMI access to the nodes either. To make this work, we have MAAS do all the heavy lifting. The steps are as follows: 1) Check if nodes have already been enlisted 2) We add the node to MAAS with correct IPMI credentials and a fake MAC address (MAAS requires a MAC address). 3) MAAS, prior to returning from the API call to add the machine, issues the IPMI commands required to PXE boot the machine. It handles this regardless of the machine's current state. 4) Immediately upon return from the add machine API call, we issue another API call to delete the machine from MAAS. MAAS does not issue any power commands in response to this, so the machine continues to PXE boot, and will show up in MAAS as a 'New' node once enlistment completes. 5) We poll MAAS for nodes in 'New' state, looking for a machine to match our IPMI power address. When we find it, we set the proper hostname and zone on it, and start commissioning. 6) We poll to ensure commissioning completes successfully. If bug 1707216 were fixed, we could just add the node and MAAS would handle the rest. On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 11:42 AM, Andres Rodriguez