Comment 8 for bug 2044169

Revision history for this message
Joao Andre Simioni (jasimioni) wrote (last edit ):

The CentOS image was downloaded using the WebUI options and can be deployed. It's the official one.

If I interrupt the installation, the machine will go into "Failed deployment" state,
and subsequent boots will show the "invalid magic number" and that event is generated before that.

Here is the output of maas $PROFILE boot-resources read:

I believe that message is generated by the tftp daemon here:

Because centos and custom images don't have a commissioning image, only an xinstall one,
and purpose on the next boot is set to commissioning.

This problem was reported in MAAS 3.2.9/debs and my reproducer is using MAAS 3.3.4/debs.

I just launched a new instance with MAAS 3.4.0~rc2 using snaps and I can reproduce the issue.