# WARNING: Do not edit /var/lib/maas/dhcpd.conf yourself. MAAS will # overwrite any changes made there. Instead, you can modify dhcpd.conf by # using DHCP snippets over the API or through the web interface. option arch code 93 = unsigned integer 16; # RFC4578 option path-prefix code 210 = text; #RFC5071 # # Shorter lease time for PXE booting # class "PXE" { match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 3) = "PXE"; default-lease-time 30; max-lease-time 30; } # # Define lease time globally (can be overriden globally or per subnet # with a DHCP snippet) # default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 600; # # Global DHCP snippets # # No global DHCP snippets defined # # Bootloaders # if option arch = 00:00 { # pxe filename "lpxelinux.0"; } elsif option arch = 00:07 { # uefi_amd64 filename "bootx64.efi"; } elsif option arch = 00:09 { # uefi_amd64 filename "bootx64.efi"; } elsif option arch = 00:0B { # uefi_arm64 filename "grubaa64.efi"; } elsif option arch = 00:0C { # open-firmware_ppc64el filename "bootppc64.bin"; } elsif option arch = 00:0E { # powernv filename "pxelinux.0"; option path-prefix "ppc64el/"; } elsif option arch = 00:1F { # s390x filename "boots390x.bin"; option path-prefix "s390x/"; } else { # pxe filename "lpxelinux.0"; } # # Failover Peers # # # Networks # shared-network vlan-5001 { subnet netmask { ignore-client-uids true; next-server; option subnet-mask; option broadcast-address; option domain-name-servers; option domain-name "maas"; option domain-search "maas"; option routers; option ntp-servers; # # Subnet DHCP snippets # # No DHCP snippets defined for subnet pool { range; } } } # # Hosts # # HP-DL360-Gen9-eth0 host 94-18-82-76-c0-64 { # # Node DHCP snippets # # No DHCP snippets defined for host hardware ethernet 94:18:82:76:c0:64; fixed-address; } # autopkgtest-ens4 host de-ad-be-ef-6b-b3 { # # Node DHCP snippets # # No DHCP snippets defined for host hardware ethernet de:ad:be:ef:6b:b3; fixed-address; } # lenovo-RD230-01-eth0 host 00-25-9c-2f-c7-9e { # # Node DHCP snippets # # No DHCP snippets defined for host hardware ethernet 00:25:9c:2f:c7:9e; fixed-address; } # lenovo-RD230-01-jenkins-master-eth0 host 00-e0-81-dd-d1-cf { # # Node DHCP snippets # # No DHCP snippets defined for host hardware ethernet 00:e0:81:dd:d1:cf; fixed-address; } # # Notify MAAS # on commit { set clhw = binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", substring(hardware, 1, 6)); set clip = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address); set cllt = binary-to-ascii(10, 32, "", encode-int(lease-time, 32)); set clht = pick-first-value(option host-name, "(none)"); execute( "/usr/sbin/maas-dhcp-helper", "notify", "--action", "commit", "--mac", clhw, "--ip-family", "ipv4", "--ip", clip, "--lease-time", cllt, "--hostname", clht, "--socket", "/var/lib/maas/dhcpd.sock"); } on expiry { set clhw = binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", substring(hardware, 1, 6)); set clip = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address); execute( "/usr/sbin/maas-dhcp-helper", "notify", "--action", "expiry", "--mac", clhw, "--ip-family", "ipv4", "--ip", clip, "--socket", "/var/lib/maas/dhcpd.sock"); } on release { set clhw = binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", substring(hardware, 1, 6)); set clip = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address); execute( "/usr/sbin/maas-dhcp-helper", "notify", "--action", "release", "--mac", clhw, "--ip-family", "ipv4", "--ip", clip, "--socket", "/var/lib/maas/dhcpd.sock"); } omapi-port 7911; key omapi_key { algorithm HMAC-MD5; secret "xejxl/0Mfw5+ClWIsnZPtQQ7kCZu2wYuVfnnzzEyZt0ovgRx9+qPEvoB6YGIb3uZGKhXBK8jmlMUd22lW8osgw=="; }; omapi-key omapi_key;